Friday, November 4, 2011

G20 summit ends with pledge to boost IMF / US jobs numbers hint at improvement / 'To big to fail' banks named

From: Euronews  | Nov 4, 2011 G20 leaders have ended their summit in Cannes after two days dominated by Greek turmoil and the threat to the euro zone and beyond.

Many big issues have been put to one side. Leaders vowed to boost the resources of the International Monetary Fund. But no countries outside the euro zone have agreed to contribute to its bailout fund.

Barack Obama found a positive way to tell Europe to sort out its debt crisis.

Published on Nov 4, 2011 by US employment rose less than expected in October with 80,000 new hires whereas economist had expected 95,000.

The US economy has to add around 125,000 jobs each month to keep unemployment from rising.

However job gains in the two previous months were better than originally calculated by a total of 102,000 which suggested some improvement in the still-weak US labour market.

From: Euronews  | Nov 4, 2011 At the Cannes summit of the world's leading economies, 29 banks have been named as being so important to the global financial system that they are likely to need to hold more capital reserves than their rivals.

Leaders said they will have to put in place a plan to allow them to be wound up without taxpayer help if they hit trouble.

Seventeen are from Europe, eight from the US, and just four from Asia

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