Monday, August 1, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 6th August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A power struggle over money undermines your confidence. Stop questioning whether you deserve such a big portion of the sum at stake. You always have a tendency to downplay your contributions. You have regularly done the work of two people. Considering how much you have done, it’s a wonder you’re not asking for more compensation. Stick to your guns and keep demanding your fair share of the proceeds. You’ve got to advocate your interests; nobody else will.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) There are more important things than being in a relationship. If you’re single, stop lamenting your situation. Embrace it instead. Revel in the fact you don’t have to call home, share your money, or change your ways to suit someone else’s lifestyle. If you do have a lover, try getting a little distance. Go on a holiday by yourself. Don’t worry what your family will say. You shouldn’t have to justify being good to yourself, especially when you’re so nurturing towards others.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You won’t get extra points for working compulsively. It’s more important to foster good relationships with your colleagues than have an impressive record of productivity. Enjoy your time off. Spend it on a solitary activity that recharges your batteries. Reading, writing, or sketching will have a therapeutic effect. It will also remind you there is more to life than earning a wage. You’ve been blessed with tremendous creative talent. Exercise it like you would any other muscle of your body.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Obsessing over a lost love isn’t getting you anywhere. You could be having fun with friends instead of poring over old photos and emails. Force yourself to attend a casual party. Once you hear the music and have some refreshments, your troubles will seem like a distant memory. Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree to ease your wounded ego. If you need something special to wear, go through your closet. You’ll find a great outfit you had totally forgotten.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It makes you very uncomfortable to discuss family matters in public. Still, you must be honest about all the domestic tension you’ve been experiencing. This will let neighbours and colleagues know you need a little forbearance. There’s no shame in admitting you are experiencing stress. Everybody goes through similar situations. The key is not to pretend everything is fine when you’re really struggling. Human beings are social creatures who want to help each other in times of trial.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Wait 24 hours before firing off an angry email or leaving an irate phone message. You don’t want to come off as petty or unreasonable. Yes, an inconsiderate person has made life difficult. The only way to remedy the situation is to confront the pest in a calm, rational manner. It’s impossible to argue with logic, especially when it’s delivered by someone who has full control of their emotions. Push yourself a little harder with a creative project. Don’t give up on it just yet.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Shrouding financial matters in secret will create problems in an intimate relationship. Even if the two of you don’t share a bank account, you should be aware of each other’s monetary situation. If you’re deep in debt, admit it. Create a strategy to pay your bills. Your partner will be instrumental in helping you get back into the black. Pretending you’re in good shape will put unnecessary strain on your union. You have to admit, it’s tiring to put on an act all the time.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your powerful personality is too much for a loved one to handle. Unless you back off, you run the risk of destroying a beautiful friendship. Jealousy has always been a problem for you. Instead of keeping a tight rein on your nearest and dearest, encourage them to expand their social circles. You don’t have to do everything together. Actually, it’s healthier to have separate interests and friends. Watch out for someone’s negative envy or jealousy.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) An embarrassing secret comes to light, prompting you to scramble for cover. Friends will be a lot more sympathetic than you expected. After all, everybody has one portion of their lives that is shielded from public view. Why should you be any different? From now on, you have to be more laid back with workmates who have the tendency to be very quiet and secretive They have a right to privacy. Not everything is as crystal clear as it appears.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Try not to be too hard on a friend who has just embarked on a romance. You won’t be seeing your loved one nearly as much as when they were single. This always happens with somebody falls in love. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, find something interesting to do. This would be a great time to take up a sport or hobby. Resist the urge to take up an activity that your lover enjoys. You have to assert your independence.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Drive and determination are causing you to work long hours. You might have to skip an important family event as a result. As far as you’re concerned, your absence couldn’t be helped. Your relatives see the issue a little differently. Instead of getting defensive in the face of their angry accusations, offer a sincere apology. Aim to be more attentive to loved ones. The next time your boss asks you to work over the weekend give them the thumbs down.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Just because you feel very strongly about an issue doesn’t mean everybody else should take up the cause. Resist the urge to pressure a friend into joining a cause or fundraiser. You never know what people are dealing with in their personal lives. If you want to discuss politics, religion, or culture, do so with people who share your interests. That way, you won’t seem like you’re pressuring anyone to convert. It’s especially important to keep things friendly with fellow workers.

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