Monday, November 1, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 1 November 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re in the power position, which draws lots of admiring glances. The challenge now becomes choosing a partner who appreciates the real you, and not just the office you occupy. Your best bet is to join forces with someone who has a calling. Resentment can’t set in when you’re with someone who loves what he or she does. If you’re already in a relationship, encourage your amour to pursue a job or creative project that’s close to their heart.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Delving deeper into a course of study will strengthen your ties with a business or romantic partner. You have to know yourself in order to give yourself freely to others. Take a class in philosophy, religion, or spiritual practices. If you’ve always wanted to get an advanced degree, now is the time to go back to learning. You’re sure to meet a teacher who recognises your true potential. Stop telling yourself it’s too late to realise a cherished dream.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) It’s almost impossible to keep your desires under wraps. Wear something that makes you feel fabulous. Flirt with strangers. Send a sexy text to your amour. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at work. A new colleague will give you a slow, meaningful stare that thrills you to the core. Resist the urge to make the first move. Being pursued by an insistent admirer will give your ego a much needed boost. Don’t worry; your charms are irresistible.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An intimate relationship is undergoing a huge overhaul. You can no longer play follow the leader. Asserting your needs and beliefs will give you more say in the life you lead together. If your partner is threatened by your assertive stance, good. It means you’re making progress. Have you just met someone special? Make it your mission to win their heart. Taking the initiative pays off. Why wait for romance when you can make it happen right now?


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Revamping your fitness routine will yield fantastic results, an active person like you needs plenty of action. The key is to vary your workouts. Playing sports is especially beneficial for you, because your exercise feels more like play than work. The more competitive the game, the faster you’ll lose weight and gain muscle tone. News of an engagement, marriage, or birth sets off a round of parties. You’re about to be reunited with several relatives you haven’t seen in some time.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Throwing yourself into a sport or hobby keeps depression at bay. You’re sick and tired of being the responsible one all the time. Cut back your hours at work and fill your calendar with activities which appeal to your inner child. Getting your hands dirty with soil, clay, or paint makes you more carefree in other areas of your life. Suddenly, you won’t feel compelled to control others; you’ll be able to appreciate them, warts and all. That’s a definite breakthrough!


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s time to use your influence to help others; a group that is constantly ignored or abused needs support. You’re the one to restore dignity to these poor unfortunates. Cynics will poke fun at your efforts, but it’s just because they feel guilty at their own apathy. If you have an idea for a beautification project, put it in motion today. You’ll be amazed at how eagerly your proposal is accepted. You can be quite persuasive when you want to be.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Be as resourceful as possible with your earnings, as you’ll need them to cover a big expense. A makeover will cost more than you anticipated. If you’re not sure where to begin, enlist the aid of a relative or neighbour who always looks terrific. Be willing to try at least one of their outlandish suggestions; you’ll be thrilled with the results. It’s time to make a big change. That means venturing out of your comfort zone and going against your instincts.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Changing the way you think about an authority figure will improve your relationship. Nobody likes being ordered around, but you have to admit that chaos ensues when people are left to their own devices. The next time your boss gives you an order, try to dispatch it without an argument. Tackle your job cheerfully and try to be as agreeable as possible. A loved one will confide a secret in you. Although you hate deception of any kind, you’ll have to lie to protect your source.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It’s time to confront some upsetting feelings that have been building. You’re tired of putting up with a relative or boss’s abuse. Fortunately, friends are poised to help you through this difficult time. If you have to move, they’ll be happy to put you up until you find a place of your own. You may even decide to become roommates with somebody from your social circle. The important thing is to join forces with someone who respects your feelings.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Trust your instincts when it comes to your romantic desires. If you sense someone is sending out signals, you are probably right. Of course, they like to play games, and may stage a strategic retreat after you make the initial move. If this happens, don’t panic. Go out with other people as a means to make your admirer jealous. Any relationship worth having involves work. Fortunately, this is the sort of sparring that appeals to your agile mind.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Being with a group committed to providing aid to Third World countries will be very rewarding. You’re a very compassionate person. But when you’re not actively involved in helping those less fortunate than yourself, you get despondent. Don’t be surprised if you meet a very attractive flirt while donating your time to this institution. The two of you will generate lots of chemistry together. Your partner praises your passion, while you’re drawn closer to them.


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