Monday, March 7, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 7th March 2011

Nigerian who goes by the name John Padian has profile on Facebook, Yahoo and other social media site, recently scammed a Moscow widow. He sometimes uses a Chelsea London address and English phone number - details of his scam have been sent to New Scotland Yard
British legal authorities have declared war against scammers

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You've never had any trouble staring down your enemies. This time around you face a special challenge. Your rival is a lot more powerful than you realise. Don't underestimate their talent or ability. The best strategy will be to form an alliance, but that won't happen if you stay on your high horse. Show your appreciation for their abilities. Be open to learning something from your opponent. Eventually, the animosity between you will disappear.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It's critical to treat a nagging health problem. Continuing to underplay your pain will lead to a serious condition. If you require a specialist, do some research into the kind of health professional you need. Being able to communicate with your doctor is half the battle. Jobs remain elusive. Try not to take it personally. Keep filling out applications and going on interviews, and spend the rest of your time on hobbies that express your creative side.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A serious romance has you reconsidering long term plans. If you want to stay with your beloved, you may have to move or switch jobs. It's even possible you'll have to break off some friendships. Consider whether you're willing to uproot your life for this relationship. If not, it's best to break things off now, before your hearts become more deeply entwined. Single? Don't grieve the situation. Embrace it. You have the freedom to do what you like, when you like.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Big changes are happening on the home front, and you have to accept it. Clinging to the past will just make you more miserable. Look for the silver lining. This is your chance to make a name for yourself in your desired field. You've always had admirable executive ability. You can create a work of art, institution, or business that has remarkable staying power. All it takes is a willingness to do something different. Put familiar comforts aside for the time being.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Communications with friends or relatives will be strained. You can't seem to find any common ground with these people. While you're focused on having an adventure, they're worried about practical matters. Meeting in the middle will be impossible. You're better off going out on your own. If this means travelling to an exotic country all alone, so be it. This isn't the best time to take a class or test. Your brain's like a sieve; it just won't retain any facts.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It feels like you're always suffering from depravation these days. Living on a shoestring is stressful, especially when you're working so hard. Make a decision to pamper yourself. Whether this means cutting back your office hours, taking an hour each day to read or relinquishing family responsibilities is up to you. The important thing is to put your needs first for a change. The longing you feel isn't totally material; in fact, it's largely spiritual.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don't rely on routines to get you through the day. You need plenty of variety to fuel your creative talent. If a few responsibilities fall through the cracks, so be it. People rely too heavily on you. Single? It may be because you insist on doing everything yourself. Learning how to receive is critical to your happiness. Practice sitting back and letting others wait on you. Resist the urge to get something yourself. Instead, ask a colleague, neighbour, or friend to retrieve it.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're being pushed aside for the sake of more experienced people. This is enormously frustrating, but can't be helped. If you have to learn a new skill, offer to work as a volunteer or an apprentice. Granted, it's hard donating your time when you have to pay bills, but sometimes you have to sacrifice to get ahead. A seasoned colleague will know of an opportunity that fits well with your schedule. Don't hesitate to ask for advice.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You've always been something of a daredevil, so it should come as no surprise when stuffier members of the group frown at your behaviour. Still, you refuse to tone it down just to win the approval of your peers. If you happen to put a foot wrong, don't be embarrassed. At least you will have had an adventure, while everybody else walks the same old boring path. Even the biggest mistakes have surprising benefits. You could put yourself on the path to love, quite unintentionally.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Go easy on service people or your reputation will suffer. Even if someone ruins your order or fails to do their job, you can't afford to look abusive in a public setting. Adopting a gracious attitude will win the support of key people in your organisation. You'll even be rewarded for your grace under fire. A rebellious youngster is trying to get your attention. Cut back your hours at work and spend more time at home instead.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It's hard to get the necessary training to move ahead. Instead of beating your head against a brick wall, find a healthy outlet for your frustrations. Writing can be very therapeutic, as can listening to music. Joining a club will put you in contact with people who share your interests. You don't need a formal certificate to be an expert. All you need is the enthusiasm. If a hyper critical teacher is giving you grief, it's probably due to jealousy.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Don't fool yourself into thinking sex is just for fun. Having a physical relationship is sure to trigger strong emotions. Don't jump into bed with somebody if you're not willing to embark on a serious relationship. If you already have a lover, the two of you must to talk honestly about your needs. Resist the urge to pass judgment on your partner. The more open and accepting you are, the easier it will be to have the intimacy you both crave.

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