Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Formula 1 team orders in 2010? - the public´s feeling on the subject

  1. Videos for alonso passing massa german gp youtube

    Massa lets Alonso pass- German GP 2010
    2 min - 2 days ago
    Uploaded by WeeklyF1

    German F1 Gp 2010 Fernando Alonso Overtakes ...
    14 sec - 2 days ago
    Uploaded by F1Videos2010

  2. Felipe Massa in German GP admission | Formula 1 FanCast

    26 Jul 2010 ... Ferrari's Felipe Massa has said he decided to allow team-mate Fernado Alonso to pass him during the controversial German Grand Prix at ... - Cached

  3. F1 Fanatic - The Formula 1 Blog

    26 Jul 2010 ... More stats and facts from the German Grand Prix below. more… ... Ferrari fined, World Motor Sport Council to examine Alonso's pass on Massa ... - Cached - Similar

  4. Controversy as Alonso wins manipulated race (German Grand Prix ...

    25 Jul 2010 ... Who was the best driver of the German Grand Prix weekend? .... Next post: Ferrari fined, World Motor Sport Council to examine Alonso's pass on Massa ..... This was a team desicion and obviously Massa and Alonso were aware of .... it seems pretty obvious – ... - Cached

  5. Massa lets Alonso pass- German GP 2010 - Watch

    Massa lets Alonso pass- German GP 2010 - Watch. ... 2007-2008 This page is in no way shape or form affiliated with YouTube™ and affiliates. ... - Cached

  6. Massa lets Alonso pass- German GP 2010 video on CastTV Video Search

    25 Jul 2010 ... Massa lets Alonso pass- German GP 2010 ... Palhaço Massa assumiu q decidiu deixar o Alonso passar ... - Cached

  7. German F1 Gp 2010 Fernando Alonso Overtakes Felipe Massa - Ferrari ...

    19 Sep 2008 ... German F1 Gp 2010 Fernando Alonso Overtakes Felipe Massa - Ferrari Order Massa To Let Alonso Pass. Source: ... - Cached

  8. Ferrari fined $100000 for transgressions in German Grand Prix ...

    26 Jul 2010 ... If you followed yesterday's 2010 German Grand Prix, you'll remember that Felipe Massa mysteriously (not .... Shortly afterwards, Massa allowed Alonso to pass. Formula One Management demanded YouTube take down the video : ... - Cached

¿El fin de la tauromaquia en Barcelona? José Tomás, en Barcelona, ante seis toros

