Friday, July 8, 2011

"Un Cuento Chino" trailer - in UK Cinemas Friday 8th July 2011 - Starring: Ricardo Darín, Muriel Santa Ana, Ignacio Huang, Javier Pinto Directed By: Sebastián Borensztein

Uploaded by on Feb 2, 2011
La nueva comedia de Sebastián Borensztein

Un cuento chino


Plot in English below

La pelicula comienza en Fucheng, China donde Jun(Ignacio Huang) y su novia estan teniendo una cita en un bote en el lago. Cuando Jun se dispone a buscar las argollas para proponerle matrimonio a tu prometida, cae una vaca del cielo se estrella contra el bote y la mata.
Despues conocemos la historia de Roberto(Ricardo Darín), un ferretero malhumorado que tiene un frio contacto con el mundo que lo rodea. Tiene una vida monotona y pasa el dia coleccionando noticias insolitas del mundo contando los tornillos que le llegan para comprobar la cantidad y visitando a sus padres en el cementerio. Mientras atiende a un cliente recibe la visita de Mari(Muriel Santa Ana), una mujer dulce que gusta de el y que tuvieron un affair en el pasado. Un dia roberto se topa en Jun cerca del aeropuerto cuando este es arrojado de un taxi. Jun tiene una direccion escrita en el brazo y Roberto, aun sin entender chino, decide llevarlo. En el trayecto, Jun vomita en el coche de Roberto y este lo echa. A la noche Roberto nota que hay una fuerte llovisna y se dispone a volver a buscar a Jun para llevarlo a su destino. Sim embargo cuando llegan, el hombre que los atiende les dice que le compro la propiedad a un chino hace tiempo y que no sabe nada de este. Roberto lleva a Jun a la comisaria donde prentender encerrar al joven chino en una celda. Frente a esto y al hecho de que el oficial lo trata mal, Roberto le pega un cabezaso y se van. Roberto deja que Jun se quede una noche en su casa.
Al dia siguiente Roberto y Jun visitan la embajada de China donde le toman los datos y prometen encontrar al tio que Jun esta buscando. Roberto intenta inultimente deshacerse de Jun dejandolo en la embajada. Despues ambos van al barrio chino donde Jun pregunta sobre su tio a los comerciantes sin resultados. Roberto le da un plazo de siete dias para que se quede con el, cuando ese plazo termine se tendra que ir, mientras lo toma como su "ayudante" sacadondele basura acumulada en su patio.
Al cabo de los siete dias, Roberto recibe una llamada de la embajada diciendole que encontraron a su tio y ellos vienen a buscarlo la mañana siguiente. Esa noche Mari se queda a comer y piden comida china como despedida para Jun. Cuando llega el delivery, hacen pasar al chico que trajo la comida y lo usan de traductor para entender algo de los que dice Jum. A la mañana, finalmente una familia de chinos toca a la puerta de Roberto. El jefe de la familia hace que el tio ciego baje de la camioneta para reconocer a Jun tocandole el rostro. Sin embargo no lo reconoce como su sobrino ni Jun como su tio.
Roberto trata nuevamente conseguir respuestas en la embajada de China, pero el encargado que los habia antendido anteiormente ya no esta, y al ponerse nervioso es echado del lugar. Roberto la da otra tarea a Jun, limpiar la pieza que el esta ocumpado. Lamentablemente cuando Jun esta sacando la bausa que habia alli rompe accidentalmente un mueble donde Roberto guardaba recuerdos de su madre. Acto seguido Roberto lleva a Jun a un taxi y le dice al taxista que lo deje en el barrio chino. Ese dia Roberto recibe la visita de Maria que venia a traele a Jun algunas fotos que se habian sacado juntos en un paseo, pero Roberto le dice que ya se fue. Mari le dice lo afortunado que fue Jun al tener alguien quien lo ayudase y tambien le dice que lo quiere. Roberto recapacita y va a buscar a Jun pero es interceptado por el policia que habia agredido anteriormente y a punta de pistola lo obliga a ir a un descampado donde lo golpea. Jun que habia visto la situcion llega o golpea el policia salvando a Roberto.
Roberto compra nuevamente comida china y deja que el chico del delivery coma con el y Jun para que oficie de trductor. Alli Roberto le dice que se va a poder quedar un tiempo mas, que va a pagarle clases de español y que cuando sepa algo tendra que buscar trabajo. Jun le pregunta porque colecciona las noticias insolitas y roberto le cuenta su historia: su madre habia muerto cuando el nacio. Su padre inmigrante italiano, leia un diario italiano que le llegaba todos los domingos. En un recorte sobre la Guerra de Malvinas ve la imagen de un joven Roberto como soldado. Cuando Roberto pudo volver de la guerra su padre habia muerto ese dia que vio el recorte porque no sabia que su hijo estaba en la guerra. Roberto le dice que la vida un absurdo y le muestra las noticias que habia recolectado entre ellas un avion que robaba vacas en China: al escapar un grupo de campesinos los sigue y le dispara en el avion. En vuelo la puerta trasera del avion se abre un dos vacas caen, un de ellas la que termina matando a la novia de Jun le dice el traductor.
Esa noche Roberto se pone ebrio y empieza a contar los tornillos como siempre hacia. A la mañana siguiente recibe la llamada de una persona desconocida que dice ser el tio de Jun. Este se pone al telefono y confirma realmente que es su tio que vive en Mendoza. Roberto le compra un pasaje de avion y ambos amigos se despiden con un apreton de manos. Al dia siguiente Roberto recibe los diario del cuñado de Mari. Roberto le dice que Jun finalmente encontro a su tio pero Leonel le confirma que Mari volvio al campo.
Esa noche Roberto descubre en el patio trasero una vaca bien dibujada por Jun(ya que este fue artesano) en la pared que este habia pintado para Roberto. Este ultimo reflexiona y la ultima escena muestra a Roberto reecontrandose con Mari en el campo.


