Friday, November 18, 2011

Jatt Marda Marda - Babbu Maan music video (Film Hero Hitler In Love)

Uploaded by on Sep 29, 2011
Exclusive Mirza Jatt Marda Marda Babbu Maan Song With Lyrics,
Download Free Mp3 Song Here -

Jatt Marda Marda Marjo Venne Nahi Shad Da,
Mohre Rabb V Bhave Aa Jave Mutiyare Ne.....(2)

Mirza Tere Deed Da Mariya Hoya Sahiba Ne....(2)
Das Karne Appa Surga De Nazare,

Jatt Marda Marda Marjo Venne Nahi Shad Da,
Mohre Rabb V Bhave Aa Jave Mutiyare Ne....

Europe - Bond yields reach dangerous levels Italy and Spain, paid on debt (6.8% and 6.6%, respectively) 3 times Germany´s 1.8%

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by November 17 signalled new fears for the euro, sowing seeds that soon might spread - of more unsustainable debts. Spain's ten-year bond yield reached a dangerous level, so that even France's borrowing rate rocked higher.

On Thursday, what the euro zone's third and fourth-largest economies, Italy and Spain, paid on debt (6.8% and 6.6%, respectively) was more than three times Germany's rate (1.8%). France was (3.6%).

Brazil - Brazilian Federal Police's environmental affairs division alleges Chevron (NYSE:CVX) Hid Scope of Brazil Oil Spill

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
The Brazilian Federal Police's environmental affairs division alleges that an oil spill in an offshore field operated by Chevron (CVX) is "far bigger" than the company has stated, the Associated Press reports.

The group says there is only one ship being used in the clean up, though Chevron says there are 18 ships being used. The drilling contractor for the well is Transocean (NYSE:RIG).

Chevron (NYSE:CVX) has potential upside of 22.2% based on a current price of $99.59 and an average consensus analyst price target of $121.71
Divisão da Polícia Federal brasileira de assuntos ambientais alega que um vazamento de óleo em um campo offshore operado pela Chevron (CVX) é "muito maior" do que a empresa tem dito, a Associated Press.

O grupo diz que há apenas um navio a ser utilizado na limpeza, embora Chevron diz que existem 18 navios que estão sendo usados. O empreiteiro de perfuração para o bem é Transocean (NYSE: RIG).

Chevron (NYSE: CVX) tem upside potencial de 22,2% com base no preço atual de $ 99,59 e uma média de consenso preço-alvo analista de $ 121,71

USA - FDA Revokes Approval of Breast Cancer Indication for Avastin

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, M.D., said today she is revoking the agency's approval of the breast cancer indication for Roche's (NASDAQ:RHHBY) Avastin after concluding that the drug has not been shown to be safe and effective for that use.

The commissioner said, "After reviewing the available studies. It is clear that women who take Avastin for metastatic breast cancer risk potentially life-threatening side effects without proof that the use of Avastin will provide a benefit, in terms of delay in tumor growth that would justify those risks. Nor is there evidence that use of Avastin will help them live longer or improve their quality of life."

Avastin will still remain on the market as an approved treatment for certain types of colon, lung, kidney and brain cancer.

Romania - mayor fined over 'Roma wall' in Baia Mare / România - primar amendaţi cu peste "zid de romi" din Baia Mare

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Anti-discrimination officials have fined the mayor of a northern Romanian town for building a wall between a Roma neighbourhood and a main road.

They have ordered that the wall in Baia Mare be torn down. Many of those living behind it say authorities are trying to hide their appalling living conditions and abject poverty.
Anti-discriminare oficiali au amendat pe primarul unui oraş din nordul român pentru construirea unui zid între un cartier de romi şi un drum principal.

Ei au ordonat ca peretele de la Baia Mare să fie dărâmată. Mulţi dintre cei care locuiesc in spatele ei spun autorităţile încearcă să ascundă lor condiţiile execrabile de viaţă şi de sărăcie.

France - scare over 'carcinogenic' baby bottles / effrayer les plus «cancérogène» biberons

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by France is investigating reports that bottles and teats used in hospital maternity units have been sterilised with a carcinogenic gas.

All such baby feeding items, treated with ethylene oxide, are being withdrawn. Experts differ over the potential risks but health officials want to take no chances.
La France est d'examiner les rapports que les biberons et les tétines utilisées dans les unités de maternité de l'hôpital ont été stérilisés par un gaz cancérigène.

