Sunday, September 1, 2024

#russia - The Beslan Massacre Islamic terrorist attack that started on 1 September 2004 - 20th anniversary

28 March 2024

On the 3rd September 2004, the Siege at the Beslan Number One School was brought to an end. Amid the chaos, students, parents and teachers held captive attempted to flee.

3 сентября 2004 года осада школы № 1 в Беслане была прекращена. Среди хаоса, ученики, родители и учителя, взятые в плен, пытались бежать

The Beslan school siege was an Islamic terrorist attack that started on 1 September 2004. It lasted three days, and involved the imprisonment of more than 1,100 people as hostages, ending with the deaths of 334 people, 186 of them children, as well as 31 of the attackers. Wikipedia

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