original post from our investigations on this case
ps Nena by publishing all the letters sent to you by the so called "Damien". I can show the links the websites mentioned which exposes the people behind this scam and prevents other women being scammed by these scammers. If there is a gang behind this they usually use the same letters word for word to send to their victim(s) Video exposing the scam
If you have been a victim of this type of scam or any other Cyber crime, you can report it to the IC3 website at
The IC3 complaint database links complaints for potential referral to
the appropriate law enforcement agency for case consideration. Complaint
information is also used to identity emerging trends and patterns.
Contact Us - http://dseengineering.com/contact.html
Contact numbers UK : +447700074598
Contact number US :+19402383227
Nena - the story so far > English guy who owns a big company. Have son (23 year) who is studying
medicine in Yale. His wife has died 3 years ago by car accident. Also his
parents have died when he was 13 years old.
He found me from be2.com. He told that he was going to move to my home country where he has lived his first 5 years before his family moved to England. He wants to come back for good. But first he has to make business trip to HongKong.
The troubles stated soon when he was arrived to Hong Kong. He didn´t have money enough to pay taxes for oil pumps and he needed my financial assistance.
This guy is very clever. He speaks good English. At first with strong English accent. I checked ip address of his mails and found out that he locate in USA.
Company www.dseengineering.com
e-mail: dsdamienschneider@gmail.com (interesting that both Damien & james okoro use gmail)
Use messenger address: damien.schneider24@yahoo.com
Username: skylove2012
He found me from be2.com. He told that he was going to move to my home country where he has lived his first 5 years before his family moved to England. He wants to come back for good. But first he has to make business trip to HongKong.
The troubles stated soon when he was arrived to Hong Kong. He didn´t have money enough to pay taxes for oil pumps and he needed my financial assistance.
This guy is very clever. He speaks good English. At first with strong English accent. I checked ip address of his mails and found out that he locate in USA.
Company www.dseengineering.com
e-mail: dsdamienschneider@gmail.com (interesting that both Damien & james okoro use gmail)
Use messenger address: damien.schneider24@yahoo.com
Username: skylove2012
2012-05-20, 07:19:14
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to expose this person we really need all the letters sent to you and especially the ones that mention the company websites related to him which I believe are and today Malek has brought to my attention which he thinks is legal but upon investigation appears to belong to the same person as the above two It is very possible that there are many more of these websites! Damien Schneider claims to be English living at 48 Rowan Close, Bellfields Estate, Guildford Surrey, England - tel: +44 7572718626 james Okoro ( Lagos Lagos Lagos,12345 NG Tel. +234.8067939162 The English watchdog website http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/ says do not do business with any company that does not publish their physical address, telephone number etc. I have examined the above mentioned sites and none of them have this information on their websites.
Has James Okoro got Nena´s 60.000 euros posing as Damien Schneider?
ps Nena by publishing all the letters sent to you by the so called "Damien". I can show the links the websites mentioned which exposes the people behind this scam and prevents other women being scammed by these scammers. If there is a gang behind this they usually use the same letters word for word to send to their victim(s) Video exposing the scam
If you have been a victim of this type of scam or any other Cyber crime, you can report it to the IC3 website at
Q "This is the Internet site of the freight company that the goods were supposed to send on to Europe: http://www.jinzhaolinfreights.com/ Is this also a Scam page?" Enclosed is the delivery note to see!
A "It looks like it as James Okoro is the registrant of it http://whois.domaintools.com/jinzhaolinfreights.com the same person who is the registrant of the engineering company that you mention above and presumably Damien Schneider said that he owned http://whois.domaintools.com/dseengineering.com and his name is also on the contact page (see below)
Contact Us - http://dseengineering.com/contact.html
Contact numbers UK : +447700074598
Contact number US :+19402383227
Building Address
Send mail or visit:
20501 Katy Freeway, Suite 138C - http://g.co/maps/ak88d
Katy, TX 77450, USA
Stanhope House - http://g.co/maps/f2mtu
4-8 Highgate High Street
London, N6 5JL, UK
1 Berry Street - http://g.co/maps/6guv2
Aberdeen, AB25 1HF, UK
the letters (we do not have transcripts of phone calls & Skype)
Dear Nena,
The weather here is really awful at this time of the year i have
been very busy and could not get to you. Thank you so much as well for
all you shared. I appreciate it very much that you made so much effort
unknown to me before now , you are really a darling ........My days
are always different. Sometimes a little boring, other times full of
activities and excitement. I usually have meetings planned during the
day, I meet with prospective vendors, research the setup they have
here and see what I can do to either implement some of their best
practices back home or look for ways we can modify them and apply
them to our needs.
