Showing posts sorted by date for query venezuela. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query venezuela. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

#venezuela - UN experts warn of 'unprecedented' repression in Venezuela after disputed election | DW News

24 September 2024

Thousands of Venezuelans have gone into hiding as the socialist government cracks down on dissent in the wake of a disputed election.

President Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner of July's vote - but his victory claim is rejected by the US, the European Parliament and several Latin American nations. Many other Venezuelans have simply left the country. DW spoke to some of those in exile in Spain.

#maduro #Venezuela

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

#España #Spain #Venezuela #Maduro - DIRECTO | El Congreso vota sobre el reconocimiento de Edmundo González como presidente de Venezuela

10 Septiembre 2024

5,971 watching now • Started streaming 53 minutes ago • #venezuela #españa #congreso

Sunday, September 8, 2024

#breakingnews #spain #venezuela #maduro #gonzalez - Venezuela Opposition Leader Urrutia Seeks Political Asylum In Spain, Leaves The Country

8 September 2024

Venezuela Opposition Leader Urrutia Seeks Political Asylum In Spain, Leaves The Country The Venezuelan government has said that opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia has left the country and has sought political asylum in Spain. Urrutia was the opposition party’s presidential candidate, backed by popular leader Maria Corina Machado. He disputed President Nicolas Maduro's July 28 victory.

He was facing legal proceedings in Venezuela. He had skipped three summons to appear before prosecutors. He said that attending the hearing could cost him his freedom. The Venezuelan prosecutors had issued an arrest warrant against Urrutia for his insistence on being a rightful election winner. His lawyer claims that given the charges levelled by Venezuelan authorities, he could face a jail term of 30 years.

Venezuela has been witnessing a political crisis since the July 28 vote, in which President Maduro was declared a winner. The declaration of Maduro’s election victory triggered massive protests in Venezuela that killed 27 and injured 192 people.

Monday, July 4, 2016

#Venezuela - oil revenues plunge sharply: Al Jazeera English

Published on 3 Jul 2016
Venezuela's state oil company says its revenues have fallen by forty-one percent in the past year. It follows a steep drop in global oil prices that has contributed to an economic crisis in the South American nation. The country's recession and triple-digit inflation has caused concern it may not be able to honour its large debts.

Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman reports.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

#Venezuela - opposition claims enough support for Maduro vote: Al Jazeera English

Published on 25 Jun 2016
Opponents of socialist leader say they have the 1.3 million signatures needed to hold a referendum deciding President Nicolas Maduro's future.

Al Jazeera's Virginia Lopez reports.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

#Venezuela - Government Insists Recall Referendum Not Likely This Year: teleSUR English

Published on 7 Jun 2016
Venezuelan opposition says they will keep marching to call for a recall referendum against President Nicolas Maduro. Our correspondent in Caracas reports

Friday, June 3, 2016

#Venezuela - Cry For Food In Protests Near Presidential Palace: wochit News

Published on 2 Jun 2016
In Caracas, Venezuela groups of protesters chanting, "We want food!" gathered near the presidential palace, as security forces started firing rounds of tear gas. President Nicolas Maduro has been under intense pressure as the economic conditions worsen in his country of 30 million people. One woman told a reporter, "There's no more food in the shops and supermarkets. We're hungry and we're tired." Venezuelans are suffering from shortages of basic goods like milk and flour, despite being a country with the world's largest oil reserves. President Maduro blames the unrest on the fall in global oil prices. Government officials tried to reassure citizens that "things will improve in the next few weeks."

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

#Venezuela - LATAM is latest airline to suspend operations in this country: euronews (in English)

Published on 31 May 2016
Latin America's largest airline LATAM has become the latest carrier to suspend its operations in Venezuela.

It comes a day after Lufthansa said it would suspend its services to the country. The German company said recession-hit Venezuela owed it millions in ticket revenues.

