Sunday, November 27, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 28th November 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Legal difficulties are plaguing your life and no matter how hard you try, you simply can't escape this matter. Maybe it's time to pay a fine, even if you think it is unfair. The rules apply to everyone. If you broke the rules, even unintentionally, you have to pay the price. Chalk this up to a life lesson. If you're dealing with a maintenance or custody battle, don't let your temper flare. Stay calm and try to find a way to settle the matter amicably.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Unpleasant working conditions are taking a toll on your health. It's time to make a formal complaint, even if it does get you in trouble. You're very sensitive to sights, sounds, and scents. An oppressive environment undermines your productivity. Stress this point when you're asked how this situation has affected your work performance. If you're unemployed, it may be difficult to find a position until you get some sort of advanced training.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) This is not the time to take emotional or financial risks. You've worked hard for what you have, and shouldn't throw it away on a slim hope. It's especially important to keep your savings intact. Withdrawing it could lead to prohibitive tax penalties. You're better off finding some boring temporary job that will pay the bills until something better comes along. You hate routine work, but that may be all that is available now. By doing what's necessary to fulfil your obligations, you'll become a lot stronger.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're feeling despondent these days, mostly because you're not getting any support from loved ones. It looks as if you'll have to cope with an emotional problem on your own. Don't be afraid to get counselling. You'll feel so much better when you're able to talk to an unbiased professional. Your loved ones have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. You've reached the end of your tether; you can't endure this unhealthy environment, and need to move on to greener pastures.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Stop worrying about things you can't control. It's a terrible waste of energy. You've been blessed with great friends and enormous talent. Keep these assets in mind when you catch yourself fretting. Begin each morning by writing out a list of three things for which you are grateful. Slowly but surely, your perspective will change and life won't seem so bleak. Your optimistic attitude will attract fresh opportunities, just in the nick of time. Be open to the Universe's generosity.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) The financial freedom you desire is elusive. It feels as if you'll always have to scrimp and save just to get by. Fortunately, this isn't true. It's just that you're undergoing a temporary dry season. If you work hard to make your resources stretch far, you'll land a high paying position that makes life much easier. Until then, create a workable budget. Decide what's really important, and cut back on unnecessary expenses. Use the library for the intellectual stimulation you crave.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's necessary to summon confidence to deal with a difficult family matter. In the past, relatives dismissed you as being too delicate to handle the real problems of life. Now it's time to prove them wrong. By issuing a troubled relative an ultimatum, you'll gain the respect you deserve. While it's sad such a strong person has fallen victim to emotional trauma, that's no excuse for letting the issue spiral out of control. If treatment isn't forthcoming, you'll have to enforce a temporary separation.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A nagging fear makes it difficult to start afresh and you're worried about getting burned again. Decide whether it's better to stay stuck. You have enormous potential, especially as far as communications are concern. Writing, teaching, lecturing might all bring you fame and fortune. The key is to become comfortable expressing your thoughts in public. Yes, some people will be critical of your words, but so what? It's better to take a strong stance and inspire debate than neglect your talent.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Beware of forging a relationship based on money or status. Friendship is very important to you. Spending time with people who don't uplift and inspire you is depressing. Granted, knowing high powered executives can be helpful. In the final analysis you'll get much farther on talent. Right now, what you know is more important than who you know. Try not to judge your success based on what other people have. You may not be as materially wealthy as they, but you've got wit, intelligence, and humour.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A fall from grace could be a blessing in disguise. Lately, you've been repressing strong feelings for the sake of projecting an air of authority. Nobody can withstand the kind of pressure you've been dealing with. If you lash out at an innocent victim, issue an immediate and sincere public apology. There's still a good chance you'll be demoted or suspended, but don't worry. Take this as an opportunity to reflect on what you really want.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Just because someone has radically different beliefs than you doesn't mean you are mortal enemies. Yes, some of a colleague's ideas are highly offensive. Instead of dwelling on these attitudes, find common ground. It's possible you like the same books, movies, sports, or hobbies. You might even have similar backgrounds, or share a passion for animal welfare. Small things like these can ease the tension in your relationship.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your savings are dwindling, which makes you feel completely helpless. In all honesty, there may not be anything you can do to recoup this loss in the short term. Focus instead on being grateful for the way this money has sustained you. Keep your eye out for new earning opportunities, and lean on friends when you lose faith. Your loved ones will lead you to higher ground, provided you're willing to follow their lead. Stop clinging so tightly to your independence.

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