Thursday, February 3, 2011

John Padian Scammer highlighted this week. How to spot Scammers and their methods against their victims

#6 in less than 24 hours the most viewed!
Friends at Delphi have asked us to help expose and put behind bars the Nigerian Mugu..........
Advice and observation by one of the Delphinians OJAS

"There is another possibility, I considered:

I make this arbitrary division for ease of discussion:

low-end scammers $1000 (Typical,  most scammers fit) mid-range $1K - $3K (fewer than above) high-end $3K (far fewer)

High-end scammers have 10 victims at most at any given time, they can't handle any more, since they carefully read victims' mails, prepare what the victims like to hear.  If over one month they succeed with one victim for $10K, or 10 for $1K, they figure it's paid off!

There are victims in delphi who have lost $10K.
This guy who calls himself John Padian (probably stole the name) for the scam against Olga from Moscow starts with £1000
pretending to be mid-range, but would have milked victims gradually for a much larger amount.

He gives himself a million $ flat in London.  Uses high-sounding words, like Engineer, contract.
He grooms each victims carefully (editors observation like a pheodofile grooms under aged children

He has obtained letters and pictures from a Parsi Indian victim, (by using a female profile!), he needs to put it to a good use, for a female victim.

Since he "converted" to "Christianity", John is easily a Christian first name.
Pa + rsi    In + dian   is useful for creating a last name and keeping track of his victim(s)
If he chose Pa + In = Pain, nah, ... doesn't look too appealing for his victims, but Pa + dian = Padian sounds like a last name to his victims, and easy for him to process them from a Padian folder, so he doesn't send wrong JPEGS or letters.

He can easily get a phone number in Nigeria with phone code +234, but he's supposed to be a businessman on contract in London and Manchester.  So creates a more expensive UK account with code +44 the next 2 digits 70 redirects to Nigeria where he actually lives, and will collect the Western Union* with a forged identification.

Since they carefully read what the victims like,

If you believe in God, he loves God more than you.
If you are a christian, he is more christian than the Pope!
What if you say you are a communist?
No problem, he is more communist than Volodaya Ulyanov! ;-)

He cannot copy / paste everything, needs to insert a few modifications.  Free-standing lower case i, a liberal usage of "baby" are typical mugulish.


Dating scammer John Padian - it you have had a bad experience with a male of female scammer you can post it on Delphi and the experienced members in scams such as the author of this advice artricle will assist you. Not only can it be a financial loss but an emotion trauma


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