If I am not busy with work, I get my paperwork in order at the end of
the day. I sometimes, lay by the pool in the hotel or just go out for
a walk, but I don’t get to do that very often since I am very busy
with work
I know from the way I rambled on in my email to you about my work and
the way I have been so busy with my job lately, you might think it is
where I invest almost all of my energy. Well the truth is I like my
job but I have a lot of other interests. I am quite contented with
where I am today. Nena would you like to learn how to Ski ? I could
teach when i come around. Smile
Life is simple, for those who take it simple. I don't like to
complicate things, there is joy in every situation if you know the
right angle to look it from but because we live in a Monetary system
we spend most of our lives trying to acquire wealth and secondary
needs, while our primary needs and goals are left unseen. I worked
very hard, for a very long time to make sure I acquired a lot of
wealth, but in the long run, apart from the money to acquire some
luxuries, for what purpose would you need more money? To be realistic,
except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means
nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. I know I have
spent more than half of my lifetime on this planet already, this
realization has made me start to re-asses what my Main Goals are.
What could be more important than a happy ending?
A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his
achievements, he has no happy ending if he has no crown to complete
him and that is a woman to call his own, Wife and Best friend. A woman
who knows that even while arguing we still need to hold hands. A woman
whom I can call a partner in crime :-). A woman who I can tell
anything. I think it is time for me to find this woman or die trying,
because I embraced my work for so long trying to get over my late
wife, that I worked so hard but now I the time has come for me to move
on and find Love and Happiness again. My Daughter told me that just
because something good has ended does not mean something better can
not start.
So far I am happy for you and happy for me. We are two good human
beings and two beautiful souls that deserve the best.. Tell me what
you consider the three greatest things you have learned about yourself
that you feel has changed your life and your outlook to dating and
possibly finding your soul mate?
What do you consider to be your three greatest assets and conversely
you three greatest weaknesses? I'm an Open book, so don't hesitate to
ask me whatever you want to know about me......
Well i did try calling you on the number you gave me earlier but it
went to voicemail so what time do you think its apprpriate to call ?
Well here is the number of the hotel i stay in so you can reach me
whenever you wish +85281974044 .I send to you across the miles my
warm embrace Damien
Dear Nena ,
Hope you have had a stress free day yesterday beauty well
i did wait up to hear from you but i got tired and went to bed but i
did leave my Skype on for you just in case you get yours working so i
would see you on my contact list when i get on here, As you know each
day is a gift and that I have a choice as to how I will spend each
moment. While I am a deeply emotional man, and have moments of
sadness, feeling disappointed, anger, I address that emotion and reach
for the sunshine and joy. I was a perfectionist and a control-freak..
I have come to claim responsibility for my own actions and define
boundaries for myself.
I truly took the time to study dating to understand how the male &
female interact and have enjoyed the time i have dated i enjoy being
with someone i prefer the company of the opposite sex i am not a
lonely or unhappy I believe that being with someone brings more
happiness and more enjoyment .....
I was married for along time and have been widowed for 3 years .. I
have just also come out of my shell which is why i felt comfortable
when my daughter told me it would be nice to have my profile on the
singles website... I have always taken the time i needed to completely
heal and find the answers i needed before i open my heart to the
possibilities of finding my soul mate if shes out there... I believe
we all have a past the difference is that many of us do not take the
time to study the past to make the future better..Well Yes i do have a
daughter Beauty but she has moved in with her fiancee that is why the
lonliness of being alone has started catching up with me my dear .
I have learned that I can’t keep the world on its access and it’s not
my responsibility to light and heat the earth, so I am so much more
relaxed now that I’m not trying to be King!This includes outward
boundaries – how much I project my own need to control onto others;
and inward boundaries – what I will tolerate and what I won’t with
regard to the behavior of others toward me, especially in
relationships.I want the people I care about to know that they are
loved and appreciated.
I’m not good at casual dating relationships. After i lost my wife,
I’ve been hoping, praying, searching for my soul mate if at all shes
out there. There have been women with whom I have connected,
friendship-wise, and sometimes chemistry-wise, but they have not
captured my heart and soul, or they have not accepted mine. I will not
settle for anything less than freely and happily. I am not capable of
managing more than one relationship at a time. In other words, I am
not a poly dater! I want a full, healthy and happy love with my best
friend and lover. I am a very romantic, passionate, hands-on, sensuous man.
I believe that God puts people into my life for a reason and I attempt
to understand that reason, whether it be friendship, professional
association or that they have something to offer me or me them, such
as a connection someone else. I believe that God makes him/herself
evident to me many times during the day, but I have to pay attention
to his/her gifts.. All that being said, I believe, that in God’s time,
I will find my soul mate and she will find me... I believe that every
relationship is based on honesty and trust.
What do i consider to be my three greatest assets and conversely my three
greatest weakness
Sense of humor – wicked at times
Great capacity to love
Impatience - a) tend to live in the moment, b) get frustrated with
processes that are ridiculous, energy and resource wasteful, and are
potentially hurtful High expectations that I will be treated as I
treat others – can result in great disappointment for me
Fear of abandonment – have been working on this, now that I understand
it is an issue.I insist on not losing myself to a relationship and
that my partner does not either; however, I do need to know that my
partner misses me during the day, looks forward to seeing me at night,
enjoys spending time away from work with me, and trust me when I am
out ..
I am thankful for what I have and live life with a great expectations.
I am positive, and I look for the trial times as an opportunity for
growth.I will be committed to my wife and bring her honor.But all that
I require may not be already learn but still in process..Besides, God
has already made a choice for me. I am just trying to find her..
