Thursday, December 15, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 16th December 2011


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) An educational or travel plan will be cancelled, causing tremendous disappointment. You simply can't afford to be away from home. Your nearest and dearest need you. A friend who has recently experienced a terrible shock is especially vulnerable. You couldn't live with yourself if you were away at a critical moment. There is a silver lining to this cloud. Because you'll be nearby, it will be easy to take advantage of a career opportunity that suddenly becomes available. Be the first to apply.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Be content with what you have. A grab for additional power will backfire, making you look greedy. You're actually quite generous, but these days, people are eager to ascribe bad motives to others. Get into the habit of sharing your bounty with others. A misguided authority figure may give you additional privileges. This will create resentment among your colleagues. Politely refuse this kind offer in the interests of harmony.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Someone in your social circle is being incredibly uncooperative. Unfortunately, nothing you do or say will change their behaviour. It looks like you'll have to do the best you can alone. If an authority figure dares criticise your efforts, be prepared to set them straight. You're tired of being the scapegoat. Fortunately, your romantic partner will get a raise or refund, thereby enriching your life. Take this opportunity to find a job where you will be admired and appreciated.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Be brutally honest about what you want and need. This is no time to beat around the bush. A stressful situation has been compromising your health. An influential business or romantic partner can move you to a better position. As a general rule, you don't like asking friends for favours. This is a special circumstance. All of your precious energy is being expended on people and projects you dislike. With a little outside help, you'll be able to reconnect with the things that make life meaningful.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You won't get an honest opinion from people you love. They would rather flatter you than invoke your wrath. You have to admit, you can be ultra sensitive to criticism. If you want an objective reaction, submit your work to a respected professional. Be ready to hear some harsh comments about your work. By taking these remarks to heart, you'll be able to hone your performance to a diamond like brilliance. Don't let your ego get in the way of being the superstar you are meant to become.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Household goods could be misplaced. It's always a good idea to hide an extra key somewhere around the premises, so you'll be able to gain entry in the case of an emergency. A well intentioned relative has been driving you crazy with all of their pointless worrying. The only way you are going to move forward is by taking a leap of faith. You have studied and worked hard. There's a good chance you will pass this test with flying colours.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're disillusioned with a youngster or lover. At times like these, it's important to consider what part you have played in this equation. You've always had a tendency to put your nearest and dearest on pedestals. Instead of getting angry when they tumble from these lofty perches, be philosophical. It's about time you accepted their weaknesses, as well as their strengths. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be for you to enjoy a relationship free of guilt, anger, and disenchantment.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Getting involved in community affairs gives you a sense of purpose. You have the power to make your neighbourhood a better place, just by force of your personality. People respect your authority and will follow your lead if you launch a clean up drive or beautification project. Alternatively, you may decide to tutor disadvantaged people in your area. Watching them gain a better understanding of the world – and themselves – will give you a more positive outlook..
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) It may be necessary to travel and get some advanced training for work. Although you don't want to go away now, it's best to agree to this trip. The skills you acquire will attract bigger and better assignments. They'll also give you a greater measure of freedom. When you're able to pick and choose your clients, you'll avoid the kind of stressful situations that plagued you earlier in the year. Beware of overdoing it with food and drink, as your system is very delicate now.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Gaining a greater measure of control requires an advanced degree or additional experience. Dedicate yourself to a long term program of study that will give you expert status in a few years. Yes, the prospect of scaling back fun and games is daunting, but you're tired of playing second fiddle to people who are less intelligent and capable. Take comfort in the knowledge your studies will improve your status and put you in the path of romance. That's a double dose of good fortune.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A troubled partnership is hurting your self esteem. You've got to put some distance between you and a business or romantic partner. While it's true you've contributed to some of the problems in your relationship, you've also been the victim of emotional abuse. At some point, the two of you have to overhaul the way you treat each other, or break up entirely. It simply isn't healthy to revert to the same hurtful patterns. You have unlimited potential, provided you have the support of your nearest and dearest.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Don't let a colleague pull the wool over your eyes; you have been the victim of a jealous rival. Until you take steps to protect your ideas, people will continue to steal them. You're too trusting, especially when it comes to your creative efforts. Fortunately, you have some high powered friends who will protect your interests. Follow their advice to the letter, and stop sharing personal information with your workmates. Establish a firm boundary between your personal and professional lives.


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