Sunday, December 4, 2011

Croatia - EU on horizon as gloomy country goes to polls / Hrvatska - EU u horizontu kao mračan zemlja ide na izbore

Published on Dec 4, 2011 by Croatia, like Slovenia, is voting in a general election with the floundering economy the centre of debate 18 months before the country is due to join its neighbour in the EU.

Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor's conservative HDZ party has been trailing in the polls as voters show their frustration with growing poverty and unemployment.
Hrvatska, poput Slovenije, je glasovanje na općim izborima s floundering ekonomije središte rasprave 18 mjeseci prije zemlja je zbog pridružiti svojih susjeda u EU.

Predsjednik Vlade Jadranka Kosor konzervativna HDZ je zaostaje u anketama kao birači pokazati svoje frustracije s rastućim siromaštvom i nezaposlenošću.

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