Thursday, July 1, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 1 July 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You work faster than your colleagues, which is really frustrating. You're tired of waiting around for others so you can perform your job. Starting your own business will be a welcome challenge. You'll be able to set your own hours and avoid a long commute. If that's not possible, you may want to approach your boss for a more challenging position. You can't be happy unless you have a job that is mentally stimulating and physically demanding. Set your sights higher.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Playing team sports makes your creative juices flow. When your body is in motion, your mind is free to build castles in the air. Even getting together with friends for a game of football on the weekends can be inspirational. A child's interest in athletics should be encouraged. Learn as much as you can about their favourite pleasures and pastimes so you'll have a strong bond. Your approval means a lot to this child. Do whatever you can to spend quality time together.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A home improvement project will add value to your place. If you're currently renting, think about buying a house or condominium. In a few years' time, your investment will pay off handsomely. Banks will give you a very low interest rate, provided you're willing to bargain. Bring along a good negotiator to ensure you get the best rate possible. Getting a raise or promotion is possible, so long as you're willing to push for one. Give concrete examples of what you bring to the table.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Taking a quick trip will give you the intellectual stimulation you crave. You're tired of doing the same chores day after day. Getting a change of scenery allows you to look at old problems in a new light. It will also help you to break away from a stifling routine. Taking up a new form of exercise or altering your diet will yield impressive results. Outdoor activities are especially favoured. Hiking, biking and rock climbing give you a sexy glow that is most attractive.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You have to spend money to make money. If you don't have your own private space in your home, it's time to create one. Whether this means screening off a sunny corner or building an extra room is up to you. The important thing is to have a haven from domestic activity. Put a lock on the door, keep a portable stereo in your space, and paint the walls a restful colour. Impose strict rules regarding when and how other members of your household can approach you.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's important to assert yourself in a group, or nobody will respect you. If someone keeps dismissing your comments, raise your voice. Stand up while you're making a point. Get in your detractor's face, if necessary. The sooner the group realises you mean business, the faster your suggestions will be taken. You'll get positive feedback from several members of the team who are impressed by the depth and breadth of your knowledge.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Working behind the scenes will attract favourable attention from your superiors. Right now, your colleagues are jockeying for position. Your low key attitude is a testament to your leadership abilities. People feel more secure with an authority figure who doesn't feel the need to create drama all of the time. The fact that you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do whatever is necessary to finish a job also works in your favour.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) If you need a letter of recommendation ask a well connected friend to write one for you. A single word from them will grant you entry to a college, company, or club. Although you'd rather get there on your own steam, that's simply not possible now. Take advantage of your connections and resolve to help somebody else when the time comes. If you're struggling with a court case, offer to settle. Dispatching this issue quickly and efficiently will allow you to move on to greener pastures.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Being willing to do the dirty work will help you up the ladder of success. Your colleagues have become too comfortable in their exalted positions. The fact you're willing to branch out and learn the more difficult aspects of your industry is a testament to your professionalism. If you're supervising a group of people, be sure to single out the most talented member of the team. By showing you are willing to recognise good behaviour; everyone else will be inspired to improve their performances.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Broadening your horizons puts you in the path of romance. Sign up for a class, go on a long distance trip, or launch a blog. You'll be amazed how much favourable attention you receive. If you have a lover, the two of you need to spice things up in the bedroom. Talk to your partner about acting out a fantasy or expanding your repertoire. The more adventurous you are, the closer your bond will become. Sexual taboos can be overcome through counselling.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Sparks may be flying between you and an attractive colleague. Be careful of acting on your impulses, or you could be in jeopardy of losing your job. If you want to have a serious relationship, one of you will have to find work in another company, or at least in a different division. If one of you is already in a committed partnership, you need to keep things purely professional or your reputation will be tarnished.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A friend or lover is pushing you to take a bold risk; take a deep breath and break away from a secure arrangement. It's scary to work without a safety net, but it's also exhilarating. You are blessed with lots of creative talent. Using it to launch a business, write a book, or master a musical instrument will give you great happiness. There might not be a lot of money coming in while you work towards your goal, but you can live on a tight budget.

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