Tous ces articles d'alimentation pour bébés, traités à l'oxyde d'éthylène, sont retirés. Les experts divergent sur les risques potentiels, mais les autorités sanitaires veulent prendre aucun risque.

Spain - 15-M Toma del congreso del régimen español por los estudiantes

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
171111 A @sextanoticias no parece gustarles estas acciones ;)

Estudiantes toman el congreso del régimen español
Carga en el Congreso del régimen del reino de España, 17N 2011

Noticias sobre los indignados

La Estrella Digital
  1. Los indignados la liarán en Sol
    La Vanguardia (blog) - hace 13 minutos
    Indignados Sol. Llegó el día D, hora H para los indignados y el 15-M. Sábado noche, lugar de la cita: la Plaza del Sol. Los indignados tienen ante sí la ...
    156 artículos relacionados

Europe - Jean-Claude Junker lashes out at UK over euro advice "British budget deficit is twice as high as the average in the eurozone"

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by There was further evidence of tensions between eurozone and non-eurozone countries from Jean-Claude Junker, who heads the single currency's group of finance ministers.

He said the UK was in no position to lecture eurozone members, given the state of its own finances.

"I believe that the British have the right to point out what we have to do. But I would also like to point out to the British -- I must point out to them -- that the British budget deficit is twice as high as the average in the eurozone," he said.

Europe - Monti gets green light in Italian parliament & Merkel, Cameron stress friendship amid differences

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by The green light has been given for Mario Monti to get down to work.

The Italian lower house of parliament has passed a confidence vote in the new technocrat prime minister and his team of non-elected business experts.

One of the ministers is the boss of a major bank, but Monti has not shied away from criticising the financial markets.
Il via libera è stato dato per Mario Monti per arrivare al lavoro.

La casa italiana più bassa del parlamento ha superato un voto di fiducia nel nuovo ministro tecnocrate primo e il suo team di non eletti esperti di business.

Uno dei ministri è il capo di una grande banca, ma Monti non ha evitato di criticare i mercati finanziari.

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister David Cameron tried their best to hide their differences on how to solve the euro zone crisis after talks in Berlin on Friday.

Both leaders sent out mixed signals on the best solutions to Europe's economic woes, admitting they disagree on what role EU institutions should play in saving the single currency and whether to introduce a new tax on financial transactions.
Deutsch Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel und der britische Premierminister David Cameron versucht ihr Bestes, um ihre Differenzen darüber, wie der Euro-Zone Krise nach den Gesprächen am Freitag in Berlin zu lösen verstecken.

Beide Politiker verschickt gemischte Signale auf die besten Lösungen zu wirtschaftlichen Problemen in Europa, zuzugeben, sie streiten darüber, welche Rolle die EU-Institutionen bei der Rettung der gemeinsamen Währung zu spielen und ob eine neue Steuer auf Finanztransaktionen einzuführen.

Syria - to allow Arab League observers 'in principle' / سوريا -- السماح لمراقبين جامعة الدول العربية "من حيث المبدأ"

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Syria has accepted in principle an Arab League plan to send observers to help end the bloodshed, according to British media reports on Friday.

Several newspapers quoted Syrian diplomats as saying that they had accepted a deal with conditions: Damascus wants further clarification of the observers' legal status.

The United Nations say more than 3,500 people have died in the eight-month uprising against President Bashar Assad's rule.

Protests were held again on Friday. Activists said at least eleven people were killed.
وقد قبلت سوريا في المبدأ على خطة الجامعة العربية لإرسال مراقبين للمساعدة في انهاء اراقة الدماء، وفقا لتقارير وسائل الاعلام البريطانية يوم الجمعة.

ونقلت صحف عدة دبلوماسيين سوريين قولهم انهم قبلوا وقفا لتعامل مع الظروف : دمشق تريد مزيدا من التوضيح لوضع المراقبين القانونية.

الأمم المتحدة ان اكثر من 3500 شخص قتلوا في الانتفاضة منذ ثمانية اشهر ضد حكم الرئيس بشار الأسد.

ونظمت احتجاجات مرة اخرى يوم الجمعة. وقال نشطاء على الاقل قتلوا احد عشر شخصا.

Даша Суворова - Музыка, которую будут слушать завтра / Dasha Suvorov - music that will listen tomorrow

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
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(c) 2011 Монолит/Catapult Music

Inbox - SCAM ALERT "Update Your Account To Avoid It Closed !!!" Phishing attempt by someone pretending to be Yahoo

----- Original message -----
De: Yahoo! Inc ©
Enviado: viernes 18 de noviembre de 2011 15:14
Asunto: Update Your Account To Avoid It Closed !!!

