Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 23 November 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Avoid controversial subjects like religion and politics or you’ll offend somebody who should be an ally. It’s admirable you feel so strongly about certain issues, but that doesn’t give you the right to shout down people who have slightly different views. The more stridently you argue, the more unpopular you’ll become. If you feel like the odd man out, head for a quiet corner where you can keep your own counsel. The peace will be like paradise.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Arguments will break out over an inheritance, refund, or insurance payment. You’ll have to fight hard to get the money you are owed. In the meantime, you must find a way to cover your bills. Borrowing money from friends isn’t an option. You can turn a profit from your creative wares. Selling artwork, baked goods, or handmade jewellery will turn a handsome profit and may even inspire you to launch a business. The best ideas come when your back is against the wall.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) You can’t just railroad someone into making a decision. If you do, your relationship will be forever compromised. Make a strategic retreat. You’ll risk losing your influence, but it’s better than destroying your bond. Differing attitudes towards money are putting a strain on a romance. You need to rein in your spending. You don’t have to buy expensive gadgets and status symbols to have fun. Develop a taste for the simpler pleasures of life.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Overdoing it at the gym will result in an injury. Scale back your workouts, even if you’re determined to lose a certain amount of weight in record time. It’s better to fall short of your goal than wind up with a sprain or strain. Resist the urge to argue with a colleague. Their experience trumps your popularity. Secrets have a way of coming out. If embarrassing information about your personal life is revealed, don’t get defensive. Keeping your dignity is important.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Jealousy will rear its ugly head; a romantic rival is trying to elbow you aside. In situations like these, it’s vital to maintain your poise or the object of your affection will lose respect for you. Resist the urge to take things too far, too fast as far as your physical relationship is concerned. Leave your lover wanting more. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at a bookstore or stationery shop. They will have a way with words that thrills you to the core.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Electrical or plumbing jobs will go awry; it may be necessary to stay with friends while the problem gets fixed. Try to be an unobtrusive guest. Being overly demanding will put a strain on a perfectly good friendship. Don’t rely on loved ones to help you through this difficult time; it seems your relatives are struggling with their own issues. Happily, work is very rewarding. You have a chance to put your creativity on display. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a bigger and better position.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Making a sarcastic response to an innocent question will reflect poorly on you. It’s important to be as gracious as possible, even with those who try your patience. Not everyone is as quick as you to see the subtle nuances of a difficult social situation. Your sex appeal is at an all time high, putting plenty of admirers in your path. Foreigners are especially attentive. Joining forces with somebody special will make your pulses pound.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Financial security isn’t everything. If a job is making you ill, you need to leave, even if you have no other prospects. It’s time to take a leap of faith. Money may be tight at first, but you’ve always been resourceful. Resist the urge to spend a lot of money just to impress someone. If they’re worthy of you, they’ll fall in love regardless of your bank balance. Don’t betray a friend’s trust by blabbing their secrets to others.

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have a reputation for being pushy when you want something badly enough. Resist the urge to bully someone into doing things your way, or you’ll make a powerful enemy. A relative will make a promise they can’t keep. Don’t put much stock in their offers of help. You’ll be left to your own devices when the time comes to move or pay the bill. Fortunately, friends sympathise with your situation and will be on hand to cheer you up.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Is an unseen enemy plotting against you? Prepare yourself. Don’t leave any privileged information lying around, or you will make yourself vulnerable to an unscrupulous person. If you’re going to make a public presentation, look the part of a professional. A neat, pressed suit will make a good impression. If you don’t have anything appropriate, ask a stylish pal to go shopping with you. They will help you find an outfit that conveys confidence and authority.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re sick and tired of dealing with an outmoded institution. Its antiquated rules prevent anyone from getting satisfactory service. Unfortunately, your suggestions are continually ignored. It feels like you’re beating your head against a brick wall. Opening a rival organisation won’t work; you simply don’t have the money. Take heart, though. A lot of people share your frustrations, and will rally to your side the next time you complain.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Using underhanded methods to get ahead will compromise your reputation. If you’re going to be an effective leader, you have to win people’s trust. Fortunately, you’re talented enough to get ahead by hard work alone. Leave the dirty tricks to less capable rivals. You’ve got good instincts when it comes to family matters. Treat a sensitive relative with kid gloves. Crass jokes will only garner their resentment and create tension in your household.

Sara Freder's FREE Personal Horoscope
for the UK shopper
American Mobil(e) Shopper
for the USA shopper

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