Showing posts with label venezuela. Show all posts
Showing posts with label venezuela. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2025

#venezuela #maduro #mariacorinamachado - Las palabras de María Corina Machado tras la toma de posesión presidencial de Maduro: CNN en Español 4.98M subscribers

10 January 2025

La líder opositora venezolana María Corina Machado se pronunció horas después de la juramentación de Nicolás Maduro y tras el confuso episodio que vivió al término de una protesta. "Hoy, 10 de enero, Maduro consolida un golpe de Estado", dijo la opositora. Este fue el mensaje que compartió en sus redes sociales. #venezuela #maduro #mariacorinamachado

#33 on Trending

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

#venezuela - UN experts warn of 'unprecedented' repression in Venezuela after disputed election | DW News

24 September 2024

Thousands of Venezuelans have gone into hiding as the socialist government cracks down on dissent in the wake of a disputed election.

President Nicolas Maduro was declared the winner of July's vote - but his victory claim is rejected by the US, the European Parliament and several Latin American nations. Many other Venezuelans have simply left the country. DW spoke to some of those in exile in Spain.

#maduro #Venezuela

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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

#España #Spain #Venezuela #Maduro - DIRECTO | El Congreso vota sobre el reconocimiento de Edmundo González como presidente de Venezuela

10 Septiembre 2024

5,971 watching now • Started streaming 53 minutes ago • #venezuela #españa #congreso

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

email from a friend in Venezuela !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Pablo F... wrote:

Thanks for your support.

There are lots of things you don't know about Venezuela and the red Dictador Hugo Chávez. This is a country heavily divided between Chavez's followers and detractors. I include myself on the later. Chavez is trying to impose his socialist/communist model at all costs Thus destroying my beloved country

I have been writing articles since this tyrant has come to power and several times and got insulted. On February 4th I wrote an article about Ramiro Valdez who is among the greatest murderers that Cuba has to offer, this time they're unleashing they're political goons to those who oppose the political regime.

These Storm troopers promoted by our regime have already burnt churches and sinagogues. They even once threw a hand grenade at the parking lot of a local news channel and shut down an TV channel just because the channel did not share political views.

Our tropical dictator has already crossed the line between democracy and dictatorship. He has allied himself with terrorist groups like Colombian Guerillas and muslim fanatics. Repression here will get worse and worse. But viewing from the bright side on these times of turmoil, our dictator is afraid and might fall. Thats why he is threating us with wars with Colombia and perhaps a Civil War.

Sorry for bringing politics, but is good to people outside Venezuela know who is Hugo Chávez. By the time being I will be at any demonstration against this regime. I will translate into English the article I wrote. It has been read by thousands of Spanish speakers. Specially among the Venezuelans and Cubans in exile. Also have received lots of comments.

See you soon

Pablo / venezolano