espejuelo | 06 July 2009
José Tomás dejó sentado ayer en Barcelona, en una Monumental absolutamente atestada, abarrotada y orgullosa de contener un magno acontecimiento de carácter irrepetible, que el toreo es básicamente un ejercicio espiritual, una vocación a veces hermética que sobrepasa las barreras de cualquier idioma y que trasciende la técnica y los manuales para adentrarse en esos terrenos donde lo que manda es el alma, el corazón y los sentimientos; donde el ser humano es capaz de abandonarse a sí mismo para entregarse como en un ancestral rito en una dialéctica donde el diafragma apenas es capaz de contener los latidos, en la que cerrar los ojos y mirar a la vida con las pupilas del alma se impone como una obligación. Pero una cosa es el corazón y otra los asuntos; y para que se sepa, ayer José Tomás en Barcelona cortó cinco orejas, pulverizó las estadísticas y además de jugarse la vida como un perro y resultar por dos veces dramáticamente volteado, toreó al natural como los ángeles, dibujó gloriosas verónicas al ralentí, pases de pecho de pitón a rabo inacabables y explosionó a la concurrencia toda con un quite vertical y austero por gaoneras esas suyas de infarto tan inverosímiles y enhiestas como Santa María del Mar en las que rivalizó con la Sagrada Familia en altura y belleza, en parsimonia y emoción. Y todo eso se cuenta siendo consciente de que no salió ni un solo toro completo, ni un solo animal con el que poder arrasarse por dentro como hizo hace más o menos un año en Madrid. Sin embargo, fue capaz de dar a cada toro lo que se merecía y ese punto más que atesora este torero como ningún otro. De hecho, la faena más maciza de la tarde la dibujó al segundo del envío, un astado de El Pilar altón y descolgado que desde el primer momento dejó sentado que por el pitón izquierdo no estaba dispuesto a tragarse ni un muletazo. El toro se frenaba incierto, se venía inopinado a los engaños y se las hizo pasar canutas a Gimeno Mora cuando le perdió la cara y le encajonó con alevosía en el burladero de matadores. La plaza hervía y salió José Tomás doblándose por bajo para sin pensárselo dos veces obligarle al natural. El toro no quería pero José Tomás sí. Y eso, con este hombre no tiene vuelta de hoja porque su tauromaquia es inapelable. Y lo metió en la canasta primero para después torearlo a placer en tandas inacabables en redondo en la que los lances surtían con una ligazón que ya no se volvió a ver en toda la corrida, aunque el delirio al que se fue entregando la plaza pudiera hacer parecer lo contrario. Hubo, eso sí, momentos imprescindibles al natural, ese toreo con la izquierda que con Tomás alcanza perfiles esenciales: la muleta arrastrada desde el inicio, el toro embebido en los vuelos pasando por la faja del torero y los remates atrás, siempre atrás, como si no existiera otro final posible que la anatomía profundamente desencajada para obtener el ole iniciático y brutal, el ole que se lanza desde dentro como si fuera un exabrupto pero que en realidad es un quejido, un aullido, un tremebundo aserto que brota de ese ejercicio de libertad que es su tauromaquia. El toreo vivió ayer en Barcelona una tarde honda, a pesar de los triunfalismos, del la ola de las multitudes que aclamaban a José Tomás como si no fuera de este mundo, como si hubiera venido a evangelizar a tierras de los gentiles. Pero todo eso son metáforas, discursos boreales. José Tomás torea para ejercer la libertad espiritual de un creador, torea para crecerse como persona, como ser humano, porque José Tomás es el torero del alma.

o Toros de distintas ganaderías (Núñez del Cuvillo, 1º y 6º; El Pilar, 2º y 4º; y Victoriano del Río, 3º y 5º), bien presentados en líneas generales, limpios de pitones y de juego desigual. El mejor del festejo fue el 4º y el más incierto el peligroso segundo, que desparramaba la vista y se frenaba venciéndose con peligro por el pitón izquierdo. José Tomás (único espada): silencio; oreja; oreja tras aviso, dos orejas tras aviso; oreja tras aviso y ovación con saludos. Salió a hombros. Plaza de toros de Barcelona, lleno impresionante en tarde tórrida en la que por momentos molestó el viento

Si te sientes fuerte sobre la tauromaquia - si se debe permitir o prohibir por favor deje su comentario a continuación

The following artist's new releases are now available for ordering. Lady Gaga - Remix & Cherrytree Sessions

Lady Gaga
4.5 stars -  Customer Rating
Originally released in Japan and then spreading out to other territories as her international star rose, Remix is precisely what it claims: remixed versions of Lady Gaga hits. At 17 tracks it borders on overkill, but that's fitting for Gaga, who has made excessiveness her raison d'être, and some of the included remixes are quite good, particularly when they come from either veterans of this game (Pet Shop Boys) or something approaching the latest fashion (Space Cowboy). That this is not an...

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Is the star in Starbucks fading?

I recently took the time to analyze one of the most popular
and iconic brands on the American scene. I am of course
talking about Starbucks.

After getting beaten down in 2008, Starbucks has made a
remarkable recovery. However, that recovery looks to be in
jeopardy based on our "Trade Triangle" technology and the
findings of a 14th century dead mathematician.

In this short video, I go into an in-depth analysis of what
is happening right now at Starbucks. With the help of our
"Trade Triangles," I point out some very fragile points in
this stock.

