Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 21 December 2010

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Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes 

Saturday 4 December : Saturday 11 December : Saturday 18 December : Saturday 25 December
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) The results of a test will be less than pleasing; if you're able, try to take it again. This will require you to study twice as hard as you did before, but the sacrifice will be worth it. If this was a one time opportunity, try to view the situation philosophically. Perhaps the Universe is prodding you in a different direction. It's possible you need to develop your spiritual side as a means to come to terms with this recent disappointment.

Aries 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Taurus (Apr21/May21) You could lose a job or source of income, putting you in an awkward social position. Going out with friends to expensive restaurants and clubs is no longer an option. You need to conserve your resources. The people who truly care for you will adjust their plans accordingly, inviting you over for home cooked meals and rental movies. The opportunists will fall by the wayside. This will be a painful but valuable lesson. Prepare for a few shocks, as well as for some delightful surprises.

Taurus 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Gemini (May22/Jun21) A close relationship is coming apart at the seams. Part of the problem is the two of you have radically different career plans. If you have to choose between your amour and a dream job, you'll be prone to pick the latter. It's not that you don't care about your partner's feelings; it's just because you've always wanted to have a position which allows you to travel, learn, and explore. You owe it to yourself to pursue it, regardless of the consequences.

Gemini 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You no longer have the support of a government, health, or cultural institution. The prospect of facing the future alone is quite scary. You still don't have certain skills necessary to make it in the real world. Fortunately, you have friends who are willing to show you the ropes. The key is to put yourself in their hands. Learning to rely on others is tough for a nurturer like you. As a general rule, you prefer looking after others. It will take time to adjust to a new dynamic.

Cancer 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A cherished dream has come to an end, causing depression to set in. You now realise it's too late to achieve certain goals. Unfortunately, loved ones don't understand just how upsetting this situation is for you. Instead of looking to them for comfort, seek solace within. Formulate some new goals that are based on your artistic impulses. You've always had a deep appreciation for colour, form, and texture. Take up a creative medium that allows you to develop these instincts.

Leo 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Changes on the career front force you to come to terms with some domestic issues. A living arrangement no longer works for you, and it will be necessary to move, or at least change rooms. A loved one's attentions feel oppressive right now. You're tired of feeling as if you're joined at the hip. Ask for some breathing room. Your amour will be reluctant to grant your request, so you'll have to be tenacious. Stay strong in the face of teary recriminations.

Virgo 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're being forced out of your area of expertise, and you don't like it one little bit. Come to terms with the fact you are the new kid on the block. Ingratiate yourself to colleagues who have more experience. By humbling yourself and asking for their guidance, you'll lay the groundwork for productive relationships. If you insist on trying to learn as you go, you'll fail miserably. Learning to be a good team player should be your first priority now. Yield the spotlight to someone else.

Libra 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You've always had a tendency to become completely immersed in an intimate relationship. Now you're being challenged to formulate your own identity. Unless you take a few steps away from a partner, your union will die of suffocation. Art can give you an added measure of independence. Try your hand at writing, painting, or music. By pouring your emotions into creative endeavours, you'll take the pressure off your personal life. You'll also find another source of profound pleasure.

Scorpio 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your best friend, business partner, or lover has undergone some significant changes. It may be time to part ways. Although this is a painful realisation, you can no longer subject yourself to such pain. Breaking free will allow you to heal from some deep wounds. It will also help you build up your self esteem. Nothing is as demoralising as being in a toxic relationship. Cut the cord and move on. Remember, the initial break is always hardest.

Sagittarius 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A health problem or sports injury forces you to change your routine. Instead of exercising your body, try developing your intellect. Activities like photography, painting, or film will have special appeal right now. You might also decide to delve into a spiritual practice. Whatever you decide to study, this subject will be unexpectedly uplifting. You'll feel as if you've been reborn. Suddenly, what seemed like insurmountable problems will become minor irritations. It's all a matter of seeing the glass as half full, instead of half empty.

Capricorn 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A source of creative fulfilment comes to an end, leaving you empty and sad. Instead of trying to fill this void, mourn it for a wee while. It's time to turn inward and see what you value most. If you haven't been spending enough time with friends and family, it's time to make that change. At first, group outings will seem stupid and pointless. That's just because you're clinging stubbornly to old dreams. Open your heart to the possibility of change.

Aquarius 2011 Year Ahead Forecast video by InsightfulAstrology

Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You need to scale back your work responsibilities for the sake of family. This makes you quite unhappy, as you have been steadily rising through the ranks for some time. Still, you realise your loved ones need you more than ever now. Swallow your pride and shift your focus to their needs. There will be other opportunities for a promotion. If you've had difficulty finding your true purpose in life, perhaps it's time you confronted a childhood bully who undermined your confidence.

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