I hope you have a wonderful day
P.S: We can chat on skype in the evenings your time , I'm usually
logged on with my phone and on my laptop when I'm not at work, I think
chatting is a better way of getting to know someone over the computer.
Well i did try calling both your home line and handy but it all went to
voicemail so i guess you are still sleeping so i hope we can write better
later on here when you are awake .
Hope to hear from you soon
Dear Nena ,
Thanks for your email back and i can understand how frustrating it
can get trying to reach me here and when it doesnt work as i tried
calling you earlier today as well but your number didnt go through
after i read your email so now here i am and i decided to write as i
have always wanted to tell you this feeling i have developed about you
and i just want you to know that i would be the happiest man on earth
if we could actually have something true between us that would make us
be together as my son needs someone he could call his mother someone
he could get good advise for and when i look at your attitude towards
me i do hope that you actually feel the same way i feel if only you
knew how my heart overflows with love for you.If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.
You have suddenly become the owner of my heart, the ruler
supreme. Even in the dark of night, I've only to think about you to
feel your loving light and from this world I drift feeling as if I'll
never touch the ground again...If only you knew.If only you could
guess how I hear your voice when others speak; for you hold the key to
my happiness,and it's always you my soul seeks.If only you could
feel,how your very presence has the power to heal,all the wounds
inside me.
You've made me abandon the pain of yesterday,and you've shown me
that the past can no longer stand in the way of what I hope to
achieve...If only you knew.If only you could realize the way you've
shown me that it's better to give than to take, and whatever I do,I do
for your sake.I'm willing to give you my all and expect nothing in
return. But, oh how I yearn for you...if only you knew.my Dear Nena
anyway i would be glad to hear from you soon please send my kisses
to the kids
ab hier kommt die erste Geldforderung
(From here comes the first money demand)
Darling here is the bank account details of the shipping company
Bank name: Bank of China Hangzhou.
High-Tech Development Zone Sub-branch Wenenyi Office.
Beneficiary Name: Mings freight.
Account Number: 6216611300002015197
Swift code : BKCHCNBJ910
• Hangzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Sub-Branch
Add: 59 Wensan Lu, Hangzhou Tel: 0571-8821 8278
Hello My Love ,
How are you doing and you cant imagine how it hurt me that skype keeps interrupting our messages i tried calling but it didnt go through either as i had so much to had in mind well i just wanted to write somethings that i think you should know love ,you know what the appeal That set my pulses so to race When e'er I gazed upon that face Of one who was scarce but a child Yet even then could drive me wild I'll never know the how's and why's I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes But when I got that long sought kiss I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss My elfin girl from down the lane And I'll never let her go again
For how could I describe our love? Romantic love, all hearts and flowers No way to count the days and hours Spent in self-indulgent wishes And thoughts of long awaited kisses Of sweet embraces, tender sighs And gazing into love filled eyes Oh yes, it is that kind of love
Or, is it yet the love of passion The ecstasy that knows no ration That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling The climax with your senses reeling The wondrous joy when you discover That sweet surrender to your lover Oh yes, it's that kind of love too.
Or even yet a love that grows One that cares and one that knows That sees beyond the outer skin Into the person deep within That loves the spirit and the soul The inner self that makes the whole Built on trust and empathy A love you know was meant to be
The love we share is all these things A love that has no need of rings A love you never need to doubt A love I cannot live without A love to last us all our daysA love I'll share with you always,well i hope your Father is feeling better , i will try calling you later love but my messager is signed on now love ok and i have added you to my messenger list .
Love you so much
Hello My Angel ,
How are you feeling tonight and i hope you are in good health ? Well have you been able to dismantle the tree love ? Anyway i just got a little relieved so i thought i should use the little strenght i have in sending you the picture you asked for love .And you know love when i was up sending you this email then i really knew how much i had fallen for you love as i was in quite some pain but i forced myself to send you this email and this showed me the true definition of the love we share my angel .
Yes my angel this love we share has sure made alot of impact in my life as this love is the greatest feeling i have felt my whole life as at times it comes to me like a play but immediatelty it flashes to me that it is for real ,My Angel True and Uncompromising love is what I feel for you so you shouldnt bother yourself about anyone coming in between us ,each and every day,your love puts a smile on my face at all times ,sometimes it comes to me like a song and the melody keeps us going strong,I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving,like a love I can't control,So remember when your eyes meet mine,I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you,Right from the very start and so shall it be until we spend our lod and aging days together love .Send my hugs to the kids and i wish you a lovely night my angel
Hello My Angel ,
How are you doing today love and i guess as i write you , you might be with the kids so i am hoping you all are having a great time together even though its so annoying how the network keeps cutting our conversations short .I really cant wait to come home to you my love as you are my air the sun in my day the moon in my night the spring in my step you are my everything.You are the stars in the sky the birds in the trees the shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.Without the light you put into my life I would be nothing a single leaf on the ground in autumn,Lost, forgotten, alone.
Believe me my angel before i knew you,i was nothing now i am everything,With you at my side i feel invincible!Feel the same my baby,You are loved so much, I love you now and forever You are my darling, my baby, my love You are my everything
I love you so much Snezana .