As always our videos are free to watch and there is no need
to register. If you'd like to make a comment on this or any
of our previous videos, please feel free.

All the best,
Adam Hewison
President of
Co-Founder of MarketClub

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 28 July 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You may think you're an expert in a particular sport or game, but you're about to meet someone with superior skills. At first, you'll be jealous of your rival's abilities. In time you'll become one of their biggest admirers. If you're trying to win someone's heart, you'll need to rely on more than just brawn and good looks. Being able to engage your beloved's intellect is critical. Find out what their interests and hobbies are, then do some reading on these subjects.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It's impossible to see eye to eye with your relatives. Your family has much different moral code than yours. You place great emphasis on beauty and elegance, whereas they place more emphasis on practicality and frugality. Don't worry too much if your nearest and dearest criticise your spending habits. Defending yourself will only draw you deeper into a quarrel. Taking a glamorous trip overseas will open new doors for you, both personally and professionally.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Be careful what you say and to whom you speak; spreading gossip will tarnish your reputation. Yes, people are eager to hear your juicy stories, but they don't respect you for them. In fact, the more you talk, the more people are convinced you are untrustworthy. Joining a religious or cultural institution will be a good outlet for your restless energy. You're especially impressed with a plain speaking teacher who applies lofty principles to mundane dilemmas.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Irresponsible spending puts pressure on an intimate relationship. Your partner is worried about the future, when all you seem to care about is the present. Usually, you're very conservative with money. Lately you've become tired of suppressing your desire for luxury. Its fine to enjoy an occasional splurge, but not at the expense of family security. Talk with your beloved about ways you can build up your savings again. The bigger your nest egg, the happier you will be.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) An arrogant attitude will be a real turn off for a potential partner or lover. You are a very accomplished person. When you rub your success in your rivals' faces, people cease to admire you. Take a more laid back attitude, especially if you're trying to win back your beloved's affection. Help a newcomer at work. By showing them the ropes, you'll win their lifelong support. This will come in handy sooner than you think, when office shake ups demand workers to take sides.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're so obsessed with the past you can't recognise new opportunities. The chance to move into a cutting edge industry will fall in your lap. Working as an intern or volunteer won't enrich your bank account, but it will give you valuable skills you can use later. In fact, your knowledge will help you land a new job that will be the envy of all your friends. Just because you achieved success in one area doesn't mean you have to stay with it.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Friends are leading you down a dangerous path. Although it's fun to enter into the festivities, you need to know associating yourself with troublemakers will reflect badly on you. Your family is worried you've acquired bad habits from hanging out with this crowd. Appease their fears by hosting a quiet dinner for your nearest and dearest. No matter what image you have to the outside world, you're still the same person inside.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Wanting to climb the ladder of success is understandable, but you shouldn't do it at the expense of family. Before accepting a demanding job, consider how it will affect your loved ones. If you're a parent, you need to be there for your children. A position that requires lots of travel and late nights isn't appropriate for you. Jobs related to education are highly favoured now. If you're not interested in being a teacher, think about launching a business from your home.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Beware of making snap judgements. You've always prided yourself on being open minded, but you do have a few prejudices. Just because somebody lacks a formal education doesn't mean they know less than you. In fact, there's a good chance they have far more knowledge and know how about sports, entertainment, or history than you. If you need to get some furnishings for your house, comb second hand stores. You can get some great deals on stuff that is well made and distinctive looking.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your vengeful attitude is very unattractive, but you do have every right to be angry at someone who betrayed you. The longer you dwell on this injustice the more embittered you will become. You have so many options available to you. Choose the one that will afford the greatest happiness. Taking or teaching a class will give you a new lease on life. It will also put you in touch with appreciative students. It's nice to be recognised for your talent, instead of envied for it.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Miscommunications abound. Your best friend, business partner, or lover can't understand how you can be so detached about a family matter. You have had so many negative experiences with a manipulative relative that you have lost hope in their ability to be rehabilitated. Trust your instincts when it comes to a moneymaking opportunity. Working as a counsellor or advisor will put much needed cash in your pocket. This will bring you great fulfilment.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Take medical advice seriously, or you could irritate a minor condition. Avoid foods that give you headaches, rashes, or indigestion. Drink plenty of water and get at least eight hours of sleep a day. If you don't, it will be impossible to fulfil all the tasks required of you. Making your boss angry is the last thing you need. A powerful friend is encouraging you to develop your creative talent. Whenever you need a boost of self esteem, turn to this admirer.