Dear User,

We are sorry to inform you that we are currently working on securing our server, during this process account which is not manually verified by us will be deleted, Please confirm and submit your information for manual verification by one of our customer care.

Do not complete this as it is a phishing / Identity theft attempt. Yahoo puts it in spam and that says it all
Information which is to be provided is below:
User Name:
User Id:
Date Of Birth:
Country (At Sign up):

Warning!!! Account owner that refuses to update his/her account after two weeks of receiving this warning will lose his or her account permanently.

Pandora (NYSE:P) CEO: Company Wants "Fair Share" (at least $480 million a year)of Ad Dollars

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
At the Billboard FutureSound conference, Pandora (NYSE:P) CEO Joe Kennedy says the company wants it "fair share" of the radio advertising market, which estimates to be $13 billion-$14 billion, according to a report by Business Insider.

This would mean Pandora, which has the equivalent of 3.7% share of all radio listening, should be collecting at least $480 million a year in ad revenues; Pandora actually reported ad sales of $66 million last quarter, indicating a run rate of about $260 million a year.

Mujeres y hombres y viceversa Viernes 18/11/11 Programa 862 David Morales no puede derribar a la madre de Alvaro hacia abajo con sus palabras groseras

Toni la madre de Álvaro habla de su hijo Álvaro. Cuenta cómo fue su infancia y habla de sus novias
y despues Se suceden los insultos entre Toni y David Morales
David da dos besos a la madre de Álvaro ¿Llegará la calma después de la tormenta?
y el rollo - la bronca de David Morales y Álvaro A vueltas con los tatuajes y su carácter de ser un niño de la música disco y Paula lo mismo una niña de discoteca. No podía ver, o no quieren ver la penetración entre la pareja en su segunda reunión en el gimnasio (video abajo)
Cita Laura y Álvaro (17/11/11) Mucho sentimiento. Había una chispa entre ellos en el primer cita y esto parecía avanzar a la segunda en el gimnasio
Primera cita Laura e Israel (18/11/11)Isreal tenido la educación no hacer comentarios sobre el cita entre Álvaro y Paula. Mamen y se le pidió que comentara después de ver el vídeo - no es muy elogioso, posiblemente, a la vista de lo cambiante tronistas de ella a Paula
Mamen lo vuelve a intentar con Clar (Sergio) El prendiente de Laura lo tiene claro que él apoya, Paula, pero al mismo tiempo reconocer la belleza de Mamen
Mamen se enfada muchísimo. Había oído rumores de que Abel había sido una bailarina de striptease club nocturno y esto no fue muy bien con ella como nunca lo había mencionado en sus reuniones. Era evidente que estaba celoso de que la mujer había visto un desnudo Abel y como se ha señalado que ella se hubiera sentido muy mal si ella estaba caminando por la calle sin saber que él había llevado a cabo como una stripper y pasar a alguien en la calle que había asistido a uno de sus "shows" y vino de ellos. Ella tiene razón.
Los expulsados de Mamen Miguel y Ramón hablan desde fuera del plató - ¿Mala Leche?
Cuarta y última cita entre Mamen y Miguel
¿Por qué no lo dejó ir? Nuevas calabazas A Mamen sigue sin gustarle el carácter de Miguel.
Creo que era evidente desde el punto de vista de los espectadores que no se adaptaban el uno al otro.
Mamen y Dani (18/11/11)Primera cita ha ido bien entre la pareja. Después de ver que Dani reveló que había en los últimos tres años perdieron peso de 120 kilos a 79 kilos ahora. Esto impresionó a Mamen y su honestidad en la primera reunión. ¿Por qué no podría Abel han confesado en su primera reunión acerca de él después de haber trabajado como "stripper"?
Un adelanto Así fue la cita de Mamen y Abel
Hasta el lunes. ¡Qué tenga un buen fin de semana


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Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) Facing Copyright Issues Before Entering U.K., Ireland (potential upside 14.5%)

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) is said to be facing copyright obstacles before it enters the U.K. and Irish market early in 2012.

According to the Irish Times, Netflix could have an issue because large Hollywood firms like Paramount (NYSE:VIA), Universal (NASDAQ:CMCSA) and 20th Century Fox (NASDAQ:NWSA) "may not necessarily be willing to agree terms with another subscription-based service, as they ideally want a 'per-transaction' model."

