Saturday, January 14, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 14th January 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're ready to scale back your social life. Although you love spending time with friends, their constant company has drained you of physical energy and financial resources. This is an opportune moment to take a solitary holiday. Head for a place known for its cultural diversions. Visiting museums, art galleries, and theatres will restore your spirits. Don't be surprised if you're inspired to create a work of art as a result of this trip. Your imagination is about to reach its boiling point.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Finding creative freedom is just a matter of changing your priorities. By devoting an hour each day to your favourite activity, you'll be able to create a work of compelling beauty. Don't ask for anyone's approval with this endeavour. This project is purely for your pleasure. Beware of showing it to anyone before it is finished. It would be a shame if a dim witted critic discouraged you from developing a masterpiece. You're bound to make some wrong turns at the beginning, but that's part of the process.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) If you want professional success, you have to look the part of a respected expert. Invest in some attractive outfits for work. It doesn't matter what you do for a living; everybody should own at least one fashionable suit. If you're not sure what to buy, take a Libra along on a shopping trip. Together, you'll find clothes that both command respect and suit your style. Do you need a job? Seek out a position related to entertainment, health care, or shipping.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Expanding your horizons will be a labour of love. This is a great time to take a class, go on a trip, or write a love story. You need something to distract you from the mundane matters in life. As a general rule, you're extremely responsible. This makes it difficult for you to pursue adventure. You're always afraid of neglecting relatives, friends, and colleagues. Stop giving yourself guilt trips. You have every right to have a little fun, just like everybody else!
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your sex appeal has never been stronger. If you're single, you'll be eager to play the field. Have fun, but don't lead anybody down the garden path. You're too kind to break an innocent heart. Do you already have a lover? Then set about spicing up your lovemaking. Focus on finding your partner's erogenous zones, and then invite them to explore yours. A sensualist like you can't live on food and drink alone. You must have physical affection to be happy.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Be extra kind and considerate to your lover. They're going through a difficult time, but may not tell you their troubles. Instead of badgering them to know what's wrong, be sweet. Take some dreaded chores off their hands. Make their favourite foods. Buy a small gift designed to make them smile. Too often, you get so wrapped up in life's practical matters that you neglect the spiritual side of things. If you're single, do something special for your best friend.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Creating a pleasing work environment is your first order of business. If you're tired of the daily grind, you might want to consider launching your own business. That way, you can decorate the place the way you want and hire whoever you like. Fortunately, it won't take a lot of money to make your office area attractive. You've always had a knack for choosing beautiful colours, comfortable furnishings, and compelling artwork. Turn a deaf ear to your colleagues' teasing; they'll soon eat their words.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It looks like you're everybody's flavour of the month. Don't be surprised when people who have never looked at you twice start following you around like puppies. Although all of this attention is flattering, you're only interested in securing one person's heart. The object of your affection is incredibly shy, so you'll have to make the first move. If you already have a lover, arrange a relaxing break near a beautiful body of water.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Normally, you have a good sense of humour about your shortcomings. Lately you've bristled at some light hearted jokes. Remember that the people who are teasing you are doing it out of affection. If it's love and affection you want, ask for it. Your family will be happy to oblige. One nurturing relative is always looking for ways to pamper and pet you. Ask them to prepare your favourite meal or give you a foot rub. Even a tough customer like you can benefit from TLC!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're becoming a lot more sociable now newcomers are flooding into your life. Many of these people will have artistic inclinations that uplift and inspire you. Maybe it's time to take a writing, painting, or music appreciation class. You have to admit that going from home to work and back again has become tiresome. Someone may be pressuring you to make a romantic commitment. Now is not the time to make any promises. Just focus on having fun instead.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're sincere and direct in matters of romance. You'd rather be in your lover's arms than playing mind games. If you've developed a crush on somebody, it's time to act on it. Confess your feelings, even at the risk of being turned down. You'll feel as through a terrific weight has been lifted from your shoulders. If you're already in a relationship, buy your partner a luxurious token of your esteem. Think in terms of what they would like, rather than what you would choose.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your inner romantic comes to the surface. Take this opportunity to paint, write, and play music. Reach out to the one you love and express how much you care. Put the lion's share of your energy towards projects that are dear to your heart. Turn a deaf ear to critics who accuse you of being impractical. The world needs dreamers like you to lift it from the mundane to the extraordinary. The bills will somehow get paid. You just need to take a leap of faith.
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