Monday, October 17, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 18th October 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're very protective of your loved ones. An oppressive authority figure is making trouble for one of your relatives, which makes you red with anger. Beware of doing anything rash. This is a time to build bridges, not burn them. By acting as a peaceful go between, you can salvage this relationship and preserve a valuable source of income. You can also establish a savings account for someone who lacks long term financial security.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Getting back in touch with someone from your past lifts your spirits. You hate abrupt endings, and this relationship never came to a satisfying conclusion. It seems like fate was stopping you saying everything you wanted. Don't be disappointed if old romantic feelings fail to return. There is the basis for a profound friendship here, based on mutual admiration and trust. Best of all, it looks like you'll be able to form a fruitful creative partnership with your old friend.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Despite a lot of peer pressure to work yourself into the ground, you aim to enjoy life. Taking a holiday or even prolonged breaks will be therapeutic. Finances are scarce, but that doesn't bother you. You manage to enjoy life to the fullest, whether it's a simple meal of cheese and bread or a long soak in the bathtub. Someone who is very jealous of your carefree lifestyle will poke fun at you. Turn a deaf ear to stupid remarks; you're onto something good!
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're impatient to get started on a project, but hold on. Check with your boss or an authority figure before you begin. If you don't, you'll be labouring in vain. Be crystal clear about what is expected of you, and get the directives in writing. That way, there won't be any confusion about what you are expected to submit. Your best friend or lover feels neglected. You simply can't be in two places at once. Arrange a special outing once this project is put to bed.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your imagination is very strong, but don't let daydreams undermine your productivity. There is a lot to be done, and if you fall short of your goals, your colleagues will suffer. Resist the urge to get embroiled in a lawsuit. You will not prevail, wasting time and money trying to balance the scales of justice. Cut your losses and follow some career opportunities. A position involving luxury goods, gourmet food, or artwork will put you right in the spotlight, where you belong.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Learning how to operate the latest gadgets and software programmes makes you indispensable. You're not going to fall behind the technological revolution. Your cutting edge knowledge makes you a hot commodity on the job market. Unfortunately, some of your colleagues resent the power you wield, simply because without you, the whole office would fall apart. If you're behind the learning curve, take this opportunity to attend computer classes.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Put your organisational skills to work, even at the risk of annoying your best friend or romantic partner. You're sick and tired of cleaning up their messes. By creating a system that includes designated spaces for every item, including hooks for keys, baskets for mail, and storage bins for shoes, you'll avoid a great deal of chaos. A depressing relative will scorn your efforts and proclaim you are wasting your time. That's because they're threatened by your ability.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Getting advanced training will be more difficult than you think. The kinds of classes you want aren't being offered. Plus, the teachers who are available won't sit well with you. You want somebody who sets high standards, but allows you to develop your own methodology. Wait until this term is over to enrol in school. By then, you'll be able to find an instructor who brings out the best in you. Deal with a health issue as soon as possible.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Learning what motivates a colleague will help your working relationship. Some people are driven by criticism, and others are inspired by praise. By tailoring your approach accordingly, you'll see marvellous results. Money is tight right now, so you'll have to accept some work assignments that are distasteful to you. You can salvage the situation by forming fast friendships with your fellow workers. Beware of crossing someone who can make life difficult.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Putting others first will cause an authority figure to take advantage of your generosity. Instead of deferring to your boss, colleagues, and relatives, put your own desires first. Carve out some quality time with a child or lover. Devote the day to an activity you both enjoy, whether it's cooking, painting, or exploring nature. Joining a volunteer organisation has rewards, too. You're tired of neglecting your spiritual side for the sake of those who don't really value you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're three times more productive than the average worker, but take care. If you keep outperforming your colleagues, you'll attract resentment. Slow down and put more energy into making friends. Your boss will appreciate these attempts at being a team player. Beware of having sharp words with a relative or neighbour who is getting on your nerves. They can't help being a bundle of nervous energy; it's just the way they are wired!
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Someone who criticises everything you do really has a secret crush on you. Remember this the next time you hear one of their stinging comments. Friends are pressuring you to lash out at this enemy, but you're more inclined to ignore their outrageous behaviour. Put your energy towards people and activities you enjoy instead. Taking a short trip with a luxurious friend will act like a tonic. Head for a spot known for its natural beauty and total tranquillity.

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