Mr love Mr Jin and i contacted today again and informed me that there is still no payment in the company account but he assured me that once it comes in he would notify me and that he is doing his best to support us love . Anyway how are you feeling my angel and please tell me what your day has been like i do hope to hear from you soon and hope the messenger behaves itself tonight .
1000000 kisses for you and you alone love
My Angel ,
Its so unfortunate i couldnt get on the computer earlier for you as i got back late and being so stressed out i took a nap and overslept ,i must confess my angel i missed you so much and i know how much all the stress going on around
you is giving you worries but my angel i want you to know that i will be home soon and i want you to believe this my angel ,even though i didnt get the chance to write more with you on messenger i hope that tommorow when you wake up and finish reading my email
You come outside To view the faint sunset Light bewildered by trees Shines through quietly You glide your soft hair Perched behind your ear And in this moment I feel at home Beneath the interior Your company is soothing calming and reassuring
Inside, the wind chimes ring You saunter and my hearts sings If I knew how to write a song I’d write one everyday It would say that I’m in love with you And why I feel this way It would have to say you’re pretty And as rare as a desert rose
It would say you’re a looker From your head down to your toes And you know what my angel You are funny, dainty, fragile And as feminine as can be You’re smart charming lovely And everything to me You’re my comfort when I’m lonely You’re my peace when I need rest .
You’re the orchard in the jungle, you’re the better half of me You’re all of this and so much more, you mean the world to me
Still so much is left unsaid,It would take me far to long but, know how much I love you,My heart Beat Snezana .
Please how is your father ? And my Angel Mr Jin has gotten the payment confirm so i should get the airwaybill tommorow love .
Hello My angel
This network is really making get so frustrated ,i am missed you so much this past days love that words cant explain ,i have tried calling you a whole lot of times but the network is terrible as it doesnt work love , Anyway in this email i attached a copy of the airway bill.My Angel you can also check the status of the goods on their website : www.jinzhaolinfreights.com , here is the tracking number : EE13524X or you can find it on the airway bill as well my angel .
So my angel how are the boys doing and your parents i do hope they are all in good health and you know i am not just happy this days but my soul is rejoicing that i am coming home to you for good to hold you close and give you the warmth you deserve .
I hope you are in good health but i can only but try the internet if it works as its not working at all even to open an email box love but i will do my best but you should always know you own my heart love and soon we will be together .
Hello My Val ,My Angel ,My Love .
My one and only , the tender one to my heart .How are you doing
today my dear Nena ? I am so sorry for the late email love as it was a
busy day yesterday but you can imagine how the thoughts of you
overwhelmed my soul .I was once lost in darkness wandering nomadic
fool,teetering on the edge of reason about to plunge into the
abyss,Then a light shone down,lifted me out of darkness touched my
soul with grace and beat love into my heart,
That was when I met you, My loving Angel,For so long now you have
continued to save me, Day after day,You gave me the reason to be to live
and to feel love,to go on and find my dreams, As long as you were there i
just wanted to
let you know that I could never fully express how much I feel for you
when I love you seems so simple,how can you put into words The power
of desire I have for you,Pray to God Channel the muse and let my
fingers type the words my heart beats because of you my soul is bright
and alive because of you, And even when the trails of today seem to distract
me, My love is
always devoted to you,It is eternal within my heart,Like a darting
fish in my soul while Your soul is like the vastest sea I lose myself
within your love;I live within your heart I breathe your love: it is
my air,my element, my world.I know no other ambiance;I have no other
I know there is outside your love a world of rocks and sand;And I
could live there, too, but oh! How poor and thin each breath! How rich
my world, how beautiful alive within your love each moment filled with
dancing light refracted
through your eyes!You are my better half and i do wish to the future
keeps us in the same path all the way to our last days together .
Letzte Geldforderung (Last financial claim)
Hello love
Here are the details for the money to be sent to in China love as Mr
Jin kept asking me when they would recieve the payment and i assured
him that my Fiancee would get the money to the account
Account No .622202 1202042 505355
Address: guanyin qiao branch hangzhou no.346 mogang shang Road.
Main Office Address:150 Middle Zhonghe Lu,Xiacheng District, Hangzhou
• Hangzhou Railway Station Bus-Branch
Add: 9 Huancheng Donglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8780 4140?
• Qingchun Lu Sub-Branch
Add: 188 Qingchun Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8721 5965?
• West Lake Sub-Branch
Add: 300 Yan'an Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8791 2860?
• Hushu Sub-Branch
Add: 377 Hushu Nanlu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8808 1760?
• Jiangcheng Sub-Branch
Add: 348 Jiangcheng Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8605 1532?
• Wulin Sub-Branch
Add: 401 Tiyuchang Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8517 9452?
• Zhaohui Sub-Branch
Add: 220 Zhaohui Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-85300951?
• Gaoxin Sub-Branch
Add: 22 Wener Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8808 3995?
• Jingkai Sub-Branch
Add: 6 Yingbin Lu, Xiasha District, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8694 6866?
