Saturday, November 19, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 20th November 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have to be more discriminating about your social circle. While it makes you very proud to have such an extensive list of friends, it's becoming a little exhausting. You're better off devoting your attention to a smaller entourage. Learn to tell the difference between the truth tellers and the sycophants. Ultimately, you're better off with people who are willing to tell you the unvarnished truth. This will stop you making those hasty decisions that have landed you in trouble.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're having a difficult time regarding your dreams. You want to go in several directions, which makes it hard to pick a single path. Naturally, your best friend or lover has plenty of opinions about what you should do. Ultimately you have to find your own True North; nobody else can do this for you. Sneaking off to some private retreat will help. After enjoying a few hours of silence, the answer you seek will become abundantly clear.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Although you're impressed by a guru's abilities, you don't have to emulate your lifestyle. You're a lot happier having many different hobbies than one single area of expertise. Any attempts to focus your energy will make you nervous and irritable. You're the ultimate multi-tasker; if you're not juggling several projects at once, your creative juices dry up. Getting a new job may be difficult because you lack the necessary training.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Don't give anyone else access to your personal funds. Even if you are married, you should arrange to protect your savings account. Check your statements regularly. It's always a good idea to have a secret fund nobody else knows about. It pains a generous person like you to suspect your loved ones, but history shows that close relationships have been torn apart by money. An irresponsible relative will ask for a loan. Don't throw your hard earned cash down the drain.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your partner may offer their verbal support, but their actions tell a different story. Deep down inside, your loved one is scared you will abandon the relationship once you achieve success. Do your best to reassure them of your loyalty. If you're single, it may be because you are too attached to your family. The next time you meet someone special; don't go introducing them to the clan until your relationship is seriously underway. Give your love a chance to grow apart from their scrutiny.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You won't be very productive, but that's no sin. Give yourself a chance to relax and enjoy life. Turn a deaf ear to a relative who berates you for being lazy. There's no reason you should be busy all the time. Take this opportunity to watch a movie, read a book, or just daydream. If you're tired, take a nap. A little down time will recharge your batteries. Even a social butterfly like you needs an occasional rest!
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Beware of losing your identity to a romantic partner. You want to do everything in your power to satisfy your lover, but you can't forget your own dreams in the process. If you're single, it may be because you're trying too hard to become a good catch. You're better off staying true to your personality, so when you do fall in love, it will be the real thing. If you remain patient, you'll find someone who isn't threatened by your wit, intelligence, and charm.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Relatives aren't delivering painful truths. Take their words with a pinch of salt. Your family loves you and wants to protect you from harm. Unfortunately, this is causing even greater damage. An overly negative outlook is driving opportunity from your door. Practice the art of positive thinking for at least five minutes a day. The next time you catch yourself predicting disaster, stop and consider whether there are other options at your disposal. You have a lot more control than you believe.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) There are several options available, but you're not sure which one to take. The prospect of making the wrong choice is gnawing at you. Ultimately, you have to go on instinct. A relative or neighbour is giving you mixed signals. If there's anything that drives you crazy, it's when somebody says one thing, then does another. It's abundantly clear you're being unfairly judged, but there's nothing much you can do to redeem yourself. Seeking other people's approval is always an exercise in futility.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) As a general rule, you're very pragmatic about financial matters. Today could prove the exception to the case when a dear friend asks for a loan. Be ready to refuse this request. You might have to be a little brisk. If you're really worried about this loved one, give them an anonymous gift. That way, your relationship won't be strained by a sense of obligation. The chances are your hard earned cash won't be put to good use.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Be careful about the company you keep. An intense role model has too much influence on your thinking. This pessimist wants to turn you to the dark side, when you fare much better in the light. If you're looking for a promotion, you must be patient. Someone who is less deserving will get the top spot, but will not remain there long. By refusing to fall prey to bitterness, you'll emerge victorious. Divert your attention with a spiritual pursuit that lends perspective.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Past disappointments are stopping you taking a risk. Don't fall victim to your fears. The time has come to travel overseas, write a book, or get an advanced degree. You're too talented to remain stagnant. A subject that has always fascinated you begs for further research. If you had trouble in school as a child, don't worry. Now that you're an adult, you can choose the instructors and classes you want. You're in the driver's seat; steer the car in the direction you desire.

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Uploaded by on Nov 19, 2011
Russell Grant and Flavia Cacace dancing the Jive to 'Reach' from S Club 7. Including judges scores.

Strictly Come Dancing 2011 @ Wembley Arena - 19 november 2011.

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