Sunday, October 13, 2024

#putinswar - Putin 'cannot win' after failing to stop the West from supporting Ukraine | Frontline: Times Radio

13 October 2024

Russian gains in the Donbas have not secured Putin's position as exposed targets in Crimea leave Putin reliant on a forced settlement under Donald Trump, say this week's Frontline experts: Anders Aslund, Economist and former adviser to the Kremlin Maxim Tucker, Journalist for The Times in Eastern Europe Leigh Turner, Former Ambassador to Ukraine Peter Apps, Global Defence Commentator Andrew Monaghan, Political Scientist

Российские успехи в Донбассе не укрепили позиции Путина, поскольку выявленные цели в Крыму заставляют Путина полагаться на принудительное урегулирование при Дональде Трампе, утверждают эксперты Frontline на этой неделе:

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