Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crimea. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2025

#Ukraine #Crimea #Donbas #Russia - Life in occupied Ukraine: Crimea - The Global Jigsaw podcast: BBC World Service

21 February 2025

Russia’s land grab playbook aimed at erasing local identity and russifying “liberated” territories. Three years into the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we ask what life is like in areas under Russian control. Part 1 looks at “ripe for russification” Crimea, which was annexed 11 years ago. Part 2 focuses on Moscow’s subsequent efforts to assert itself in the separatist East. And in Part 3 we explore the Kremlin’s challenges in subjugating the newly occupied Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. As time passes, the uncertainty over the future of what Ukraine calls “temporarily occupied territories” grows bigger.


The War in Donbass (also known as the War in Ukraine or War in Eastern Ukraine) is an ongoing armed conflict in the Donbass region of Ukraine. From the beginning of March 2014, demonstrations by pro-Russian and anti-government groups took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, together commonly called the "Donbass", in the aftermath of the 2014 Ukrainian revolution and the Euromaidan movement. These demonstrations, part of a wider group of concurrent pro-Russian protests across southern and eastern Ukraine, escalated into an armed conflict between the separatist forces of the self-declared Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, and the Ukrainian government Prior to a change of the top leadership in August, the separatists were largely led by Russian citizensRussian paramilitaries are reported to make up from 15% to 80% of the combatants.


Aug 7, 2021 — On August 8, 2008, Russian forces began the invasion of Georgia, marking the start of Europe's first twenty-first century war.

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Friday, September 19, 2014

Ukraine's president Petro Poroshenko sits with CNN´s Wolf Blitzer and reacts to the U.S. refusing their request for weapons.


more  - and video of the actual crash

Ukrainian MRLS destroyed Russian artillery, that shelled Mariupol

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Khatidzhe discusses her fears for Crimea's Tatars video. Khatidzhe обсуждает ее страхи для татар видео Крыма
Stories like Khatidzhe's are depressingly uniform among Crimean Tatars, who have seen their historic claim to the Black Sea peninsula repeatedly and brutally violated ever since the territory was brought under Russian control in the late 18th century -- peaking with Josef Stalin's mass deportations in 1944.

In 1944, under the false pretext of alleged collaboration between the Crimean Tatars and the Nazis during the Nazi occupation of the Crimea in 1941–1944, the Soviet government evicted the Crimean Tatar people from Crimea on orders of Joseph Stalin and Lavrenti.

Истории, подобные Khatidzhe являются удручающе одинаковы в крымских татар, которые видели свою историческую претензии на полуострове Черного моря неоднократно и грубо нарушаются с тех пор территория была взята под контроль России в конце 18 века - пик массовых депортаций Иосифа Сталина в 1944 году.

В 1944 году, под ложным предлогом якобы сотрудничестве между крымскими татарами и нацистами во время нацистской оккупации Крыма в 1941-1944 гг, советское правительство выселены крымскотатарский народ из Крыма по приказу Иосифа Сталина и Лаврентия


23 Mar 2014 Al Jazeera's Phil Ittner reports on the latest military movement of Russia near the border with Ukraine.Ittner said that the "sheeer size" of Russia's military might on the border with Ukraine could mean that it can roll through if they want to. He said Ukraine's military had been decimated in the last decade, and it cannot defend the country from overwhelming Russian force. 

Published on 2 Apr 2014 Subscribe to VICE News here: 
Crimea's Tatars — who amount to 12 percent of the peninsula's 2.2 million residents — overwhelmingly boycotted the March 16th referendum for Crimea to become part of Russia. The Tatar's bad history with Russia was a major factor of their decision, as Stalin persecuted and deported them en masse from the Crimean Peninsula in 1944. After the collapse of the Soviet Union Tatars trickled back into Crimea, but their status there was always temporary. With Crimea's much-disputed status as part of Russia following the referendum, the future of the Tatars is a big question mark. VICE News' Simon Ostrovsky spent some time with Tatars in Simferopol in the week leading up to the referendum to get their side of the story. Check out the VICE News beta for more: 

Published on 4 May 2014 Tatar Spiritual leader and member of Ukrainian parliament Mustafa Dzhemilev has been denied access to enter his homeland of Crimea, provoking hundreds of Crimean Tatars in the region to protest near the Crimean border. Dzhemilev was told that he would not be allowed to enter the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory again for another 5 years. 

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