LATAM -the largest regional airline (LAN+TAM)- will no longer fly to Venezuela, due to the "macroeconomic situation"— URUGUAY Headlines (@TBPractices) May 30, 2016

Venezuela, al límite - Parte 2 (en español)

Friday, May 27, 2016

#Venezuala - Maduro: more fighting talk for Spain: euronews (in English)

 euronews (in English)
Published on 27 May 2016
* Nicolas Maduro challenges Spain
* Says he may stand for election
* Spain's national security council meets in Madrid *What is happening?*

There has been more fighting talk from the President of crisis-hit Venezuela. Maduro invita a Rajoy a debatir en Venezuela la situación de España— Antena3Noticias (@A3Noticias) May 26, 2016

Sunday, May 22, 2016

#Venezuela - Inside a hospital: 'If people come with cardiac arrest, they die' - BBC News

Published on 21 May 2016
The BBC has obtained exclusive access to one of Venezuela's biggest public hospitals, which is suffering from chronic shortages and a lack of resources.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

#Venezuela - crisis hit hospitals where 7 babies die a day / hospitales crisis golpeó en 7 bebés mueren al día

Published on 18 May 2016
The impact of Venezuela's economic collapse on its people is almost impossible to put into words.
But these images inside calamity-hit hospitals go some way to communicating the devastation.
Since oil prices plummeted, all aspects of everyday life - electricity, food, paper - have been rationed.
Critically, medical centers are in crisis.

Without soap, antibiotics, power, gloves and x-rays, surgeons are struggling to keep patients alive.
Pictures taken by New York Times photographer Meridith Kohut offer a glimpse inside some of the most notorious centers - while President Nicolas Maduro claims the socialist nation has the best healthcare in the world.

The Luis Razetti Hospital in the portal city of Barcelona looks like a war zone.
Patients can be seen balancing themselves on half-broken beds with days-old blood on their bodies.
They're the lucky ones; most are curled up on the floor, blood streaming, limbs blackening.
Children lie among dirty cardboard boxes in the hallways without food, water or medication.
Without electricity or functioning machines, medics have had to create their own solutions. Two men who had surgery on their legs have their limbs elevated by makeshift slings made out of water bottles.
One man is missing half his skull after a severe head injury a year ago. He is still waiting for post-surgery treatment.

Last summer, the Daily Mail reported how rampant opossums had infested the Luiz Razetti Hospital, killing 17 newborns.

That was just the start of months of misery at the center, according to the New York Times.
In just one day, the newspaper's reporters witnessed the deaths of seven babies since there were no oxygen tanks, and doctors had to pump air into their lungs by hand. 

A 68-year-old diabetic patient interviewed has to have her leg amputated; the hospital did not have dialysis machines or the antibiotics she requires.

One had to have an almost-rupturing appendix removed without proper tools or sanitation. Another died because the blood bank was closed due to a public holiday, which was randomly called by the government to save electricity.

President Nicolas Maduro has refused attempts to seek international or monetary support for the country's healthcare system that he says would effectively 'privatize' healthcare. 

The socialist leader, Hugo Chavez's successor, claims such a move would have devastating impacts on the country.

And he even insists Venezuela's healthcare is one of the best in the world: 'I doubt that anywhere in the world, except in Cuba, there exists a better health system than this one,' he said. 

Since the economic collapse began to take hold of the country, Maduro has dedicated many of his speeches to boasting of Venezuela's strengths, and lashing out at other countries.

Like his late predecessor, Maduro regularly accuses the US of spying and illegal intervention.
On Tuesday, he told a press conference a U.S. military aircraft 'with lethal technical abilities' illegally entered Venezuelan airspace twice in seven days.

'Our military aviation detected the illegal entry, for unusual espionage tasks, of the Boeing 707 E-3 Sentry, which is an airborne early warning control center system that has all the mechanisms for espionage,' he told reporters at the presidential palace.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

#Venezuela - must defy Maduro's state of emergency: opposition / debe desafiar el estado de emergencia de Maduro: oposición

Published on 18 May 2016
Public outrage over sweeping new emergency powers decreed this week by President Nicolas Maduro was expected to spill onto the streets of Venezuela Wednesday, with planned nationwide protests marking a new lowpoint in his unpopular rule.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

#Venezuela - Enters State Of Emergency As Its Economy Melts Down: Entra en estado de emergencia como Su economía se derrite

Published on 15 May 2016
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has declared a 60-day state of emergency in hopes of salvaging the country's disintegrating economy.

