Saturday, June 18, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Saturday 18th June 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You may not be number one on the nation's Wanted List but you are in high demand in your community these days! You don't need to be told twice that it's well worth your while to mix with others in your immediate environment and your workplace. This helps you keep up with events and prepares you for what's being planned for the future. A tip off will get you in on the ground floor in a community exercise or training opportunity with a restricted number of course places.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You can take a calculated risk without fear of it backfiring on you. If you can see a way of helping someone out of a temporary financial crisis, take them quietly to one side to discuss your ideas. It may mean you will be offering a loan but you know it is for a genuine cause and you won't begrudge it. It won't even matter if it will be some time before they're in a position to repay you. If you can afford it, you will insist on helping someone out of a tight spot and you won't take no for an answer.
Gemini (May22/June21) Look for ways to utilise changes being discussed now and tailor these to your needs. Your personal life is about to undergo a transformation. Your greatest asset during this busy time will be your ability to communicate your thoughts and feelings with ease. This helps you put your ideas across in a compelling way to attract the support you need when you might need it. You are full of get up and go as you surge forward in your drive for prosperity and long term security.
Cancer (June22/July23) Now it comes to the crunch you're nervous about implementing changes that had been planned. Here's your chance to put your ambitions into action so don't get cold feet now. Breaking away from the past is never easy and there will always be some sadness but it's what you have to do. It's impossible to start down new paths and to stay where you are. It has to be one or the other and because you're ready for something new you will find the courage to embark on fresh experiences.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Adapting your ideas to suit your aims or adding extra efficiency to a group operation will attract inspirational feedback. You will get more opportunity to use your talents in a team enterprise than you would have in any solo endeavours. Take special pains therefore to join in some form of combined operation. Being a member of a team will not stop you exercising your full potential. There are people who will encourage you to make full use of your skills and talents.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Time goes by so slowly when you're anticipating something is about to happen or you can't wait for a special moment to arrive. A new project is in the offing. There will be some competition for this opening and you will need to convince those in power that you are the best person to fill the gap. You are prepared for this and you've done all you possibly can to ready yourself for this opportunity. All you can do now is wait for the right moment to put all your rehearsals into practice!
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Someone is lying either to avoid informing others of an ugly truth or to protect their own status. You could be in a rather subdued mood as a result. You can sense when others aren't being honest and you might also suspect plans already made for a holiday or day's trip are about to be changed. You will be faced with one of those days when certain people seem to think they can use any excuse to get around you and you will believe them.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You could be short of cash due to your own or a partner's recent over spending. Splashing out more than intended on a social night out might seem acceptable when the occasion justifies the cost. If you share the pleasure with your family, there is no need to explain those additional cash machine withdrawals on your bank statement! If you're out enjoying yourself while loved ones stay at home, someone who shares a hold of the purse strings might challenge this spendthrift mood.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your eyes are opened and someone you have known a while is suddenly seen in a new light. You may have had a long and frustrating struggle to try and work out why a joint project isn't working. After going through a long list of possibilities you may finally pinpoint the reason. The root cause of conflict is due to a badly designed structure or system. It isn't down to any one person or a clash of personalities. A better understanding of how problems can be resolved promotes a spirit of harmony and understanding.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) For your own health and well being's sake you need to stop doing so much for other people. You aren't stupid and you know when someone's taking advantage of your conscientious nature. It has happened before and you can stop it happening again. Be selective about who you offer to help and how much you offer to do for them. Rely on your instincts to tell you who is genuinely needy and who is perfectly capable of getting on without your help.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If romance fails to inspire you or if you're single and lonely, you need to get back in touch with your passionate side. Warm up your relationship by re-discovering the spark that once made it so special and magical. Plan a romantic evening and leave an inviting message on your partner's pillow or in their lunch box. Kick up the heat in your relationship with a few simple but meaningful changes. Single? Get out and mix and mingle as you are a love magnet these days, haven't you noticed?
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Arguments are never nice and you will cope admirably when grievances in the neighbourhood escalate into a row. If a neighbour wants to resolve issues by shouting and harassment, they're going the wrong way about it. If you don't want to get into an argument but a neighbour's activities are starting to annoy you, give a Conciliation Service a try. Above all, stay calm in the face of anger from someone who really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things, anyway!

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