Friday, October 21, 2011

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes for 22nd October 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A rapturously romantic relationship will be undermined by jealousy. If this twosome is going to last, you must give your amour a measure of freedom. Already have a partner? It’s time to inject some romance into the mix. Take some time off work to go on a secluded rendezvous. Leave the kids at home; this trip should be for adults only. Before you leave, make sure to negotiate a raise, increase the prices for your services, or apply for a well paid job.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your kindness and generosity open new doors for you. This is a great time to travel. Visiting a beautiful mountain resort will fuel your imagination and your aspirations. There’s nothing like setting new goals when you’re high up in the clouds. A family matter is trying your patience. You’re tired of being pushed around by an aggressive relative. The next time you feel like you’re being pushed into an arrangement you don’t want, dig your heels in and push back.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Embarking on a new health regimen will have impressive results. The secret to your success is preparing healthful meals ahead. Having some tasty snacks handy will stop you loading up on those heavy, fatty foods. An angry exchange between you and a neighbour rocks you to your core. You hate quibbling over senseless matters, but don’t be bullied. If you stand your ground and don’t be intimidated, these nitpickers will get the message and look for another victim.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You may feel as if you’re being swept off your feet by someone you think is so special you can’t deny them anything. At some level, you feel like you’ve been hypnotised. Have fun, but take care you don’t lose yourself in the process. Going against your morals to impress your partner will ultimately weaken your bond. Remember, your amour has fallen in love with your unique qualities. Disillusionment will set in if you dilute these characteristics.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You’ll notice an improvement to your physical health after you have an emotional breakthrough. You’re tired of holding a grudge toward a relative who did you wrong. You don’t necessarily have to forgive this family member; just don’t give them any more power over your life. Instead of holding yourself back from pursuing the life you really want, throw caution to the wind. The worst that can happen will be that you fail to reach your goal, but that’s better than never trying at all.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) The intellectual stimulation you crave is finally coming your way. Be sure to get your inspired ideas down on paper. Developing these thoughts and concepts will give you a big buzz. A well placed supporter will give you the courage to develop your creative talent. It’s time to shift from a right brained to a left brained approach. Your inner critic will scoff at your initial efforts, but this voice will become quieter and quieter as you continue to pursue your goals and success comes your way.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A new source of income helps you make improvements to your home. If you want to buy your own place, go for a “project” that you can stamp your own identity upon. You’ll really enjoy restoring the place to its original beauty. Fortunately, you have some very capable friends who can help you with plumbing, electricity and carpentry. In exchange, you can offer valuable business advice to someone who is intent on launching a store, restaurant, or theatre.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Turning over a new leaf makes you realise anything is possible. Taking a class, writing a book, or launching a blog will give you a welcome channel for your intellectual talent. A generous friend, lover, or business partner will take some responsibilities off your hands, allowing you to take a short trip for pleasure. An authority figure won’t be pleased by the defection, but you’re not leading your life to please others. Satisfy yourself; nobody else will do it for you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Listen to your instincts regarding a financial matter. You have the power to reinvent yourself, provided you’re willing to relinquish some security. Fortunately, you’ve never been scared of uncertainty. Venturing into unknown territory simply whets your appetite for success. A legalistic issue won’t work out well for you. Instead of dwelling on it, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on. An older friend has sage advice concerning a writing project.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Friendship will turn to romance with very little effort. If you’re looking for love, cast your eye around your social circle. Someone who has always made you feel comfortable and appreciated has the makings of a great romantic partner. Go ahead and send flirtatious vibes their way. The two of you will embark on a journey of love, laughter and adventure together. If you’re already in a relationship, your love life will get a boost after a loud, impassioned argument.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re being pushed into the spotlight helping you raise money for a cause that is close to your heart. Although you don’t particularly enjoy fame and attention, you know it’s necessary to go before the public to win their loyalty. Fortunately, you have a comfortable home life that allows you to relax and unwind after a long day of smiling, shaking hands and answering questions. An argument with a business or romantic partner could get embarrassing.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re ready to explore the world around you. Heading for a seaside resort will put a twinkle in your eye. Take a friend along and double your pleasure. This will encourage you to go out and be sociable. You have to admit, you have a tendency to become like a hermit when left to your own devices. Beware of pushing your body past its limits; take time out to rest and relax. Operating on next to no sleep and hurried snack meals will do you no good in the long run.

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