• Kaiyuan Sub-Branch
Add: 273 Zhongshan Zhonglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8781 8073?
• Zhijiang Sub-Branch
Add: 150 Zhonghe Zhonglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8780 6062
My Love ,
Believe me when i say i know how much pain you feel inside of you
not having me with you at this moment to gaze directly into your
eyes,Such a beautiful thing to behold;My heart whispered to me and
that’s right when I knew the waves had ceased crashing on the sand at
our feet that made us always think for worst things to happen as time
has stopped passing my situation here coming to an end all because of
your help I finally discovered what I'd known long seeked is before me
a mystery uncovered that just couldn't be wrong It wasn't our first
kiss,Nor' the day that we get to meet but I realized something, I will
never forget;With the stars shining brightly or even if we are soaked
in the rain,From high up above; I'd one word to describe it, That
word, is love. I know then these feelings,for you my sweetheart are
true the woman of my dreams and my soulmate, is you. I think of it
every time, That I look at the stars this memory will be mine to
cherish but that moment would be OURS my love .
You are more than love to me...You are everything Snezana I used to
dream of your eyes so charming and loving arms to hold me. I used to
dream of heroic knights and princess and how gracious they would be.I
used to dream of how I wouldn’t settle for anything less than best.I
used to dream of how this would majestically lay all fears to rest.
I used to dream of fairy tales,How wondrous would they be used to
dream of story books All patterned after me.I had great dreams of
pioneering the largest
Engineering company ,I used to dream of a lot of things,But the moment
I had contact with you,I immediately stopped dreaming,Because all of
my dreams came true.
You mean the world to me love and i promise to make it all up to you
Another Victim
Send mail or visit:
20501 Katy Freeway, Suite 138C - http://g.co/maps/ak88d
Katy, TX 77450, USA
Stanhope House - http://g.co/maps/f2mtu
4-8 Highgate High Street
London, N6 5JL, UK
1 Berry Street - http://g.co/maps/6guv2
Aberdeen, AB25 1HF, UK
the letters (we do not have transcripts of phone calls & Skype)
Dear Nena,
The weather here is really awful at this time of the year i have
been very busy and could not get to you. Thank you so much as well for
all you shared. I appreciate it very much that you made so much effort
unknown to me before now , you are really a darling ........My days
are always different. Sometimes a little boring, other times full of
activities and excitement. I usually have meetings planned during the
day, I meet with prospective vendors, research the setup they have
here and see what I can do to either implement some of their best
practices back home or look for ways we can modify them and apply
them to our needs.
If I am not busy with work, I get my paperwork in order at the end of
the day. I sometimes, lay by the pool in the hotel or just go out for
a walk, but I don’t get to do that very often since I am very busy
with work
I know from the way I rambled on in my email to you about my work and
the way I have been so busy with my job lately, you might think it is
where I invest almost all of my energy. Well the truth is I like my
job but I have a lot of other interests. I am quite contented with
where I am today. Nena would you like to learn how to Ski ? I could
teach when i come around. Smile
Life is simple, for those who take it simple. I don't like to
complicate things, there is joy in every situation if you know the
right angle to look it from but because we live in a Monetary system
we spend most of our lives trying to acquire wealth and secondary
needs, while our primary needs and goals are left unseen. I worked
very hard, for a very long time to make sure I acquired a lot of
wealth, but in the long run, apart from the money to acquire some
luxuries, for what purpose would you need more money? To be realistic,
except if you just want to be known as a rich person, wealth means
nothing if you have no best friend to share it with. I know I have
spent more than half of my lifetime on this planet already, this
realization has made me start to re-asses what my Main Goals are.
What could be more important than a happy ending?
A man needs to live his life full of joy and happiness. No matter his
achievements, he has no happy ending if he has no crown to complete
him and that is a woman to call his own, Wife and Best friend. A woman
who knows that even while arguing we still need to hold hands. A woman
whom I can call a partner in crime :-). A woman who I can tell
anything. I think it is time for me to find this woman or die trying,
because I embraced my work for so long trying to get over my late
wife, that I worked so hard but now I the time has come for me to move
on and find Love and Happiness again. My Daughter told me that just
because something good has ended does not mean something better can
not start.
So far I am happy for you and happy for me. We are two good human
beings and two beautiful souls that deserve the best.. Tell me what
you consider the three greatest things you have learned about yourself
that you feel has changed your life and your outlook to dating and
possibly finding your soul mate?
What do you consider to be your three greatest assets and conversely
you three greatest weaknesses? I'm an Open book, so don't hesitate to
ask me whatever you want to know about me......
Well i did try calling you on the number you gave me earlier but it
went to voicemail so what time do you think its apprpriate to call ?
Well here is the number of the hotel i stay in so you can reach me
whenever you wish +85281974044 .I send to you across the miles my
warm embrace Damien
Dear Nena ,
Hope you have had a stress free day yesterday beauty well
i did wait up to hear from you but i got tired and went to bed but i
did leave my Skype on for you just in case you get yours working so i
would see you on my contact list when i get on here, As you know each
day is a gift and that I have a choice as to how I will spend each
moment. While I am a deeply emotional man, and have moments of
sadness, feeling disappointed, anger, I address that emotion and reach
for the sunshine and joy. I was a perfectionist and a control-freak..
