Monday, December 13, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 13 December 2010

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Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Saturday 4 December : Saturday 11 December : Saturday 18 December : Saturday 25 December

Soul mates can solve a problem together - 2 heads are better than 1

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're tired of bashing your head against a brick wall. Keeping a low profile helps you rest and relax. Too often, you move at the speed of light. When this happens, you lose sight of your dreams. Roll back your schedule and turn your attention inward. Treat yourself to solitary pursuits like reading, writing or any type of handicraft. Turn off your mobile and don't get sucked into family dramas. See what happens when people are forced to live without your input.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Spending time with your friends helps put your life in proper perspective. You've always had a tendency to focus on material comforts and while luxury goes a long way towards soothing your nerves, it's not enough to make you happy. Reach out to a loved one who has always showed great sympathy for your artistic aspirations. Together, you can hit upon an idea for a painting, screenplay, or fashion line. Don't let your inner critic dampen your enthusiasm.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Professional endeavours are highly favoured. You need a job which allows you to pour your heart and soul into it. Working for a humanitarian organisation will be fulfilling. Alternatively, you may prefer to be employed by an arts council or take up a counselling, advice or guidance role. However you decide to earn a living, be sure it resonates with your spirit or you'll become depressed and discouraged. If you need a job, a female executive could help.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) In the past, you worked to make your life as comfortable and familiar as possible. Lately you've grown restless with the status quo. You've become aware of the larger world. The urge to travel, study, and write have been growing stronger and stronger. Although the prospect fills you with fear, you need to schedule a trip to an exotic land. You don't need to speak the language to have a good time. Sometimes you need to entrust your welfare to others.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You've always been a generous person, but prefer giving on your own terms. Having a more equitable, give and take relationship makes you nervous. That's because you hate feeling indebted to anyone else, but the only way you can achieve real intimacy is to let down your defences. Allow your amour to lavish you with gifts and affection, even if you can't give anything in return. The more receptive you are to love, the closer the two of you will become.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A successful business or romantic partnership gives you more time to pursue the activities you love. Ask your partner to take over your chores while you focus on writing, research, or study. Resist the urge to oversee their efforts. Nobody likes to feel micromanaged. Besides, the sooner you express faith in your friend's abilities, the easier it will be to enjoy the closeness you so desire. Give people credit they deserve or they'll start pulling away.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Give yourself an opportunity to daydream. You have a tendency to keep busy with meetings and parties and while all this social activity can be stimulating, it doesn't give you a chance to develop your imagination. Spending a few hours on your own will get your creative juices flowing. If you're looking for a job, you may have to volunteer at an organisation before landing a paying position. These days, you need to use unconventional methods to find employment.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Several suitors are clamouring for your attention, which is undeniably gratifying. Still, you'd rather settle down with one special lover than play the field. If you're already in a relationship, arrange a special outing for you and your amour. If you're single, focus your attention on someone who inspires and motivates you. Too often, you let pessimistic thoughts stop you trying new things and developing your talent. The time has come to forget your fears.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Family has helped you heal from a painful situation. Nobody likes to rely on others, but it's sometimes the only way you can heal from crippling disappointment. If you're overwhelmed at the thought of running errands, going back to work, or looking after a youngster, ask your relatives for assistance. If you're estranged from your kin, focus on creating a close network of friends who can lift you up during times of trial. It's not healthy to be alone.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Taking a short trip for pleasure allows you to escape the fear and worry that has overtaken your life. Too often, you internalise other people's problems. Instead of trying to protect loved ones from themselves, make a strategic retreat. Focus on your own wants and desires. Turn away requests for money and help or you could be helping someone with a very bad habit. Sometimes it's better to let somebody face the consequences than shield them from harm. This is one of those times.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Beware of spending too much; your earning potential has been very strong recently, but this trend won't last forever. Put a sizable chunk of your earnings into a savings account, where it will serve as a cushion against depravation. If you want to increase your salary, it may be necessary to get an advanced degree. Think carefully about what you'd like to be doing five years from now. The answer will guide you to a rewarding field of study.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Put your money where your mouth is. Championing the underdog sometimes requires putting yourself in the path of danger. Others will be impressed by your bravery and rally to your side. It's possible someone will ask you to foster a stray animal. Although the prospect seems overwhelming, you simply can't turn your back on a creature in need. Extend yourself just a little further for the sake of this orphan or you'll be consumed by guilt.

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