Thursday, March 13, 2008

Russian Brides - 93% will marry only when they know for sure they love the man.


E-book: How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me

Sexy, beautiful, intelligent and educated women...
Mail Order Brides! By Elena Petrova, Copyright 2004. All rights reserved.

There is no single man who would not want to meet a woman who is beautiful, intelligent, educated, fit, stylish and sexy.

All men want a girlfriend like this!

The problem is there are not many girls possessing those qualities that are unattached and available. Girls like this usually have a string of admirers and an attitude. You might even think they are out of your league.

Think again!

In your country, this may be true... But the world is so much bigger than that! In some countries, things are exactly the opposite way around: there is a huge shortage of nice, intelligent and stable single men!

Take Eastern Europe for example: the latest statistics from The Economist show that in places like Russia and Ukraine there are only 88 men for 100 women! In Russia alone, there are 10 million more women than men!

It means there are TEN MILLION WOMEN that will NEVER find a partner!

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Madrid 11-M - Death Penalty for Terrorists?

4 years today 192 people died at the hands of terrorists in Madrid Spain., many more still suffering from the horror, finding it hard to live a normal day to day life. Last week Isaias Carrasco, a Socialist, was shot and killed in the Basque town of Mondragon. His 20 daughter made a brave speech."Together we will put an end to this scourge which has been attacking Spanish society for decades," she said in a televised address on Friday. The Basque separatist group ETA was blamed for the assassination,

Is it not time that countries world-wide brought back the death penalty for terrorists convicted for this barbaric act? With prison sentences they normally continue to plot, this being paid for by the tax payers of the respect countries. Of course it may not disuade religious fanatics, but it could impair recruitment to terrorist organizations.

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Is Goa safe for tourists?

The deaths of 15-year-old Scarlette Keeling and 34-year-old Michael Harvey, both British nationals in Goa, that too in quick succession raise this question and Scarlette´s mother is very critical of the local police. The second autopsy insisted on by Mrs Keeling revealed that her daughter had indeed been murdered. As a result of this a local barman has been arrested for rape. What is happening with regard to the murder investigation? It was also revealed that Scarlette was high on drugs that night. What are the Goa police doing to control the dealing and consuming of drugs in their jusrisdiction?.

Monday, March 3, 2008

MySpace - Moderator please take a tougher stance with companies abusing this site

For the last 3 days I have been approached by alleged friends who are really adult dating sites. Why does MySpace let these people or should I say companies join. GET RID OF THEM. Click on check out my profile and you are warned that you may be taken to a phishing site. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Kaleigh: cosas suyas
En cuanto a mí:
Aloha!! I'm .Kaleigh .Towner and .i'm .22 y.o. .I .like .studying and chatting online. And also i... I love .virtual sex.. If .you want to see more. - check out my profile.;).
We .are .always so .naughty with my .girlfriends when chatting there! You won't be let to go until getting a fuck with one of us, lol:).).) find a fresh blood know.!.:).
Damn, I haven't had good fuck for years...
A quién quiero conocer:

Espacio del amigo de Kaleigh (Los más destacados 1)

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In an effort to stop phishing, we are warning you:

If you follow the previous link, you will be on a new website, not the MySpace website.

Tom's Blog about Phishing Tom's Blog about this Warning Page

Virus attack

Down from midnight last monday to 2030 hour last friday due to this attack.

Did someone not like one of the controversial postings?