Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Tuesday 8th February 2011

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Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 7th February 2011

Weekly LoveCast® "Moon in Aries at the start of the week fires up passion and dares you to express your true self...." 


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Even when making impetuous decisions you need to think beyond the given moment. Consider the consequences of your choices. Once an adrenalin fuelled rush is over and your pulse rate gets back to normal, you don't want to regret your actions. If there are doubts, revisit the time in your mind when you made your decision and how you justified your reasons. Accept that you did what you thought was the right thing at the time
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Even if someone will come off on the wrong side of a bargain; you will follow your conscience and do what you have to do. Your aim is to carry off an obligation successfully and this will mean there will be losers as well as winners. Having the responsibility to decide on the Fate of others isn't a one you will take lightly. What's guaranteed is you will look at the whole scenario fairly and without bias.
Gemini (May22/June21) Having to jump on the next available train or plane to a specific destination turns your plans for the day upside down. Your hopes for an easy time of it are dashed the moment you receive an important text message, email or phone call. Bosses, business and distant affairs all combine to make this a day you won't forget in a hurry. Your inner strength will guide you well despite the suddenness of it all.
Cancer (June22/July23) Don't believe anyone who accuses you of being trapped in a world of illusion just because you enjoy the occasional daydream. You're lucky you have the capacity to escape the harsh world of reality by losing yourself in fantasy. You also know your limits and despite your need to switch off from what's going on around you, you will eventually face up to what you have to do as soon as you feel emotionally able to cope!
Leo (July24/Aug23) It will take a while to get over losing something or someone you have invested a great deal of time and money in. If you put your trust in the wrong person or make a bad choice, you're only just starting to realise it. Not only do you have to deal with the disappointment, but the void this now leaves in your life. You need some breathing space and that means time to yourself so you don't have to listen to anyone who's itching to say 'I told you so!'
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Commitment to a new employer or partner will come with additional responsibilities. As well as some of these being difficult, they will also be rewarding. You can't manage on your own despite your intention to do so. Being independent will leave you feeling lonely and isolated in your private bubble. Accepting and offering help makes life more fulfilling and shared success is far more fun than celebrating on your own!
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You're an enigma even to yourself; you want independence but you need to feel connected to the world. Making your own mind up means not listening to or being influenced by those around you! Yet you're still keen to hear what they have to say. A part of you wants to let others make a difficult decision for you. As you'd have done in the past! Show yourself you've matured by going off on your own and coming back with a definite answer. 
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) When all else fails, dare to be different and try methods you have not experimented with before. There is nothing remarkable about new ideas but they will be special because they can help solve current problems. Simple solutions work best and this is when what's ordinary becomes extraordinary! Praise and applause makes you feel a bit of a fraud. Anyone could have come up with these ideas but in the end, you're the one who did!
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Constantly analysing how you feel will lead to confusion and uncertainty. If you're happy, why question it? You aren't imagining the joy you feel today just because someone else doesn't share your happiness. The moment you start questioning your emotions, you're in danger of watching that beautiful balloon burst and what is there to replace it? Disappointment, disillusion or depression? Stop questioning to remain positive and hopeful.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A pleasing idea can swiftly turn into something not so agreeable once you've had time to give it more thought. It's ironic that you lose something meaningful to you when a friend or colleague makes a gain similar to that which you lost. Despite your initial disappointment you might come to accept this is how things are supposed to be. It may even be that what was once yours should never have been so in the first place.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Time drags when you're with a constant chatterer whose jokes no one seems to understand. The smile on your face is wearing thin and you might wonder how long it will be before you actually speak your thoughts out loud. Knowing this could cause someone a lot of hurt is what's holding you back. Even so you need to find a way to escape the company of a person who, to put it bluntly, is getting on your nerves.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) After very few practice runs you could be thrown into the deep end. You would dearly love to share some obligations with others but there is no one around who is available to help out. Being left unobstructed could be a colleague's modest way of saying they trust you completely to handle the work. Everything you once gave to a partnership or employer is now being repaid even if the respect being shown to you takes you by surprise.

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