Monday, August 1, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 2nd August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have very strong opinions, and it makes you angry when people try to challenge them. It’s not as if you are uninformed. You go to great lengths to learn as much as you can about your favourite subjects. What you may not realise is your tormentors are just trying to get your goat. The less energy you give to them, the sooner they will seek another target for their mischief. Meanwhile, limit your talks to those with people who truly understand and appreciate you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re outgoing, generous, and loving with your nearest and dearest. No wonder you’re the focus of so much romantic attention. Several people are vying for your affection. If you’re single, go for the candidate who is smart, detail oriented, and sensual. Are you already in a relationship? Then arrange a stimulating evening for your amour. Head for a play, concert, or reading, even if that’s not your idea of an entertaining night. A little give and take will work wonders for your relationship.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) All you want is a little peace and quiet, but it will be difficult to find. It feels like everybody is tugging at your sleeve, wanting a favour or needing your attention. When the pressure gets too much to bear, sneak off to some secluded location where you can recharge your batteries. Luckily, your family is poised to pet and pamper you. Let a loving relative cook you some delicious comfort food or run some errands on your behalf.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Beware of jumping to conclusions, especially when it comes to a financial deal. You’re better off showing a contract to a lawyer or agent before signing. There’s a good chance you can forge a more beneficial agreement, so long as you stick to your guns. If you’re looking for work, think about teaching. You have a lot of skills, especially in the domestic arena. In the past, you took these abilities for granted. Now you realise people are willing to pay good money to learn how to manage a household.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You’re able to wrap people right around your little finger. Take this opportunity to ask for a favour, first date, or loan. It will be virtually impossible to refuse you. Moneymaking opportunities abound. You can find a good job involving writing, research, or advertising. A knack for attracting a high powered clientele makes you a desirable employee. Quality, not quantity is your trademark. If you feel like you’re wasting your time in your current job, find a more meaningful position.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) People are intimidated by your self reliance. You never seem to need anyone’s help. While it’s true you’re very independent, that doesn’t mean you shun people’s companionship. In fact, you prize relationships more than anything else. If you want to be foster closer ties, try being more receptive to offers of help. Sure, you could probably do the job faster and better yourself, but it makes your loved ones feel good to be of service to you. Relinquish control for love.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Trust your intuition regarding a group of friends. While you enjoy hanging out with a lot of glamorous people, there’s an element of you that prefers quiet simplicity. Make time for solitary pursuits like writing, reading, and meditating. Don’t feel pressured to spend lots of money on meaningless status symbols. Just because your friends strive for a certain lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to embrace the same ideal. Create a routine that speaks to your soul, and don’t bother defending your choices to others.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) People respect your talent, but are intimidated by it, too. You have a tendency to hold yourself apart from the crowd, preferring to work alone. This makes it difficult to forge friendly relationships with colleagues. The next time you find yourself on the outside looking in, try being more sociable. Invite a couple of your buddies back for drinks. Host a cosy dinner party. Ask people for their feedback before handing in a project. The more outgoing you are the more pleasant things will be.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Strong opinions set you apart from the crowd and you have no interest fitting in. While you’re never deliberately argumentative, you are quick to play devil’s advocate. Right now, you’re vigorous beliefs win favourable publicity. You will be asked to take the helm of a troubled organisation. That’s because people you’re able to make unpopular decisions. While you don’t like being the bad guy, you are determined to act in the interests of the greater good.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re on an emotional rollercoaster right now. On one hand, you want to give a stellar performance. On the other, you just want to finish the job. You’ll have to compromise on some points and hold firm on others. People will come away from this experience accusing you of being a difficult perfectionist. So be it. When the powers that be see how impressive your work is, they’ll give you other jobs. You’d rather be respected than popular, but it is lonely at the top.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Getting to the bottom of an issue is critical to you, and if that means asking uncomfortable questions, so be it. Some of your friends resent being put on the spot. Most of your loved ones appreciate your quest for the truth. When they don’t want to divulge personal information, they’ll tell you to mind your own business. Fortunately, you don’t take such rebuffs personally. One of the nicest things about you is your capacity for unconditional love.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Working as part of a team gives you a great deal of pleasure. You prefer to tackle problems from an emotional stance, while your partner takes an intellectual approach. Together, you make great progress, but there will be an occasional skirmish. Try not to get too upset when your friend accuses you of being ill informed. You use a different set of skills to make judgments, and that’s perfectly fine. Sometimes your method works best; others, your partner’s ways prevail.

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