NetFlix (NASDAQ:NFLX) has potential upside of 14.5% based on a current price of $76.46 and an average consensus analyst price target of $87.55.

Holland - ABN Amro profits hit by Greek crisis / ABN Amro de winst geraakt door crisis in Griekenland

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Nationalised ABN Amro's hopes of a return to the private sector have been dealt a blow by a profit plunge linked to Greece's debt problems. The bank, which was taken over by the Dutch state during the 2008 financial crisis, saw its third quarter profits wiped out by a 500 million euro loss on its holdings of Greek government bonds.
ABN Amro's hoop op een terugkeer naar de private sector zijn een klap met een winst duik in verband met uitgegeven Griekse problemen. De bank, die werd overgenomen door de Nederlandse staat tijdens de financiële crisis van 2008, zag zijn derde kwartaal de winst weggevaagd door een 500 miljoen euro verlies op het bezit van Griekse staatsobligaties.

Europe - Draghi condemns inaction by eurozone leaders

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi has turned the heat up on eurozone policymakers, urging them to implement measures to resolve the single currency bloc's debt crisis.

Kyle Eastwood, son of the legendary Clint, is on tour to promote his latest album "Songs From The Chateau"

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Kyle Eastwood, son of the legendary Clint, is on tour to promote his latest album Songs from the Chateau. It is a compilation of original jazz compositions recorded at a 15th century castle in France.

Web Traffic Shows Apple´s (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPad Even Stronger Than Thought (potential upside 34.8%)

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
Electronista reported that analysis of web traffic sharing seems to show Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPad at 88% global usuage, and 96% in the U.S., according to the 75% marketshare that is typically quoted.

Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has potential upside of 34.8% based on a current price of $377.41 and an average consensus analyst price target of $508.73.

Apple is currently below its 50-day moving average (MA) of $395.60 and should find support at its 200-day MA of $363.44.

Egypt - protest against military rule / مصر -- الاحتجاج ضد الحكم العسكري

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Thousands of people have been protesting in Egypt's Tahrir Square against continued army rule.

It comes after the government tried to guarantee the military's role in a constitutional proposal.

An estimated 50,000 people turned out in scenes reminiscent of the bloody uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak in Feburary.

Many of those who joined the rally say ensuring a role for Egypt's army will be a significate step backwards for democracy.

وقد تم الآلاف من الناس كانوا يحتجون في ميدان التحرير في مصر ضد الحكم العسكري المستمر.

انها تأتي بعد حاولت الحكومة لضمان دور الجيش في الاقتراح الدستوري.

تحول ما يقدر ب 50،000 شخص في مشاهد تذكر الانتفاضة الدموية التي اطاحت حسني مبارك في مهرجانات فبراير.

والعديد من هؤلاء الذين انضموا الى المسيرة ويقول ضمان دور للجيش في مصر أن يكون خطوة كبيرة الى الوراء بالنسبة للديمقراطية.

Motorola Mobility Holdings (NYSE:MMI) Shareholders Approve Merger with Google

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
Motorola Mobility Holdings (NYSE:MMI) announced that stockholders voted overwhelmingly to approve the proposed merger with Google (NASDAQ:GOOG). Approximately 99% of the shares voting at the special meeting of stockholders voted in favor of the adoption of the merger agreement, which represented approximately 74% of Motorola Mobility's total outstanding shares of common stock as of Oct. 11. Google previously disclosed that it expected the merger to close by the end of 2011 or early 2012. While the company continues to work to complete the transaction as expeditiously as possible, given the schedule of regulatory filings, it currently believes that the close is expected to occur in early 2012.

Motorola Mobility Holdings (NYSE:MMI) has potential upside of 1.5% based on a current price of $38.94 and an average consensus analyst price target of $39.54.

What's In The News: November 18, 2011 Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO) Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE:ALU) Citigroup (NYSE:C) ....