Inbox - Ingresos adicionales/eur 3001 por mes / el remitente ha robado nuestro dominio por lo que esta carta debe ser considerado un fraude

esta oferta de trabajo es fraudulento - repórtelo a la policía
Le pedimos disculpas por la demora en nuestra respuesta.
Nuestra empresa esta reclutando agentes en plantilla para trabajar a tiempo parcial.
Actualmente tenemos varias vacantes en Europa (Espana).

Si Usted esta buscando el dinero extra, solo indiquenos sus datos de contacto y el horario mas conveniente para llamar.

Contacto -

Nuestro personal se comunicara con Usted con mas informacion detallada sobre las respuestas a todas sus preguntas, que Usted puede preparar.
Seguro que los ingresos adicionales no estaran de mas!
Gracias y buen dia!

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Publisher (the domain name stolen by the sender) / Alexa details
Editor (el nombre de dominio robado por el remitente) / detalles Alexa

Inbox - Ingresos adicionales/eur 3000 por mes / el remitente ha robado nuestro dominio por lo que esta carta debe ser considerado un fraude

 esta oferta de trabajo es fraudulento - repórtelo a la policía

Le pedimos disculpas por la demora en nuestra respuesta.
Nuestra empresa esta reclutando agentes en plantilla para trabajar a tiempo parcial.
Actualmente tenemos varias vacantes en Europa (Espana).

Si Usted esta buscando el dinero extra, solo indiquenos sus datos de contacto y el horario mas conveniente para llamar.

Contacto -

Nuestro personal se comunicara con Usted con mas informacion detallada sobre las respuestas a todas sus preguntas, que Usted puede preparar.
Seguro que los ingresos adicionales no estaran de mas!
Gracias y buen dia!

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Subject: Ingresos adicionales/eur 3000 por mes
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Publisher (the domain name stolen by the sender) / Alexa details
Editor (el nombre de dominio robado por el remitente) / detalles Alexa 

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Inbox - CONFIDENTIAL/URGENT/ASSISTANT (Phishing attempt - delete it)


My dear I am contacting you in regards to a business transfer of a huge sum of money from a deceased account. Though I know that a transaction of this magnitude will make anyone apprehensive and worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the day. I decided to contact you due to the urgency of this transaction.

PROPOSITION; I discovered an abandant sum of $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family. Since his death, none of his next-of-kin or relations has come forward to lay claims to this money as the heir. I cannot release the fund from his account unless someone applies for claim as the next-of-kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines. Upon

this discovery, I now seek your permission to have you stand as a next of kin to the deceased as all documentations will be carefully worked out by me for the funds $11.5M(Eleven Million Five Hundred thousand United states Dollars) to be released in your favour as the beneficiary's next of kin.It may interest you to note that I have secured from the probate an order of madamus to locate any of deceased beneficiaries.

Please acknowledge receipt of this message in acceptance of my mutual business endeavour by

Do not complete this is a Phishing scam attempt
furnishing me with the following;
1. Your Full Names and Address.
2. Direct Telephone and Fax numbers.

These requirements will enable me file a letter of claim to the appropriate departments for necessary approvals in your favour before the transfer can be made. I shall be compensating you with $4.6 Million Dollars on final conclusion of this project, while the rest $6.9Million shall be for me. Your share stays with you while the rest shall be for me for investment purposes in your

If this proposal is acceptable by you, do not take undue advantage of the trust I have bestowed in you, I await your urgent email.


Yours, faithfully,


Information for the Police / Interpol
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