I have come to claim responsibility for my own actions and define
boundaries for myself.
I truly took the time to study dating to understand how the male &
female interact and have enjoyed the time i have dated i enjoy being
with someone i prefer the company of the opposite sex i am not a
lonely or unhappy I believe that being with someone brings more
happiness and more enjoyment .....
I was married for along time and have been widowed for 3 years .. I
have just also come out of my shell which is why i felt comfortable
when my daughter told me it would be nice to have my profile on the
singles website... I have always taken the time i needed to completely
heal and find the answers i needed before i open my heart to the
possibilities of finding my soul mate if shes out there... I believe
we all have a past the difference is that many of us do not take the
time to study the past to make the future better..Well Yes i do have a
daughter Beauty but she has moved in with her fiancee that is why the
lonliness of being alone has started catching up with me my dear .
I have learned that I can’t keep the world on its access and it’s not
my responsibility to light and heat the earth, so I am so much more
relaxed now that I’m not trying to be King!This includes outward
boundaries – how much I project my own need to control onto others;
and inward boundaries – what I will tolerate and what I won’t with
regard to the behavior of others toward me, especially in
relationships.I want the people I care about to know that they are
loved and appreciated.
I’m not good at casual dating relationships. After i lost my wife,
I’ve been hoping, praying, searching for my soul mate if at all shes
out there. There have been women with whom I have connected,
friendship-wise, and sometimes chemistry-wise, but they have not
captured my heart and soul, or they have not accepted mine. I will not
settle for anything less than freely and happily. I am not capable of
managing more than one relationship at a time. In other words, I am
not a poly dater! I want a full, healthy and happy love with my best
friend and lover. I am a very romantic, passionate, hands-on, sensuous man.
I believe that God puts people into my life for a reason and I attempt
to understand that reason, whether it be friendship, professional
association or that they have something to offer me or me them, such
as a connection someone else. I believe that God makes him/herself
evident to me many times during the day, but I have to pay attention
to his/her gifts.. All that being said, I believe, that in God’s time,
I will find my soul mate and she will find me... I believe that every
relationship is based on honesty and trust.
What do i consider to be my three greatest assets and conversely my three
greatest weakness
Sense of humor – wicked at times
Great capacity to love
Impatience - a) tend to live in the moment, b) get frustrated with
processes that are ridiculous, energy and resource wasteful, and are
potentially hurtful High expectations that I will be treated as I
treat others – can result in great disappointment for me
Fear of abandonment – have been working on this, now that I understand
it is an issue.I insist on not losing myself to a relationship and
that my partner does not either; however, I do need to know that my
partner misses me during the day, looks forward to seeing me at night,
enjoys spending time away from work with me, and trust me when I am
out ..
I am thankful for what I have and live life with a great expectations.
I am positive, and I look for the trial times as an opportunity for
growth.I will be committed to my wife and bring her honor.But all that
I require may not be already learn but still in process..Besides, God
has already made a choice for me. I am just trying to find her..
I hope you have a wonderful day
P.S: We can chat on skype in the evenings your time , I'm usually
logged on with my phone and on my laptop when I'm not at work, I think
chatting is a better way of getting to know someone over the computer.
Well i did try calling both your home line and handy but it all went to
voicemail so i guess you are still sleeping so i hope we can write better
later on here when you are awake .
Hope to hear from you soon
Dear Nena ,
Thanks for your email back and i can understand how frustrating it
can get trying to reach me here and when it doesnt work as i tried
calling you earlier today as well but your number didnt go through
after i read your email so now here i am and i decided to write as i
have always wanted to tell you this feeling i have developed about you
and i just want you to know that i would be the happiest man on earth
if we could actually have something true between us that would make us
be together as my son needs someone he could call his mother someone
he could get good advise for and when i look at your attitude towards
me i do hope that you actually feel the same way i feel if only you
knew how my heart overflows with love for you.If only you could see
the way you fill my hopes and dreams.
You have suddenly become the owner of my heart, the ruler
supreme. Even in the dark of night, I've only to think about you to
feel your loving light and from this world I drift feeling as if I'll
never touch the ground again...If only you knew.If only you could
guess how I hear your voice when others speak; for you hold the key to
my happiness,and it's always you my soul seeks.If only you could
feel,how your very presence has the power to heal,all the wounds
inside me.
You've made me abandon the pain of yesterday,and you've shown me
that the past can no longer stand in the way of what I hope to
achieve...If only you knew.If only you could realize the way you've
shown me that it's better to give than to take, and whatever I do,I do
for your sake.I'm willing to give you my all and expect nothing in
return. But, oh how I yearn for you...if only you knew.my Dear Nena
anyway i would be glad to hear from you soon please send my kisses
to the kids
ab hier kommt die erste Geldforderung
(From here comes the first money demand)
Darling here is the bank account details of the shipping company
Bank name: Bank of China Hangzhou.
High-Tech Development Zone Sub-branch Wenenyi Office.
