Saturday, October 22, 2011

October 22 - Today in History

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 22, 2011
Here is a look at some of the notable events that took place on this day in history, October 22nd.

Inbox - SCAM ALERT "Hi" no woman is going to write to you out of the blue - this spam could become SCAM

 and could be written by a man not a woman

De: esther kayumba <>
Enviado: sábado 22 de octubre de 2011 16:39
Asunto: Hi!!

Greetings my dear.
good day,happy to meet you hope you are doing very fine over there in your country,
my name is Esther
and i seek for a true friend and honest partner
please if you don't mind i will like you to write back to me so that we can know each other and share picture together as friends ok, waiting to hear from you soon thanks

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 23rd October 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Putting money into savings is your primary goal. You're tired of living hand to mouth, and want to have something to show for all of your hard work. Having a certain amount of your income automatically put into savings can be helpful. In time, you won't even notice the sacrifice…you'll just become used to living on a reduced budget. As your nest egg grows, you'll become less dependent on your job for survival. It's much easier to like work when it isn't compulsory.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Teaming up with a resourceful person who knows how to get things done will prove productive. You're capable of fulfilling day to day duties, while your workmate is better suited to larger matters, like advertising and sales. If you're single, there's a good chance you'll feel a romantic attraction to your partner. The two of you are complete opposites in so many ways, which makes for spicy repartee. Ultimately, you might fare better with someone who is a little less possessive.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Give yourself a break from reading, writing, and studying; indulge your sensual side instead. Enjoy a gourmet meal, scented bath, or luxurious nap. If you don't rest, your mind will continue to race and your health will suffer. It's difficult for a smart person like you to turn off your brain. Still, the more you practice, the easier it will be to balance your intellectual curiosity with your physical needs. Sometimes you neglect your body by spending so much time in thought.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A variety of charismatic people are entering your social circle. Several will take a romantic interest in you. If you're already in a relationship, you'll have to watch your step with a dark, mysterious stranger whose sexuality threatens to overpower you. You wouldn't want to do anything to your partner. If you're single, on the other hand, feel free to pursue this relationship. You'll yield better results if you play hard to get. The object of your affection enjoys the thrill of the chase.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Nobody could ever question your loyalty to family. You do everything in your power to protect your loved ones from harm. Working long hours, defending a relative and arranging special treats for children are all part of your repertoire. In return, you feel as though you can tell your nearest and dearest anything without being judged. It's a powerful bond that sustains you through difficult times and makes happy moments even more enjoyable.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You've got very definite ideas about how things should be done. This can drive a wedge between you and your colleagues. Refrain from supervising your peers' work, even if you think you can do better. Nobody likes to be micromanaged, especially by people who have no authority. Keep your eyes on your own work. Find an outlet for your enormous intellectual curiosity. Taking a class, writing a book, or conducting some research will be extremely rewarding.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's extremely distasteful for you to discuss your financial affairs. You're tired of people prying into your private affairs. Unfortunately, your sense of decorum makes it difficult to tell nosy parkers to mind their own business. Until you establish a firm boundary these pests will continue to poke and pry. This is a good time to buy antiques and used items. You will get excellent value for your money if you drive a hard bargain. Stand firm and don't take 'no' for an answer.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your powerful personality is a force with which to contend. If you don't get what you want, you're liable to plot revenge. Take care that any vindictive acts aren't traced back to you, or your reputation will suffer. It's better to take the direct approach to your desires, anyway. It's virtually impossible for anyone to refuse your demands. This is a good time to go on job interviews, first dates, and auditions. The more you listen and the less you talk, the better.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Stepping out of the spotlight comes as a relief. You're tired of being scrutinised all the time. Take this opportunity to commune with nature. Spending time with your pets will also be therapeutic. People are all well and good, but they can't provide the unconditional love a furry friend can. Perform an anonymous act of kindness on a friend's behalf. Your loved one needs a sign that the Universe isn't entirely indifferent to their welfare.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone who is incapable of keeping the secret will be cast from your social circle. If there's anything you hate, it's having your private business discussed all over town. Although you're uncomfortable so many people know embarrassing details of your life, it's good to know you can no longer trust a particular confidante. Keep any privileged information away from their prying eyes, and make sure they are out of earshot when you're talking on the phone.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Determination to succeed leaves your rivals in the dust. Nobody is willing to work as hard and make as many sacrifices as you. Fortunately, your efforts will be rewarded with a high profile job, raise, or promotion. For the most part, you'll be able to operate in private, but there will be times when you'll have to command the spotlight. At these moments, your economical use of words will serve you well. You never give away more information than necessary, which helps your employer.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You learn better through direct experience than study. Fortunately, an influential teacher is ready to let you to take the reins of an important assignment. You'll make a few mistakes along the way, but don't be too hard on yourself. In time, you'll develop a technique that is the envy of all your peers. You have great instincts for finding information, building character profiles, and learning people's weaknesses. This will serve you well in any job involving public relations or advertising.

La isla de El Hierro ha registrado un total de 10 sismos de pequeña magnitud desde las 00.00 horas de este sábado 22 octubre 2011

Uploaded by on Oct 20, 2011
Expertos creen que el fenómeno eruptivo de El Hierro está perdiendo fuerza
19-10-2011 / 21:30 h
Valverde (El Hierro), 19 oct.- La actividad de la erupción volcánica submarina en la isla de El Hierro ha disminuido y aunque los expertos se muestran prudentes han afirmado que parece que el proceso eruptivo está "perdiendo fuerza".