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
This is what's in the news for Friday, November 18th. The Wall Street Journal reports that Silver Lake Partners may not be among the best known private-equity firms, but it could pull off a takeover, and turnaround, of Yahoo (NASDAQ:YHOO). The Wall Street Journal reports that investors are losing patience with Alcatel-Lucent (NYSE:ALU) CEO Ben Verwaayen and his effort to turn around the telecommunications-equipment maker as shareholder pressure on the board to replace him runs high. Reuters reports that Standard & Poor's plans to update its credit ratings on the world's 30 largest banks within three weeks and could downgrade some. Speculation centers around Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), Citigroup (NYSE:C) and Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS). Finally, Bloomberg reports that Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (NYSE:GMCR) will lose the main patents on its single-serve K-Cups on September 16, 2012, and competitors can make their own versions. (NASDAQ:AMZN) Could Get 18% Share of Tablet Market: Piper Jaffray (potential upside 17.5%)

Uploaded by on Nov 18, 2011
Piper Jaffray believes (NASDAQ:AMZN) is keeping pace with Kindle Fire demand and will be able to ship around 4M units in Q4, above its prior estimate of 2.5M units. The firm thinks Apple's (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPad offers a superior user experience, but views the Fire as offering as much or more than most other competitors and thinks it will expand the tablet market. Piper Jaffray estimates that Amazon could control 18% of the tablet market in Q4 and keeps an Overweight rating on the stock. (NASDAQ:AMZN) has potential upside of 17.5% based on a current price of $204.52 and an average consensus analyst price target of $240.29.

Greece - presents new budget plan / Ελλάδα - παρουσιάζει νέο σχέδιο προϋπολογισμού

Published on Nov 18, 2011 by Greece's new national unity government has presented its 2012 budget plan to parliament. It aims to cut the country's deficit by more than a third from this year's level to 5.4 per cent of GDP

Technocrat Prime Minister Lucas Papademos is now leading Greek efforts to avoid bankruptcy and a possible exit from the euro.

His Finance Minister says Athens will not need to pass any new austerity measures next year if reforms that have already been approved are put in place.
Νέα κυβέρνηση εθνικής ενότητας στην Ελλάδα έχει παρουσιάσει εθνικό σχέδιο 2012 του προϋπολογισμού στο κοινοβούλιο. Έχει ως στόχο να μειώσει το έλλειμμα της χώρας κατά περισσότερο από το ένα τρίτο από το επίπεδο του τρέχοντος έτους στο 5,4 τοις εκατό του ΑΕΠ

Τεχνοκράτης πρωθυπουργός κ. Λουκά Παπαδήμου οδηγεί τώρα ελληνικές προσπάθειες να αποφύγουν την πτώχευση και την ενδεχόμενη έξοδο από το ευρώ.

Υπουργός Οικονομικών του λέει η Αθήνα δεν θα χρειαστεί να περάσει οποιαδήποτε νέα μέτρα λιτότητας το επόμενο έτος εάν οι μεταρρυθμίσεις που έχουν ήδη εγκριθεί τεθεί σε εφαρμογή.

Sears top ten this week

1. Black Friday Thousands of Items on sale + Unbeatable Doorbusters Deals 2am–3pm + FREE Shipping 11/25
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 8. Exclusive Online Only Savings! EXTRA 5% off Consumer Electronics with code ELEC05 10/20-12/31
 9. 1-Day Only! 30% off ALL Kenmore Elite Appliances & Up to 25% off Kenmore Appliances 11/26
 10. Online Only! EXTRA 10% off Toys & Games sold by Sears with code S10PTOYS 10/30-11/26

Did you buy British Gas shares when it was privatized - a much better investment than BP in our opinion

Anyone who spent £135 on 100 shares in British Gas at privatisation would now own 100 shares in Centrica (current value about £294), 84 in BG (£1,123) and 31 in National Grid (£199). So their holding would now be worth a total of £1,616.

All three companies are seen as solid businesses. Centrica's British Gas retail arm has been raising prices to maintain margins; BG has some highly regarded assets in Brazil; and National Grid is a reliable dividend payer.

Centrica and BG could soon be reunited, according to recent stock market rumours. China's Sinopec was said to have teamed up with Centrica to launch a £20-a-share offer for BG.

China - Says Docking Mission Step to Space Station / 中国 - 说空间站的对接任务步骤

From: AssociatedPress  | Nov 18, 2011
China said Friday its just concluded docking mission with the Shenzhou 8 capsule is a major step toward its independent space station.(Nov. 18)