Beneficiary Name: Mings freight.
Account Number: 6216611300002015197
Swift code : BKCHCNBJ910
• Hangzhou Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone Sub-Branch
Add: 59 Wensan Lu, Hangzhou Tel: 0571-8821 8278
Hello My Love ,
How are you doing and you cant imagine how it hurt me that skype keeps interrupting our messages i tried calling but it didnt go through either as i had so much to had in mind well i just wanted to write somethings that i think you should know love ,you know what the appeal That set my pulses so to race When e'er I gazed upon that face Of one who was scarce but a child Yet even then could drive me wild I'll never know the how's and why's I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes But when I got that long sought kiss I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss My elfin girl from down the lane And I'll never let her go again
For how could I describe our love? Romantic love, all hearts and flowers No way to count the days and hours Spent in self-indulgent wishes And thoughts of long awaited kisses Of sweet embraces, tender sighs And gazing into love filled eyes Oh yes, it is that kind of love
Or, is it yet the love of passion The ecstasy that knows no ration That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling The climax with your senses reeling The wondrous joy when you discover That sweet surrender to your lover Oh yes, it's that kind of love too.
Or even yet a love that grows One that cares and one that knows That sees beyond the outer skin Into the person deep within That loves the spirit and the soul The inner self that makes the whole Built on trust and empathy A love you know was meant to be
The love we share is all these things A love that has no need of rings A love you never need to doubt A love I cannot live without A love to last us all our daysA love I'll share with you always,well i hope your Father is feeling better , i will try calling you later love but my messager is signed on now love ok and i have added you to my messenger list .
Love you so much
Hello My Angel ,
How are you feeling tonight and i hope you are in good health ? Well have you been able to dismantle the tree love ? Anyway i just got a little relieved so i thought i should use the little strenght i have in sending you the picture you asked for love .And you know love when i was up sending you this email then i really knew how much i had fallen for you love as i was in quite some pain but i forced myself to send you this email and this showed me the true definition of the love we share my angel .
Yes my angel this love we share has sure made alot of impact in my life as this love is the greatest feeling i have felt my whole life as at times it comes to me like a play but immediatelty it flashes to me that it is for real ,My Angel True and Uncompromising love is what I feel for you so you shouldnt bother yourself about anyone coming in between us ,each and every day,your love puts a smile on my face at all times ,sometimes it comes to me like a song and the melody keeps us going strong,I love you with my heart,
My body and my soul,I love the way I keep loving,like a love I can't control,So remember when your eyes meet mine,I love you with all my heart,And I have poured my entire soul into you,Right from the very start and so shall it be until we spend our lod and aging days together love .Send my hugs to the kids and i wish you a lovely night my angel
Hello My Angel ,
How are you doing today love and i guess as i write you , you might be with the kids so i am hoping you all are having a great time together even though its so annoying how the network keeps cutting our conversations short .I really cant wait to come home to you my love as you are my air the sun in my day the moon in my night the spring in my step you are my everything.You are the stars in the sky the birds in the trees the shimmer, the sparkle, the shine.Without the light you put into my life I would be nothing a single leaf on the ground in autumn,Lost, forgotten, alone.
Believe me my angel before i knew you,i was nothing now i am everything,With you at my side i feel invincible!Feel the same my baby,You are loved so much, I love you now and forever You are my darling, my baby, my love You are my everything
I love you so much Snezana .
Mr love Mr Jin and i contacted today again and informed me that there is still no payment in the company account but he assured me that once it comes in he would notify me and that he is doing his best to support us love . Anyway how are you feeling my angel and please tell me what your day has been like i do hope to hear from you soon and hope the messenger behaves itself tonight .
1000000 kisses for you and you alone love
My Angel ,
Its so unfortunate i couldnt get on the computer earlier for you as i got back late and being so stressed out i took a nap and overslept ,i must confess my angel i missed you so much and i know how much all the stress going on around
you is giving you worries but my angel i want you to know that i will be home soon and i want you to believe this my angel ,even though i didnt get the chance to write more with you on messenger i hope that tommorow when you wake up and finish reading my email
You come outside To view the faint sunset Light bewildered by trees Shines through quietly You glide your soft hair Perched behind your ear And in this moment I feel at home Beneath the interior Your company is soothing calming and reassuring
Inside, the wind chimes ring You saunter and my hearts sings If I knew how to write a song I’d write one everyday It would say that I’m in love with you And why I feel this way It would have to say you’re pretty And as rare as a desert rose
It would say you’re a looker From your head down to your toes And you know what my angel You are funny, dainty, fragile And as feminine as can be You’re smart charming lovely And everything to me You’re my comfort when I’m lonely You’re my peace when I need rest .
You’re the orchard in the jungle, you’re the better half of me You’re all of this and so much more, you mean the world to me
Still so much is left unsaid,It would take me far to long but, know how much I love you,My heart Beat Snezana .
Please how is your father ? And my Angel Mr Jin has gotten the payment confirm so i should get the airwaybill tommorow love .