Carmen López, del Instituto Geográfico Nacional, y Joan Martí, del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, han explicado en rueda de prensa que es probable que esta fase eruptiva esté concluyendo y han señalado que así lo demuestran parámetros como la señal de tremor, que disminuye gradualmente, al igual que la sismicidad, mientras que la deformación de la isla se ha estabilizado y en algunos puntos ha disminuido.

López ha explicado que aún así se mantendrá el seguimiento de la situación hasta que se vuelva a los valores normales registrados antes de que en julio comenzaran los movimientos sísmicos que precedieron a la erupción volcánica submarina.

Mientras que haya señal de tremor habrá erupción, ha afirmado López, que ha insistido en que se mantendrá la vigilancia por si se produjera una reactivación.

Joan Martí ha afirmado que aunque no es descartable que se trate de una erupción por fases en esta ocasión no hay indicios de que pudiera serlo y ha insistido en que se trata de una erupción volcánica submarina "como muchas que ha habido y habrá en Canarias".

El investigador del CSIC explicó que se han recogido muestras de basalto, lo que demuestra que hubo erupción, que tuvo una primera salida en torno a los mil metros de profundidad y posteriormente a unos doscientos metros, momento en el que se han visto los efectos como un burbujeo y la presencia de lava.

La erupción ha sido pequeña con una duración de pocos días, semanas o podría ser de unos pocos meses, y pidió prudencia porque puede continuar durante unos días.

Carmen López dijo que los datos dan que pensar que el proceso pierde fuerza pero no se puede establecer un límite temporal, y Joan Martín comentó que parece que la tendencia es a terminar, pese a lo cual insistieron en que debe continuar la vigilancia.

Joan Martí destacó que el seguimiento que se ha hecho de este proceso ha demostrado que se está en situación de ser capaces de tener un control sobre cualquier variación que se refiere a la actividad volcánica.

En cuanto a la recuperación marina Carmen López señaló que deberán ser los biólogos quienes hablen de ella pero destacó que el magma quedará en el fondo oceánico, mientras que la mancha que originó la erupción el mar la disolverá.

Joan Martín indicó que los biólogos serán quienes expliquen el proceso de recuperación pero se mostró optimista porque aunque el impacto negativo ha sido inmediato y el positivo será a largo plazo el mar se recupera mucho más rápido que la tierra.
  1. Noticias sobre El Hierro ha registrado un total de 10 sismos

  2. El Hierro registra 10 sismos de pequeña magnitud durante la noche
    Europa Press - hace 48 minutos
    La isla de El Hierro ha registrado un total de 10 sismos de pequeña magnitud desde las 00.00 horas de este sábado, unos movimientos que han oscilado entre ...
    82 artículos relacionados

  3. Informativos - El Hierro registra 10 sismos de ... › InformativosSociedad
    hace 46 minutos – La isla de El Hierro ha registrado un total de 10 sismos de pequeña magnitud desde las 00.00 horas de este sábado, unos movimientos que ...

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Britain today - London's St Paul's Cathedral shuts due to protesters camped out in front of it.

From: Euronews  | Oct 22, 2011 One of London's most popular tourist attractions, St Paul's Cathedral, has been closed because of hundreds of protesters camped out in front of it.

Saudi Arabia today - Heir to throne, Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud, died abroad

From: AssociatedPress  | Oct 22, 2011  | 255 views
The heir to the Saudi throne, Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud, died abroad Saturday after an illness. The death of the 85-year-old prince opens questions about the succession in the critical, oil-rich U.S. Ally. (October 22)

Saudi Crown Prince Dies Abroad After Illness - ABC News › International
50 minutes ago – The heir to the Saudi throne, Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdel Aziz Al Saud, died abroad Saturday after an illness, state TV said. The death of the ...

Britney Spears "Hold It Against Me" Exclusive clip from the "Femme Fatale" Tour!

Uploaded by on Oct 21, 2011
Exclusive clip from the Britney Spears Femme Fatale Tour! Don't miss the premiere on EPIX and November 12th at 8PM ET!

Татьяна Зыкина "Я хочу стать частью этой осени" музыкальное видео и тексты / Tatiana Zykina - I want to be part of this fall

From: ello  | Oct 21, 2011
Подпишись на новые клипы -
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Авторы музыки и слов - Татьяна Зыкина
Режиссер - Алексей Гречишкин
(c) 2011 Татьяна Зыкина
Татьяна Зыкина тексты - Я хочу стать частью этой осени
кто-то ещё рисует
яркими красками:
знает любовь неземную
и ненависть страстную,
кто-то кричит в испуге,
плачет от радости,
но я дальтоник в кубе
- мне всё без разницы.

я хочу
стать частью этой осени,
забраться в свой овраг.
или стоять, как Маяковский,
на шумном перекрёстке,
для всех ветров распахивая бронзовый пиджак,
и перестать надеяться - но я не знаю, как.

в синем солёном море
хочешь плескаться ты.
белое и сухое 
- море моей мечты.
как на воздушном шаре,
сбросив ненужный груз,
на пузырьке в бокале
радостно вверх несусь.
чтоб пару часов, как прежде,
в мире пожить цветном,
а после уснуть в одежде
мёртвым сном.

я хочу
стать частью этой осени,
листом в её руке.
хочу остаться в ней навеки,
в гнезде на верхней ветке
глядеть в ночное небо через щели в скорлупе.
я хочу
стать частью этой осени,
забраться в свой овраг.
или стоять, как Маяковский,
на шумном перекрёстке,
для всех ветров распахивая бронзовый пиджак,
и перестать надеяться - но я не знаю, как.

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