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes 19th November 2011

Low from $14.99 to Get Your Fashion Lucky Horoscope Clothes, Saves A Lot. Just Be Quick!
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re tired of being eclipsed by an overly dramatic friend. Normally, you have no problem deferring to their wit and charm, but there are some instances when you’d like to command the spotlight. Being interrupted at a party or dinner really makes you angry. Fortunately, you have no problem putting abusers in their place. Many will be shocked by your outburst, but will secretly admire your ability to draw a healthy boundary. It takes guts to speak in your own defense.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take a more realistic view of your professional expectations. Although you have a lot of impressive contacts in your desired field, they won’t help you get a top position. The only way to get ahead is to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. You’ll acquire some important skills along the way helping you command respect when it comes time to advance. A hot and heavy romance gives you a sexy sparkle. Keep this relationship a secret for the time being.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) It’s hard to have an intimate relationship with someone who doesn’t respect your beliefs. Your partner doesn’t have to agree with you, but they should give you credit for being an intelligent, thoughtful person. When this basic courtesy does not occur, your relationship starts falling apart. Fortunately, a new admirer is on the horizon, one who makes you feel valued and appreciated. Maybe this is a sign you must turn your back on a union that no longer works.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A job offer is coming your way, giving you a chance to showcase your talent. You may have to start at the bottom of the organisation, but at least that will give you an opportunity to learn every aspect of the business. This will make you invaluable to the organisation. There will be some confusion surrounding an intimate relationship. It’s time to have a heart to heart discussion with your amour. If your expectations don’t mesh with theirs, move on.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You’re getting mixed signals from a loved one, which proves incredibly frustrating. It’s time to demand some straight answers. You won’t like all of them, but at least you will know where you stand. On the plus side, a creative project has renewed your zest for life. Don’t be surprised when you’ll be given a chance to travel as a result of your writing, music, painting, or acting. The destination may not be glamorous, but it will be stimulating. It’s time to explore new vistas!
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A property deal is too important to let pass by. You can probably get a great deal from a bank, lending institution, or relative. Your new place will be spacious and streamlined. You’re tired of living with lots of clutter. Take this opportunity to hold a yard sale. Price everything to move. It’s more important to clear space than turn a big profit. Donate anything that is left over to charity. Wiping the slate clean will boost your emotional and physical energy.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You’ve become disillusioned with a romantic interest. At first, you thought the two of you were made for each other. Now you’re starting to see some fundamental differences between you. Before you abandon this affair, consider whether you’re throwing away happiness with both hands. A little communication and a lot of perseverance are all that’s necessary to smooth the cracks between you. A short trip out of town will also help. You will both love a change of scenery.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Family members are sending you mixed signals. On the one hand, they say they’re supportive of your dreams. On the other, they keep undermining your confidence with snide remarks. It’s possible your relatives are threatened by your success. Don’t scale back your plans to win their approval. A lucrative job will fall in your lap, forcing you to make big changes to your daily routine. This will be a great opportunity to put some distance between you and your kin.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) The time has come for a radical makeover. If you’re not sure where to begin, enlist the aid of a friend whose style you’ve always admired. They will give you great tips on how to enhance your best features. Don’t be surprised when you become a hot commodity on the romance market as a result of your transformation. Someone will take a light hearted joke out of context. Remain calm and defend yourself as coolly as possible.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don’t hesitate to take advantage of a chance to visit a spa or vacation retreat. You need time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Yes, there’s a lot of work on your plate, but it will be there when you return. Time sensitive tasks can be performed by relatives, colleagues, or neighbours. The important thing is to get a change of pace. If you don’t slow down, you’ll suffer burnout. This isn’t a good time to deal with big bureaucracies, anyway.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Instead of deliberating over every decision, just pick a path and get moving. If you make a mistake, you can always correct it later. There are worse things than making errors. Sitting on the sidelines of life is a waste of your talent. Your social circle is about to expand in exciting ways. A well travelled newcomer will thrill you with their tales of adventure. You might even be inspired to visit an exotic land that requires you to rough it.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Stop letting nagging fears dictate your life. Paying attention to all the warnings your subconscious is giving will only keep you chained to the same spot. An exciting career opportunity is coming your way. Not only will this job give you a chance to showcase your talents, but it will also come with a big raise. Use the money to create some long term security for yourself. Having a savings account will help you make decisions out of desire not fear.

From: MrAtariST  | Nov 12, 2011  | 364 views
Russell Grant and Flavia Cacace dancing the American Smooth to 'I Am What I Am' from Shirley Bassey. Including judges scores.

Strictly Come Dancing 2011, Season 9, 12 november 2011.
Chelsee Healey and Pasha Kovalev - Foxtrot
Robbie Savage and Ola Jordan - American Smooth
Anita Dobson and Robin Windsor - Argentine Tango
Holly Valance and Brendan Cole - Rumba
Audley Harrison and Natalie Lowe - Cha Cha Cha
Jason Donovan and Kristina Rihanoff - Viennese Waltz