Thursday, November 11, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 11 November 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You feel guilty about how you handled a delicate situation. While it’s probably true you could have been more tactful, a loved one needed to know what the world really thinks of their behaviour. Apologise for hurting your friend’s feelings, but stand by your remarks. A relative needs to discuss a serious issue with you. Be open to rearranging your schedule to help someone who is recovering from surgery. Helping will be an outlet for your energy.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Refuse to give in to pressure, especially as far as work is concerned. While everyone is clamouring for you to make a decision, you’re busy figuring out the best course of action for the greatest number of people. In a few days, your severest critics will have become your strongest supporters. Meanwhile, take a health concern seriously and don’t ignore an ache or pain that’s been bothering you. The sooner it’s treated the better.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Give in to your generous nature. Helping your boss finish a job before an impending deadline will give you a tremendous sense of pride. It will also put you in line for a promotion. Granted, you will have to cancel an evening out with friends, but you can always reschedule. A romance that once looked promising is starting to show signs of wear. Maybe you’re taking things too far, too fast. Stop to savour the courtship phase. It’s over far too quickly.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You sense there is a big change on the horizon. Taking an advanced course or writing a book might appeal to you. After all, you’ve spent years gathering information about your favourite subject. Now you’re an expert, you need to share your insight with the world. Teaching beginners can show you the best way to break down complicated concepts in small, manageable sections. It will also give you a fresh appreciation for your subject matter. A relative could withdraw an offer of help.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A remark that was meant as a compliment will be received as an insult. No matter how much you apologise, the offended party will stay offended. Stop wasting your time and energy on this oversensitive soul. There’s only so much you can do to protect their ego. On the plus side, your love life is heating up. Your mutual passion for each other may be so irresistible that you have a tryst in a semi-public place.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Try not to put too much emphasis on money right now. Although certain luxuries are out of reach, this doesn’t mean life is miserable. Your best friend, business partner, or lover is poised to do something special for you. Let yourself be pampered for a change. Too often, you focus your efforts on serving others. By learning to receive kindness, your relationships will improve in virtually every area of life. Instead of trying to control the situation, just open your heart.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Normally, you’re considerate to a fault, but not today. As far as relationships go, you’re determined to get your way, even if that means hurting your partner’s feelings. It’s understandable you’re so impatient. After all, you’ve been repressing your desires for weeks. They were bound to come rushing out at some point. On the plus side, your sensual side is so strong it’s contagious. With a little prodding, your amour will be eager to attend to your needs.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You feel so strongly about a subject that it’s impossible to make an objective decision. If someone asks for your advice, make a polite refusal. Dealing with a younger person will be frustrating. If there’s anything you hate, it’s being forced to act as a police officer all the time. You’d rather give your young friend free rein. Giving into this impulse will lead to disaster for you both. Be the adult and establish some healthy ground rules.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A lack of purpose makes you anxious. You’ve always had a strong sense of who you are and where you’re going. Now this has been taken away from you, it’s time to find a new focus. Creating a comfortable home should be your first order of business. In the past, you resisted setting down roots. Once you start looking around, you’ll find a place that is sunny, spacious, and well located. This change of scenery will give you a new lease on life.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A loved one will confide a problem. Instead of trying to fix it, just act as a sympathetic listener. Too often, you spring into action when calm reflection would serve everybody better. An authority figure will accuse you of not doing a good enough job. Resist the urge to get defensive. By remaining calm, it will become obvious your attacker chose the wrong target for their anger. Not only that, but you’ll achieve hero status among your peers.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You feel totally detached from an emotional situation. Displays of anger or sorrow usually affect you this way. You need time to process everything you’ve seen before making any decisions. If a romance is stalled, it could be because you are refusing to let down your guard. Be a little more open about your past. You don’t have to share all the details of your romantic past, but it would be wise to give a brief sketch.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A desire for personal freedom is threatening an intimate relationship. Stop trying to push your amour away. If you want a little more room to breathe, go on separate holidays. A temporary break will give both of you a fresh appreciation for each other’s company. Money from an inheritance, refund, or legal settlement will be less than you expect. You’ll have to find another source of income to cover your bills. Look for a position that affords stability so you won’t always be struggling.


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