Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes Tuesday 11th January 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Voicing opinions about religion and politics will make you some hidden enemies. Ordinarily, you don't worry about offending people. This time around you can't afford to make people angry. You have to make inroads to a cultural, religious, or educational institution. This isn't a good time to pursue a lawsuit, either. Evidence will be submitted at the last minute that will turn the tide against you. It's better to cut your losses with your dignity intact.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Friends aren't as generous with you as you have been with them. This makes you question the authenticity of your relationships. It looks like you're popular when you have something to share, but you're utterly unwanted when you're broke. Your love life has hit a dry patch. You're overanalysing a relationship too much. Go with your instincts and abandon yourself to pleasure. Single? Look for love at a library, bookstore, or classroom.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Impulsive decision making gets you in trouble with your best friend or lover. You have to consider the consequences of your actions. If you're offered a job, it's bound to affect the people who are closest to you. Talk about the offer with your loved one before you accept it. Your friend may have some excellent points about the salary, benefits, or commute time that you hadn't considered. You have to admit, you have a tendency to leap before you look.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A colleague or peer's insensitivity shocks you to the core. You didn't know they harboured such animosity. Lecturing won't achieve anything. In situations like these, you're better off maintaining a healthy distance from the offending party. At times, you'll have to work in close proximity. When this happens keep a polite but chilly attitude. You place tremendous value on friendships and can't afford to develop warm feelings towards someone who is so hateful.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Shared resources are a bone of contention. When you get a little extra money, you want to spend it on luxuries and holidays. Your partner would rather put the sum into savings. At some point, the two of you will have to compromise. Agree to divide windfalls in half. That way, you won't feel deprived and your loved one won't feel insecure. If you're on your own, you may have to wait before receiving a legacy, refund, or dividend.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's hard to rely on a partner who says one thing and does another. You must try to judge people on their behaviour, not their promises. Unfortunately, this reminds you of something you experienced as a child. Someone unreliable may have let you down when you were young. Trying to heal that wound through a troubled romance will be an exercise in disaster. If you're going to remain committed, accept your friend's faults.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) There's no getting around a nagging health problem anymore. It's time to bite the bullet and make a doctor's appointment. You'll probably have to cut out certain foods or activities in order to heal. If you ignore this advice, you'll only make the situation worse. In fact, you could do irreparable damage. Accept the fact you have hit a wall and be gentler to your system. You can't afford to play fast and loose with your body.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This isn't a good time to wear your heart on your sleeve. Confessing a crush will make the object of your affection flee in terror. It's not because you're undesirable. It's just that you come on too strong. Make inroads to a friendship before acting on your amorous impulses. If you're already in a relationship, you have to set the mood for a sexual encounter. Wine and dine your amour. A little old fashioned courtship will pay off handsomely.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have to make important decisions about your household in next to no time. Some of your choices will result in disaster, but it can't be helped. Everybody understands the pressure you are under and can hardly blame you for making a few mistakes. The important thing is to take the lead. You don't want people to feel responsible for a situation that is beyond their control. Things at home could get strained when loved ones won't listen to reason.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Getting your point across will be difficult, especially if you scream or shout. Taking a morally superior tone will only alienate people. You have no other choice but to wait patiently for better times to come. Right now, everybody is caught up in a fad. They can't see their situation objectively. There's a good chance a few will have to suffer before considering new possibilities. It's sad to watch your friends struggle, but experience really is the best teacher.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Financial uncertainty stops you making plans with friends. You're not sure whether you'll be able to afford a long distance trip. The best thing to do is to bow out now, before the group is seriously inconvenienced. The sooner you resign yourself to not going, the faster you'll recover from the disappointment. There will be other opportunities later in the year. Right now you have to focus on saving money and taking the responsible route.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A rebellious attitude gets you in trouble with the powers that be. You're tired of having to hide your feelings to protect somebody's ego. Unfortunately, this causes you to be ejected from a powerful group. At first, the rejection will sting. Over time you'll realise this was the healthiest thing that could have happened. You can't flourish in a toxic environment. Strike out on your own and start a rival business or organisation. You're a lot more resilient than you realise.

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