Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 30 June 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Saturday 5 June - Saturday 12 June - Saturday 19 June - Saturday 26 June

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) There won't be much opportunity to have fun today. You're simply too swamped with work. An annoying colleague drives you to distraction with their absent minded ways. You need to put them straight before they create any more problems. If your complaints fall on deaf ears, go directly to your boss. The powers that be need to know who is at the root of all this trouble. Fortunately, an attentive friend or lover will help you relax after hours. What a relief!


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Getting peace and quiet at home will be elusive. A repair project or houseguest throws everything into chaos. There's nothing you can do but grin and bear it. Lashing out against an innocent victim will only create resentment. Besides, you can't even summon the energy to get angry. If you need a decent night's sleep, you may want to bunk with a close friend for the evening. Be sure to bring earplugs, an eye mask, and your favourite pillow to ensure maximum comfort.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) The intellectual stimulation you crave is elusive. Everybody you have to deal with seems obsessed with gossip and popular culture. You're more captivated by the world of ideas. Hold tight; you'll soon be able to mix with people who share your passion for art, music, science and politics. Until then, you need the cooperation of your relatives, neighbours, and colleagues. Resist the urge to tell them exactly what you think of their ill informed opinions.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Luxuries are beyond your budget, so there's no point in thinking about them. Focus on creating a more financially secure future. If you have a job, get into the habit of putting a set percentage of money into a private savings account. This is especially important if you have an irresponsible partner. There's no reason you should suffer for their thoughtless extravagancies. If the two of you are in serious debt, consult a financial counsellor together or disaster could ensue.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It's hard to be gracious when someone continues to ignore your needs. No matter what you say or do, your friend fails to remember your likes and dislikes. Maybe it's time you parted ways. Being together just makes you depressed and anxious. Although your friend will be saddened by this break up, it will come as a huge relief to you. Maintaining a relationship out of guilt is always a losing proposition. Don't sign a contract, as it will contain clauses that run contrary to your interests.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Someone's lack of compassion is very distressing. You can't believe they can be so cold hearted in the face of trouble. This is your chance to step in and help someone who is less fortunate. Although you may not be able to do as much as the person in question, you can give a measure of aid and comfort. Your colleagues will be inspired by your actions and may launch a charity drive as a result. Never underestimate the power of numbers.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don't rely on a friend to get you a job or membership. If you're going to move forward, you need to do so on your own merits. The road may be long and difficult, but that's often the case with anything worthwhile. You may not realise it, but your behaviour has a great impact on children. A young person who idolises you is patterning their behaviour after yours. If they see you working hard in the face of disappointment, they'll soon follow your example.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It's important to view yourself clearly; you won't fool the public with a great show of charm and wit. People will see your real motives, no matter what you say or do. Taking advantage of your position will undermine your professional reputation. If you've made a mistake, admit it. Laughing it off will make you look callous and arrogant. Consider how your actions will affect your family. This is your chance to make amends for a terrible mistake.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A narrow minded associate is getting on your nerves. You're tired of their views and values. The only way to get them to stop is by making your displeasure known. Take them to one side and let them know how their comments offend you. Shaming them in a public setting will only add fuel to the fire. Treating them with respect and courtesy could actually help them change their ways. You might not be able to fundamentally change them, but they'll probably stop bothering you.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Beware of getting complacent. Just because you're comfortable now doesn't mean this will always be the case. Continue to put money away for a rainy day. If you feel guilty about having so much while others struggle, make a donation to charity. It doesn't matter whether you throw your support to a homeless shelter, animal sanctuary, or health clinic. The important thing is you use your good fortune to benefit others. One kind act leads to another; keep the good energy flowing!


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Seeing eye to eye with a close friend, fellow worker or romantic partner is practically impossible. The two of you see a political issue in very different ways. Instead of trying to convert each other, why not just live and let live? This will make for an uneasy alliance at first, but in time, you'll become accustomed to the truce. People think you are an impractical idealist, and there's nothing wrong with that. These days, cynics are two a penny.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Trying to make friends with certain cynics will be an exercise in futility. You're better off keeping your own counsel. In the meantime, cast your eyes around for a new job. You could find a good position at a government agency, house of worship, or cultural institution. Working on behalf of underprivileged people will speak to your soul. You've never been motivated by making big profits; as far as you're concerned, money brings out the worst in everyone!

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