Friday, April 1, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 1st April 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don't underestimate your abilities. Usually, you're a confident character. Right now you feel like you're out of your depth. That's because you're venturing into unfamiliar spiritual territory. You prefer dealing with the material world, where you can evaluate things on their physical qualities. In the situation you're facing now, you evaluate things that can't be measured. There's only one solution: rely on instinct. Your heart will tell you what you should do.
The Princess knows that I follow my heart and whilst the body said take a break from this site, the scammers etc., my instinct tells me that this lady needs my support and she will have it until she is free to follow her heart also however hard it is for me. I will have my moments of weakness so please forgive me in those times
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An overly emotional scene makes you uncomfortable. You'll retreat to some secluded hideaway at the first sign of trouble. Friends resent what they think is cold behaviour, but as far as you're concerned, it's a survival mechanism. You can't thrive in an environment where people aren't thinking logically. You've seen what happens when others make decisions on impulse, rather than fact. Unfortunately, running away from the situation will only make it worse.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Getting lost in a crowd allows your imagination to run wild. You're tired of reining in your ideas for fear of offending colleagues. An authority figure who lacks confidence is intimidated by your bold vision. You're probably better off launching a group endeavour with like minded friends. At least they won't balk every time you propose a crazy idea. On the contrary, your loved ones will delight in your audacity and will conspire to turn your dreams into realities.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It's hard not to take a professional disappointment personally. You're tired of having to prove yourself to people who are less talented. Maybe it's time to launch a business of your own. It won't be easy in this economy, but at least you will be free of any annoying supervision. Your present situation won't allow you to fulfil your potential. By going your own way, you'll be able to undertake the kinds of projects that resonate with your spirit. That's the best gift you could give yourself.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You have lots of knowledge and experience, which attracts the attentions of an attentive admirer. You enjoy showing the ropes to your friend. Something wonderful happens when they look at you with those worshipful eyes. If you have a lover, you may be in danger of having an affair. Be very mindful about drawing boundaries between you and this newcomer. Single? Then feel free to pursue this partnership, but don't let your powerful personality eclipse your amour.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's hard not to drift off to a fantasy world when the going gets tough. You're tired of fighting over material possessions. Ultimately, you don't care who gets what, so long as you're able to walk away with some mementoes of a cherished person or place. The sad thing is you will be cheated unless you defend your interests. Lean on a sympathetic friend when the struggle becomes exhausting. With their love and support you can overcome anything.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your best friend, lover, or business partner is urging you to make a decision, but you're not ready. The situation isn't as black and white as they pretend. Whatever choice you make, somebody will get hurt. Put yourself on the path of intimacy. Joining forces with a person who has consistently supported you will be tremendously empowering. You have a chance to transform lives through your diplomatic skills. Even avowed enemies let down their guard when you're there to mediate.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It's distressing to realise how many opportunities are available to you. Life would be so much easier if you knew which path to take. Unfortunately, that's not the case right now. A job offer may require you to put a relationship on hold. If the prospect of being away from your lover is too much to bear, you'll have to turn this chance down. It's more likely you will take what's on offer and hope for the best.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Temptation faces you at every turn, but you must resist. Your loved ones need your financial and emotional support. Getting a better job or looking after a relative will go a long way towards improving your home life. You may not get the kind of satisfaction you do from following your heart. Still, sometimes you have to make sacrifices for loved ones. A budding romance has softened your heart. You're discovering a sentimental streak you didn't know existed.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It's not necessary to be practical all the time. Engaging in a little whimsy will do you good. Eat something unhealthy, do something irresponsible, try something dangerous. Taking a short trip for pleasure will help you break away from a depressing routine. You're not sure what path to take, which is an unusual experience. As a general rule, you are highly focused. Lately you've been drifting; just content to experience whatever life has to offer. This is a healthy exercise for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Beware of adopting a know it all attitude. While the depth and breadth of your knowledge is impressive, it isn't absolute. Relatives or neighbours have a great deal of great advice to share. By opening yourself to their guidance, you'll discover some hidden talents. This will also get you accustomed to asking for help. Even you have to admit you possess some weaknesses. The sooner you accept your flaws, the happier your relationships will be. Give others a chance to help you.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your finances aren't as strong as you believe. Stepping up your productivity can generate the cash you need. Whether you take on freelance work or sell some of your handiwork is immaterial. The important thing is to cast a wide net. The more income steams you create the better. As far as attracting money, your reputation is more important than what you know. People are very receptive to your kind, compassionate manner. It's easy for them to put their faith in you.

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