Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 23rd March 2011

"Love and Dating: Aries

But once they’ve found the right one, they’re faithful, inventive and expressive."

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Friends are getting in the way of what is best for you. Instead of seeking their approval, trust your instincts. Express your creative side in a direct, forceful way. Your work will shock and even offend some people, but that can’t be helped. If it’s any consolation, there will be a significant minority who are very comforted by your vision. Whenever someone sheds light on an unspoken taboo, liberation comes. Continue to develop your idea in private until it’s ready to be presented.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take a more realistic view of your career goals. It may take you several years to get where you want. If that timetable doesn’t meet with your personal needs, build a new dream. Fortunately, there are forces at work that will put you on a brand new path quite quickly. There’s a good chance this field will involve cutting edge technology of some kind. Ask a friend who is happy with their job if they think you would be suited to it.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) This isn’t the best time to schedule a holiday. Circumstances in your work life are about to change. It would be better if you were around to deal with any surprising announcements. Your boss could award you a promotion when one of the higher ups is dismissed. You’ll have to hit the ground running, but don’t worry. Find a way to bring products and services to a segment of the population that your company has never reached before.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Finance and romance don’t mix. Even if you’ve been involved in a long term commitment, you need a nest egg you can call your own. Open a savings account and put a portion of your income into it each week. Having a little money tucked away for a rainy day will give you an added measure of confidence. Single? Take this opportunity to make out a will. Making your desires known will take a great deal of strain off your loved ones.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A contract or business deal isn’t as straightforward as you think. Don’t sign anything until a legal professional has had a chance to look it over. On the plus side, your love life is going extremely well. Sparks are flying between you and your amour. This is a great time to schedule an overseas trip together. Go somewhere you can soak up the sun and enjoy plenty of physical activity. You’re never happier than when you’re taking in the pleasures of the great outdoors.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) The source of a health problem remains elusive. Keep a list of any aches, pains, or sleep changes you experience. Seemingly unrelated symptoms can actually have the same source. Fortunately, you’re highly attuned to your body, and do a better job than most in assessing how you feel. If you’re not happy with your current doctor, look around for somebody else. Your best friend, lover, or business partner will have an excellent recommendation.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A juvenile outburst needs to be addressed. Normally, you’re easy going and agreeable. An unreasonable request will put you over the edge. You’re tired of bending over backwards to accommodate people who don’t appreciate your efforts. Fortunately, you have a wonderful opportunity to get paid for your creative talent. By pouring all of your energy into your job, instead of your relationships, you’ll get a surge of confidence. This will make it easier to assert your needs.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don’t fool yourself about family matters. A relative who has been struggling with an emotional problem or physical addiction needs professional help. The sooner you bring this issue out in the open, the better. Entering a contest will be good for you. Normally, you hate drawing attention to yourself. Right now you crave recognition. Putting an innovative spin on time honoured methods will earn you distinction. It will also lead to some impressive job offers.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) It’s hard to make plans at this juncture, because you don’t know where your family situation will take you. Relations with a friend or relative will get strained. You’ve never placed much emphasis on sentiment, but your relative wants to preserve some precious memories. Try taking their feelings into account before disposing of certain items. If there’s a dispute over a valuable painting or piece of furniture, you may have to settle it through a lottery.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re not sure what is the best way to spend your money. Put off any expensive purchases for another time. You’ll find a much better deal in a few weeks, when retailers will be eager to unload old merchandise to make room for new things. Be forceful when defending an underdog to your neighbours. The person in question is struggling with terrible difficulties that are beyond their control. If you don’t stand up for their rights, nobody else will.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) People can’t get a handle on your chameleon like personality. It’s not that you are inauthentic. It’s just because you have many facets. Different aspects come out, depending on your surroundings. If you’re looking for work, you’ll have to elbow some rivals out of the way. The job market is very tight, and you can’t expect an employer to award you a position on sight. You’ll have to be your own advocate, which is difficult for you. You prefer to let your work speak for itself.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Beware of running away from your problems. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it. If that means putting yourself into a scary situation, so be it. The moment you challenge your psyche, you’ll be given an exciting reward. A job opportunity involving cutting edge technology will be offered quite suddenly. Don’t hesitate to grab it. The income from this position will be significant, and will allow you to travel to some far flung places.

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