Hello My angel
This network is really making get so frustrated ,i am missed you so much this past days love that words cant explain ,i have tried calling you a whole lot of times but the network is terrible as it doesnt work love , Anyway in this email i attached a copy of the airway bill.My Angel you can also check the status of the goods on their website : www.jinzhaolinfreights.com , here is the tracking number : EE13524X or you can find it on the airway bill as well my angel .
So my angel how are the boys doing and your parents i do hope they are all in good health and you know i am not just happy this days but my soul is rejoicing that i am coming home to you for good to hold you close and give you the warmth you deserve .
I hope you are in good health but i can only but try the internet if it works as its not working at all even to open an email box love but i will do my best but you should always know you own my heart love and soon we will be together .
Hello My Val ,My Angel ,My Love .
My one and only , the tender one to my heart .How are you doing
today my dear Nena ? I am so sorry for the late email love as it was a
busy day yesterday but you can imagine how the thoughts of you
overwhelmed my soul .I was once lost in darkness wandering nomadic
fool,teetering on the edge of reason about to plunge into the
abyss,Then a light shone down,lifted me out of darkness touched my
soul with grace and beat love into my heart,
That was when I met you, My loving Angel,For so long now you have
continued to save me, Day after day,You gave me the reason to be to live
and to feel love,to go on and find my dreams, As long as you were there i
just wanted to
let you know that I could never fully express how much I feel for you
when I love you seems so simple,how can you put into words The power
of desire I have for you,Pray to God Channel the muse and let my
fingers type the words my heart beats because of you my soul is bright
and alive because of you, And even when the trails of today seem to distract
me, My love is
always devoted to you,It is eternal within my heart,Like a darting
fish in my soul while Your soul is like the vastest sea I lose myself
within your love;I live within your heart I breathe your love: it is
my air,my element, my world.I know no other ambiance;I have no other
I know there is outside your love a world of rocks and sand;And I
could live there, too, but oh! How poor and thin each breath! How rich
my world, how beautiful alive within your love each moment filled with
dancing light refracted
through your eyes!You are my better half and i do wish to the future
keeps us in the same path all the way to our last days together .
Letzte Geldforderung (Last financial claim)
Hello love
Here are the details for the money to be sent to in China love as Mr
Jin kept asking me when they would recieve the payment and i assured
him that my Fiancee would get the money to the account
Account No .622202 1202042 505355
Address: guanyin qiao branch hangzhou no.346 mogang shang Road.
This branch does not exist. It would appear that the scammer closed the bank account at the Bank of China after receiving the first payment to avoid being traced
Main Office Address:150 Middle Zhonghe Lu,Xiacheng District, Hangzhou
• Hangzhou Railway Station Bus-Branch
Add: 9 Huancheng Donglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8780 4140?
• Qingchun Lu Sub-Branch
Add: 188 Qingchun Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8721 5965?
• West Lake Sub-Branch
Add: 300 Yan'an Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8791 2860?
• Hushu Sub-Branch
Add: 377 Hushu Nanlu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8808 1760?
• Jiangcheng Sub-Branch
Add: 348 Jiangcheng Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8605 1532?
• Wulin Sub-Branch
Add: 401 Tiyuchang Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8517 9452?
• Zhaohui Sub-Branch
Add: 220 Zhaohui Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-85300951?
• Gaoxin Sub-Branch
Add: 22 Wener Lu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8808 3995?
• Jingkai Sub-Branch
Add: 6 Yingbin Lu, Xiasha District, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8694 6866?
• Kaiyuan Sub-Branch
Add: 273 Zhongshan Zhonglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8781 8073?
• Zhijiang Sub-Branch
Add: 150 Zhonghe Zhonglu, Hangzhou
Tel: 0571-8780 6062
My Love ,
Believe me when i say i know how much pain you feel inside of you
not having me with you at this moment to gaze directly into your
eyes,Such a beautiful thing to behold;My heart whispered to me and
that’s right when I knew the waves had ceased crashing on the sand at
our feet that made us always think for worst things to happen as time
has stopped passing my situation here coming to an end all because of
your help I finally discovered what I'd known long seeked is before me
a mystery uncovered that just couldn't be wrong It wasn't our first
kiss,Nor' the day that we get to meet but I realized something, I will
never forget;With the stars shining brightly or even if we are soaked
in the rain,From high up above; I'd one word to describe it, That
word, is love. I know then these feelings,for you my sweetheart are
true the woman of my dreams and my soulmate, is you. I think of it
every time, That I look at the stars this memory will be mine to
cherish but that moment would be OURS my love .
You are more than love to me...You are everything Snezana I used to
dream of your eyes so charming and loving arms to hold me. I used to
dream of heroic knights and princess and how gracious they would be.I
used to dream of how I wouldn’t settle for anything less than best.I
used to dream of how this would majestically lay all fears to rest.
I used to dream of fairy tales,How wondrous would they be used to
dream of story books All patterned after me.I had great dreams of
pioneering the largest
Engineering company ,I used to dream of a lot of things,But the moment
I had contact with you,I immediately stopped dreaming,Because all of
my dreams came true.
You mean the world to me love and i promise to make it all up to you
Another Victim
2012-08-23, 14:14:18
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