Friday, August 26, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 27th August 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This isn't a good time to take a financial risk. You have to be as resourceful with your income as possible. Resist the urge to buy unnecessary luxuries, at least for the short term future. If you're bored, spend quality time with a business or romantic partner. Their wisdom and insight will help curb your urge to splurge. A neighbour's chance remark will inspire a creative project. Move like lightning on this idea, while it still capitates your imagination.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A family member has been relying too much on your generosity. It's time to stop handing out money whenever you're asked. Until this relative learns to be financially independent, your relationship will always be strained. You're very productive at work, and will even be able to take a few jobs off a colleague's plate. Don't think your efforts are going unnoticed. Your boss really appreciates your cooperative attitude, and is poised to give you a raise or promotion.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) Curiosity killed the cat; don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong, or you'll make a powerful enemy. Resist the urge to look through someone's desk or office while they're away. After all, you would hate it if somebody ransacked your stuff. A promising romance is heating up. There will be a significant age difference between the two parties. This generation gap will actually work to the couple's benefit. Reserve judgment until you've seen these two together in an intimate setting.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Financial and emotional security are synonymous in your mind. It's hard for you to relax when you don't have money in the bank. Take this opportunity to develop an identity separate from finances. You are still worthy and lovable when you are struggling to make ends meet. Just because you aren't making as much as you'd like doesn't mean you are a bad person. On the contrary, your most precious qualities have nothing to do with the work you do or the salary you earn.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're hypersensitive, so take a few moments before reacting to a seemingly hurtful comment. Chances are you're just being teased. A playful authority figure will poke fun at your dignity, but it's only out of affection. Try not to overreact. A short distance trip is looming ahead. Get it over with as soon as possible, as there is money involved. You don't want to delay any payments that should be coming to you. Besides, you'll enjoy getting away from the daily grind.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Taking a few days off is just what the doctor ordered. If you've never taken a holiday alone, now is the time to do so. Head for some glamorous city where you can forget your troubles while touring museums, galleries, and stores. Don't feel guilty about leaving your loved ones home while you go off and have a great time. After all, you are always working to make everyone else's lives easier. It's about time you were shown the same courtesy.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It will be hard to fulfil your sexual desires. While you're eager to satisfy your physical urge, everybody else is intent on work. It makes you wonder what has happened to everyone's priorities. Channel your frustrations into a fundraiser. Making money for a good cause will take your mind off your troubles, and put you in contact with people who share your concern for wildlife, the environment, or the arts. Best of all, it will cause you to cross paths with an attentive lover!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don't forget work obligations. Lately, you've been spending so much time with your best friend or lover that you've neglected your job. If your boss asks you to stay late or come in over the weekend, accept. That way, you can catch up on all those little jobs which have fallen through the cracks, and maintain your good reputation. It's easy to be productive when you have the office to yourself. You'll zip through duties like a hot knife through butter.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're no stranger to shaking up the status quo. In fact, you enjoy dispensing with stuffy traditions. Be careful you don't hurt somebody's feelings in the process. Although these practices seem horribly outdated to you, they mean something important to more conservative members of the group. By showing respect for their beliefs, they'll be more receptive to your opinions. Do your best to foster an atmosphere of kindness and harmony.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Establishing long term security is very important. Having a variety of savings and investments will protect you from financial uncertainties. Get into the habit of putting a portion of your income into savings each week. Setting up automated payments will save you the trouble of writing cheques. Over time, you'll forget these deductions are being made from your account. You'll be amazed how much money you can save if you just leave it alone and let it gain interest.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You're able to get along with people from all walks of life. That's why everyone comes to you for advice. You'd never judge someone on the basis of their class or education. As far as you're concerned, everyone's experience is valuable. A relative who doesn't share your egalitarian views will mock your extensive social network. Just grin and bear it. This family member is just jealous of your popularity. Be willing to renegotiate a business agreement that is no longer working.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) People know they can depend on you when they're called away on important business. You're always happy to water plants, care for children, and feed pets. This weekend it won't be possible to lend a hand. You've got your own business to attend to. If you know somebody who can step in for you, pass along the name. Remember it's not your responsibility to be on call all the time. You have a right to your own private life.


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