Saturday, December 11, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 11 December 2010

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Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Saturday 4 December : Saturday 11 December : Saturday 18 December : Saturday 25 December

I am going into Villanueva del Rosario for a coffee this morning

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Try not to be too trusting. Although your friends want the best for you, they also have a tendency to take advantage of your generosity. Some of them can be quite emotionally draining. If someone makes undue demands on your time and attention, put your foot down. If the person in question truly cares for you, they’ll respect your boundaries and look elsewhere for help. If not, you will rid yourself of a terrible parasite. Either way, you’ll emerge the victor.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) You have a reputation for being a caring, compassionate person. Maybe that’s why a humanitarian organisation has asked you to join. Having you as a member will boost their standing in the community. The question is whether you agree with their methods. If you do, then you can do great things with the help of this group’s money, resources, and influence. If you don’t, you should look for another institution that is more in keeping with your beliefs.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Furthering your creative talent can be as simple as taking a class, visiting museums, or practicing a musical instrument. The important thing is to carve out a set time for your artistic pursuits or mundane work will eventually eclipse them. Rearrange your priorities so some part of every day will be devoted to art, music, poetry, books, or dance. There’s more to life than responsibility and drudgery. It’s time you lived accordingly. Once you do, your joyful spirit will soar.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Your desire to satisfy your sensual side may prompt you to max out your credit cards. Instead of trying to fill your desires with expensive luxuries, focus on your love life instead. Becoming intimate with someone who sets your senses ablaze will be a revelation. If you’re already in a relationship, invite your partner to act out some fantasies. The more open minded you are, the more accepting they’ll be of your desires. It’s all a matter of give and take.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It’s important to evaluate a partner on the basis of their behaviour, rather than their promises. Just because your best friend, lover, or trusted relative keeps apologising for their bad behaviour doesn’t mean they’ll change. It’s up to you to set a boundary or you’ll continue to be disappointed. You’re a warm, generous, loving human being. Too often, others treat these wonderful qualities as weaknesses. It’s time to treat them as gifts to be bestowed on only those who are worthy of receiving them.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A fad diet may promise fantastic results within a few days, but it will only make you sick. If you want to lose weight or build muscle, ask the doctor for advice. They will be able to create a sensible regime that works well for your body type. If you’re suffering from exhaustion, you may want to cut back your schedule. Although you’ve always prided yourself on being very productive, it’s important to enjoy some leisure time each day.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Abandoning yourself to romance may not be the most practical road to take, but it will be fun. You’re tired of putting your dreams aside for the sake of work, family or the whole host of commitments and responsibilities you seem to carry around. Take this opportunity to paint, write, listen to music, whatever tickles you fancy. If you’ve been thinking of taking some time off and exploring an exotic city by the sea, do it. Once you make the reservations, it will be hard to back out.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don’t make any decisions regarding your longer term future today. Wait until tomorrow to go house or flat hunting. You have a tendency to overlook important practical factors like space, cost, and proximity to work. If you’re on the fence about a place, ask a down to earth Virgo or a cautious Capricorn to look over the property with you. They will soon pick up on any problems and bring you back to earth.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) This isn’t the best time to make a business deal, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to write music, fiction, or poetry. Fortunately, you’ve been blessed with a vivid imagination. By putting down your ideas on paper today, you’ll preserve some really captivating ideas. Someone who has developed a crush on you will come out of the woodwork and admit their devotion. This is all very flattering, but you probably won’t return their feelings. Let them down gently.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’ve always had a good head as far as finances are concerned. Unfortunately, you have a soft spot for people in need. While your charitable impulses are admirable, they can put you in personal jeopardy if you’re not careful. Someone who knows what a compassionate person you are will try to play on your sympathies. In truth their circumstances are far from dire. It’s just that they would rather be given money than be forced to work for it.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’ve been enlisted to look after someone who is sick or troubled. Although nurturing isn’t your strong suit, you’ll develop a taste for it over time. Too often, you tackle all problems with your intellect. This time around, you’re being asked to let your emotions guide your decisions. It’s a refreshing change of pace. If work gets tedious, you might want to get involved with a volunteer organisation. Helping others is a natural extension of your humanitarian impulses.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Today presents a lovely opportunity to drift off on a cloud of fantasy. Creative pursuits like painting, writing, playing music, and designing clothes make time fly. They will also be a welcome distraction from mundane problems. One of the best ways to find a solution to stubborn dilemmas is to divert your attention. This helps you let down your guard and let your subconscious take over. Before you know it, the answer to your problem is as clear as the nose on your face.

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