Showing posts with label Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday. Show all posts

Friday, March 11, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 11th March 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It's not easy for you to forget an injustice, but you have no problem forgiving innocent mistakes. However, you're firmly convinced a rival deliberately tripped you up. Instead of letting your resentment simmer, find a healthy outlet for it. Working on a creative project will lift your spirits. You love working with your hands, whether it's making jewellery, carving wood, or tooling leather. The best part is you get to keep what you make.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don't fall victim to peer pressure; too often, you abandon your plans to win public approval. If you do that, you'll end up wasting time on a pointless activity. You're better off going solo. Shut yourself away from the world and invent a new recipe or plan a garden. If you're thinking of writing a memoir, be sure to change the names of anyone who may be offended by your words. That way, you won't feel guilty about relaying some embarrassing stories.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're convinced you could do a better job than somebody who has been hired to perform a certain task. Although you're probably right, that won't make this errand go any faster. You'll simply have to resign yourself to waiting. Make the whole process easier by arming yourself with water, a snack, an iPod, and a good book. The more diverted you are, the easier it will be to keep stress at bay. Why make a bad situation even more difficult?
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) It's hard to find free time with your loved ones. Now your schedule has opened up, none of your friends are around to hang out. Try not to take it personally. Take this opportunity to catch up on your reading or correspondent. Spending a few quiet hours alone can actually be refreshing. You're not the type who can fire on all cylinders indefinitely. On the contrary, you need lots of time to reflect on what's happened so you can make plans for the future.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It feels like you'll never have enough time to do all the things you want. Lately, you've been drowning in work. Quitting is not an option. Too many people rely on you to keep things stable. You can ease some of the pressure by revising your schedule. Get up earlier, and devote the time to something that gives you genuine pleasure. Alternatively, you may want to set aside a few hours each weekend to watch movies, go dancing, or paint pictures.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Someone is being very thoughtless and you're tired of putting up with their nonsense. A confrontation is in order, but tread carefully. Attacking this pest will just make you look unreasonable. As incredible as it seems, they are totally unaware of their affect on you. Take a deep breath and ask to talk to your tormentor in private. Explain your problem and then propose several solutions so you can work companionably together.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It's difficult to make a decision regarding romance. On the one hand, you enjoy spending time with your amour. On the other, you're afraid of losing your independence. Don't be afraid to go on holiday by yourself. This will give you an opportunity to review your relationship objectively. It will also allow you to do things that your partner doesn't enjoy. You shouldn't have to give up hobbies and interests just for the sake of a love affair.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) No matter how much you complain people refuse to obey the rules. There's no point in playing police officer; you'll just make more enemies. Turn your attention to a personal project that gives you a lot of pleasure. If you've developed a crush on someone special, devise a strategy for winning their heart. A little old fashioned courtship will work wonders. Don't worry about looking foolish. A sentimental gesture will come off as courageous, not stupid.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) People accuse you of being lackadaisical, but you see things differently. You simply refuse to get worked up over a situation you cannot change. One thing you can do is to lift everybody's spirits. Continue to praise friends, neighbours, and relatives who are making the best of a bad situation. Try to lighten the mood of pessimists. In the end, you'll be hailed as a champion. Sometimes it's more important to maintain composure than to go into fix it mode.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Try not to be so hard on yourself. You will fall short of your goals, but only because you need more practice. Resist the urge to throw in the towel. A little persistence will pay off. In the meantime, you have to learn to relax and have a good time. Treating life like one big obstacle course may keep you focused, but it will also make you exhausted. Slow down and enjoy the journey. It's at least as much fun as the sensation of crossing the finish line.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Even if you know what the logical course of action is, you can't bring yourself to take it. That's because your emotions have bubbled to the surface and can't be tamped back down again. Follow your heart, even if it puts you in the path of danger. Revealing your true feelings to the object of your affection will be both terrifying and exhilarating. No matter what the outcome, you can be proud of the fact you took the riskier path.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Living for the moment is fine for you, but it's causing pain for your loved ones. They need to have some answers. Instead of waving away their questions, sit down and have a conference. Invite everybody to share their hopes and fears, and then formulate a plan together. If you continue to go on your merry way, some key relationships will fall by the wayside. You really can't afford to go solo at this juncture. Make teamwork your watchword. 