Thursday, February 17, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Thursday 17th February 2011

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Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 14th February 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) When you start getting annoyed with someone or something, take a deep breath before getting confrontational. Walk away. Find a place where you can be alone to work through the pain and anger without lashing out on anyone. What starts off as a cheerful gathering could tail off as an atmosphere of tension creeps in. It may not be clear how this has occurred but personal rivalries among friends or colleagues could be the main cause.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don't let the prospect alarm you if your boss is expecting you to do twice your normal amount of work. You will get through all demands. In fact you might even surprise yourself as you tackle various responsibilities and jobs with skilled ease. It can be remarkable how an ill starred morning can give way to a perfect afternoon as will be the case today. All your affairs towards the end of the day will purr along like a well oiled machine.
Gemini (May22/June21) If you have been lagging behind competitors, you could easily be back in the lead after your hard work of today. A challenging, mind bending task will really get the adrenalin going. Innovative ideas are shared and somehow you find a way to make incredible progress. You're achieving results which just a few months ago you would have thought impossible. You feel better about yourself than ever before.
Cancer (June22/July23) A place you visit today still retains a nostalgic attraction even if it is a long time since it really meant anything to you. Memories keep intruding which makes it hard for you to concentrate on what you should be doing. For this reason, let others take the initiative. You can relax and leave other people to do the difficult thinking while you enjoy a temporary trip back to the past and a well earned chance to recharge your batteries.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Marriage and partnership agreements should not be about sacrifice; it's all about compromise. A difficult aura surrounds you whenever you and a certain other person are in the same room. Chances are that joint arrangements must be cancelled because a few snags have cropped up. These may be to do with in-laws or ties you or your partner have with the past. These cannot be overcome easily so accept the situation gracefully. Don't make it even more difficult for each other.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) A new leisure activity belies its principle as it will call for a huge amount of physical effort. You might wonder what you have let yourself in for when you are supposed to be having fun. Afterwards you will laugh about it and agree that it did have its enjoyable moments. Some sort of exercise or sporting activity has grabbed your interest and you could well find you have an affinity for it.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Time given to complete a project is inclusive of breaks, all travelling and all research that needs to be done. Think about it carefully before accepting a job with a deadline which could be impossible to fulfil. A challenge will be exciting and you feel optimistic and even excited about it. But think ahead. Having goals will give you a more positive outlook but these goals must be achievable!
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Blocking feelings will not stop them from arising; the hurt, upset and anger will return until you face up to it. It might not be appropriate to let other people see your emotions but as soon as you are on your own, examine them and accept them for what they are. Whether it is insecurity, doubt, envy or fear that's causing all this confusion, it is something you can't cure until the cause is discovered and acknowledged.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) There is no harm in pausing to evaluate whether or not your life is going in the right direction. Consider what you need most to feel fulfilled or to bring more meaning to your life. Studying with an impressive teacher or other eager students will provide you with valuable skills and give you a chance to express yourself more creatively. You might also establish some meaningful and intimate relationships through embarking on a path that has escaped your whole life so far.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) What you want is not entirely what you get; a favour you agree to do someone will bore you witless. You've always been a practical person but there is no way you can get any satisfaction from a job that takes no intelligence, creativity or imagination to carry out. It will be plain why someone has found an excuse to evade this responsibility and you will also make sure you won't ever agree to do it again. You don't make the same mistake twice!
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A greater level of trust is developing in a close relationship and this too leads to more understanding between you. Sharing the same spiritual beliefs and material ambitions helps bring you closer together. You are about to come into contact with a person who could be the key to the future advancement of your career. Although work is not your major concern when there are other matters on your mind you will still be tuned into new job opportunities.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Take advantage if plans are postponed and use the time now on your hands to get on with a task you have been avoiding. Feeble excuses are offered as to why someone pulls out of joint arrangements at the last moment. Although you're curious about their real reason the answer will continue to elude you. The only way to discover the truth is to do a little delving. Take care to approach professionals in the right way to leave them with a good impression.

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