Economic mismanagement, frequent shortages of basic goods and the crash of prices for the country's once-prosperous oil exports have left Venezuelans in crisis and their government strapped for cash. Maduro is expanding on his previously-declared economic state of emergency from last January.

It's not yet clear exactly what this expanded state of emergency entails, but last year, the state of emergency gave the country's security forces more control over the people of several regions near the Venezuelan-Colombian border.

Dissatisfaction with Maduro's regime has bolstered the country's opposition movement, which is currently calling for a referendum on Maduro's term. U.S. intelligence officials recently told reporters the country could be headed for a total political collapse.

Newsy is your source for concise, unbiased video news and analysis covering the top stories from around the world. With persistent curiosity and no agenda, we strive to fuel meaningful conversations by highlighting multiple sides of every story.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Scam request to Pablo. Warning sign Carlos Garcia Esquivel does not speak or write English so writer probably not this person

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carlos Garcia Esquivel <>
Date: Wed, May 20, 2015 at 5:29 PM
Subject: Help


Please I need your urgent help, am currently in Manila,Philippines for a short vacation and my bank is having some network problem, can't transfer out here, have been so stranded and confused. Please can I get $1,950 or whatever amount if not all? I will refund your money in few days as soon as I return, I promise. Please let me know immediately. I will be waiting to read back from you.

Best regards.


This person is(was) a friend of Pablo when he lived in Venezuela and Pablo now has been resident in Spain for 15 months. Pablo recieved this email this morning when he came to my house from the village to use my computer. As Pablo and I via delphi exposed scams previously he asked me to publish this email to warn others. 

I have done a check and Google produces this. Pablo forwarded this to me so I cannot investigate where the original email came from. It would appear that both the sender and the recipient are interested in orchids and the website below does give all the details of the Mexican (sender)

O girassol: Re: [Orquisamericanas] otras mas de esta ...
Mar 28, 2011 - Cc: "Carlos Garcia Esquivel" <>, "Henrique Graf" <>, "Carlos Keller" ...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Venezuela - Hugo Chavez returns to Caracas after treatment in Cuba

Published on Mar 17, 2012 by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez has flown home after cancer surgery in Cuba, vowing to conquer his illness and win October's presidential election.

He had already been treated in Havana last year.

There is speculation over whether he will be fit enough for the campaign. Medical experts say radiation treatment Chavez faces could take a heavy toll

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Spain - Soldado marca el quinto de España a Venezuela 5-0 en Málaga

Uploaded by on Mar 1, 2012
Más información:
La selección española pasa por encima de Venezuela al ganar por 5-0 en Málaga en un amistoso de preparación para la Eurocopa 2012.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Cuba - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad goes west as sanctions hit home

Published on Jan 11, 2012 by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has met Cuba's President Raul Castro as the Iranian leader continued his drive to rally support amid growing tensions over his country's nuclear programme.

The visit was overshadowed by the killing of a nuclear scientist in a car bomb attack that Iran has blamed on Israel and the US.

The trip was an occasion to strengthen already strong economic and political ties. Cuba, like the other countries on Ahmadinejad's Latin American tour - Venezuela, Nicaragua and Ecuador - have endorsed Tehran's right to develop nuclear power.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Venezuela - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Hugo Chavez mock US

Uploaded by on Jan 10, 2012
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez mocked US its move to expel a Venezuelan diplomat at the start of a visit to four left-leaning Latin American nations.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Venezuela - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rallies support here

Published on Jan 9, 2012 by Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has arrived in Venezuela at the start of a tour of Latin American countries.

The visit is being seen as a bid to rally support from the region's leftist leaders as tough new Western sanctions aim to isolate the Islamic Republic.

Tensions between the US and Iran have intensified with Washington saying it will not tolerate Tehran's threatened closure of the Hormuz straight in response to the sanctions. With the straight vital for oil shipping in the Gulf the US has warned it will unblock any blockade.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Iran - seeks support against Western sanctions, in Latin America, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador & Nicaragua

Published on Jan 8, 2012 by Iran's President has embarked on a trip to Latin America to seek support against tough new Western sanctions on the Islamic state..

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will visit Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador and Nicaragua. It comes days after Tehran threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz, one of the world's most important shipping lanes.