The film begins in Fucheng, China where Jun (Ignacio Huang) and his girlfriend are having an appointment in a boat on the lake. When in June is about to find the rings to propose to your fiancée, a cow falls from the sky crashing into the boat and kills her.
Then know the story of Robert (Ricardo Darin), a hardware dealer who has a cold moody touch with the world around him. It has a monotonous life and spends the day collecting unusual world news counting the screws that come to check the quantity and visiting his parents in the cemetery. While serving a customer receives a visit from Mari (Muriel Santa Ana), a sweet woman who loves him and who had an affair in the past. One day in June roberto encounters near the airport when it is thrown from a taxi. June has an address written on the arm and Roberto, even without understanding Chinese, decides to take. Along the way, Jun vomits in the car of Roberto and this throws him out. At night Roberto note that there is a strong light rain showers and gets ready to return in June to seek to bring it to its destination. Sim But when they arrive, the man who says he attends them buy the property for a long time, and Chinese who knows nothing of this. Roberto leads to the police station in June where the young Chinese even pretend locked in a cell. Faced with this and the fact that the officer is wrong, he hits a cabezaso Roberto and go. Roberto allowed to stay one night in June at home.
The next day Robert and June visit the Embassy of China where we take the data and find the guy that promise in June looking for. Robert tries to get rid of June inultimente leaving it at the embassy. Then they both go to Chinatown where questions about his uncle June traders with no results. Roberto given within seven days to stay with him, when that period ends you will have to go, while you take it as his "helper" sacadondele accumulated rubbish in your yard.
After seven days, Bob receives a call from the embassy telling him they found his uncle and they come to fetch the next morning. That night, Mari is eating Chinese food and a farewell call Jun. When it comes to delivery, pass the guy who brought the food and use it as a translator to understand some of those who said Jum. In the morning, finally a Chinese family knocks on the door of Roberto. The head of the family makes the blind guy down the truck in June to recognize by touching the face. But does not recognize his nephew or June as his uncle.
Roberto again tries to get answers at the Embassy of China, but the charge that had antender See by no longer, and get nervous is thrown out. Roberto is given another task to Jun, clean the piece that this ocumpado. Unfortunately when removing the Bausa June this was there accidentally breaks a piece of furniture where Roberto kept memories of her mother. Then Roberto June takes a taxi and tells the driver to leave Chinatown. That day, Robert is visited by Mary who came to bring him in June that had some pictures taken together on a walk, but Robert says that he left. Mari tells him how lucky he was in June to have someone who would help him and also tells him that she wants. Roberto reconsiders and goes to look for in June but is intercepted by the police who had assaulted at gunpoint before forcing him to go to a clearing where it hits. June he had seen the situcion hits the police come or Roberto saving.
Roberto buying Chinese food again and let the delivery boy and eat with the office of June to trductor. Alli tells Roberto to be able to get a longer, they'll pay you Spanish lessons and when you know something will have to look for work. June asks him why he collects news roberto Unique and tells his story: his mother had died when he was born. His father, an Italian immigrant, was reading an Italian newspaper that came every Sunday. In a cut on the Falklands War sees the image of a young Roberto soldier. When Robert was able to return the war his father had died that day who saw the cut because they knew his son was in the war. Roberto says that life is absurd and shows him the news he had gathered including cows, stealing a plane in China to escape a group of peasants follows and shoots him in the plane. In flight the plane's back door opens a fall two cows, one of them who ends up killing girlfriend in June tells the translator.
That night Roberto gets drunk and starts counting towards the screws provided. The next morning received a call from an unknown person claiming to be the uncle of Jun. This is put on the phone and confirm really is his uncle who lives in Mendoza. Robert buys a plane ticket and the two friends say goodbye with a handshake. The day after Bob receives the daily in-law of Mari. Roberto says that in June finally found his uncle but Leonel confirms that Mary returned to the field.
That night Roberto discovered in the backyard well drawn by a cow in June (as this was craftsman) in the wall that had painted for Robert. The latter reflects, and the last scene shows reecontrandose Roberto Mari in the field.

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