Monday, August 16, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 16th August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Marriage, romance and partnerships will have their ups and downs. Be prepared to make more effort where close relationships are concerned. In particular after midday as there will be moments during the latter half of the day when impatience could well get the better of you. Try to understand what others are going through. Put yourself in their shoes and it might suddenly seem as if they aren't being deliberately awkward after all!
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Finding the time for some extra duties won't be as simple as others imply. The common sense thing to do is to stay within reasonable limits so as not to overtax your strength. It isn't easy to be sensible when you're overloaded with responsibility. A colleague is temperamental and has no idea how much they are asking of you. Rather than accept it all without comment, you need to start speaking up for yourself. The sooner you do the better!
Gemini (May22/June21) You discover exactly where you stand in a relationship that has been going through problems. It will be necessary to show the tolerant and broadminded side of your nature when situations get tense today. When others say or do things clearly designed to shock you, don't rise to the bait by showing your surprise. When a childish person doesn't get the reactions they want they will grow bored and move on to their next annoying mission, whatever this may be!
Cancer (June22/July23) Ignore warning signs of impending changes and you will regret it in the future. An odd situation surrounds career or financial matters at the start of the day. Some will regard news as good, others will be more wary. Your instinct is to continue with your usual routines but if you do, you could miss out on conversations that inform of possible new opportunities. You could always get on with the job while having one ear open to discussions going on.
Leo (July24/Aug23) There's some unrest in the air with emotional or travel irritations possible. You won't feel happy in tense situations and you will do all you can to avoid direct confrontation. Even so there is something on your mind and not talking about it only makes you more tense, nervous and moody. If and when you do get the chance to discuss your grievances try to avoid recriminations as much as possible.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Rather than constantly swimming against the tide, why not try to go with the flow? Or at least let go, take a step back and let things take their own course. Trying to oppose, disagree with or contradict others will only make the atmosphere fraught with tension. Watch your step to avoid upsets and confrontations. People will turn sour when you don't go along with the consensus. To balance this trend, there is a possibility of you receiving a surprise gift this evening.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Everything is a struggle; it takes constant effort and energy to maintain what you already have. Too much pressure can make you confused and uncertain. In turn you could make the wrong decision about accepting more responsibility. While you will persevere and get through what you have to do, you may well crumple when you get home this evening. Is there someone you can pour out all your troubles to? You need to talk.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're thrown in at the deep end and straight into a new project; talk about learning on the job! There are things you will be able to improve on in the future and adjustments will be made. But considering the circumstances you are coping well. You handle yourself in a professional way and by the end of the day you will feel glad of this experience, which had you had the chance to think about it, you would probably have turned down!
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If you work in the communications industry or advertising world be extra vigilant. Get the price right and a product you are trying to put on the market, advertise or shift, will sell! Someone's watching you and is keen to know how you get on. It may be they're thinking of doing something similar if your efforts are successful. Your standing within your profession is high and authority is looking favourably on, ready to offer support whenever you need it.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Listen to advice from those who are only trying to help you! Something you are determined to achieve is what you are focusing on now. It should be good to know you have someone you can rely on and have confidence in. There are a few hoops to jump through before you get there. Another person's input will help you realise where you can make improvements. With the right kind of support, you will achieve your objectives.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You have the skills and ability to help a friend or relative who is struggling, should you care to do so! Perhaps this particular person has had it too easy in the past and you feel it's about time they learned some things the hard way. Information someone has been withholding could cause problems. Be wary as someone surprising will steal your ideas and use them as their own. It's a day when you can't be too careful.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Even strangers will be helpful and cooperative if you need advice or directions. Whatever your aims, you will achieve a good end result and you will be comfortable about how much it has cost through effort and expense. If you're starting a new job or have recently been promoted, other people will be only too willing to give you a helping hand. Evening is good for entertaining on any scale.
Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope

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