Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Support from a financial institution helps you afford a house, school tuition, or business. Apply for a loan today. A bank officer who admires your initiative is willing to go the extra mile on your behalf. Getting specialised knowledge of your favourite subject will cause your star to rise. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a teaching or writing opportunity. Sharing your expertise with an eager audience gives you a new lease on life. Their enthusiasm fuels your own.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A business relationship saves you a lot of time, money, and energy. Whether you need to fix an appliance, sell a piece of property, or broker a deal, hire an expert. Their fee will be worth its weight in gold. Besides, you’ll want to spend every spare moment on a budding romance. The object of your affection challenges you in ways you never dreamed possible. It’s exciting to be lured out of your comfort zone, especially by somebody who knows your needs so well.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Stepping up your exercise routine will yield impressive results. You need to tackle the issue from all sides: diet, exercise, and relaxation. It’s important to create and maintain a health enhancing life balance and sometimes energetic people like you find it hard to switch off and slow down. Creating a soothing bedtime routine will help you fall asleep more easily and give you that deep and refreshing rest that always makes you feel great in the morning.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Taking care of a loved one gives you a sense of purpose. You love finding ways to make your friend more comfortable. Preparing their favourite foods, providing entertainment and creating a relaxing atmosphere are all ways to express your love for your nearest and dearest. Fortunately, your workload is pretty light. You should be able to move through tasks like a hot knife through butter. If you’re unemployed, seek jobs that don’t involve lots of supervision.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You soak up information like a sponge. Getting official training will make you a hot commodity on the job market. Improving your communication skills is critical. Your ability to find satisfactory solutions to problems will help your boss retain customers. It will also give you lots of personal fulfilment. Looking for love? You could find it at a gym, sporting event, or park. Keep your eyes open for a laid back animal lover. The two of you make a great couple.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your hard work helps you withstand a tough economy. If you want to get a job at an exclusive company, offer to work as an intern or volunteer at first. Soon, the powers that be will see you’re a valuable asset to the team, and hire you as a salaried employee. Support from family helps you withstand a financial pinch. Although it hurts your pride to take a loan, you should accept this generous offer. Never fear; you’ll soon be able to repay the favour.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You’re the acknowledged expert in your field, making you very popular. Everybody wants you to check their work before submission. Consequently, your plate will be quite full. Take well timed breaks and give yourself a treat after work. Going on a short trip to see friends will bring a refreshing change of pace. It will also be nice to be waited on for a change. You could use a little pampering. Promotional efforts are very successful; this is a great time to launch a website.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Spending time on your own gives you a profound sense of peace. Lately, friends and family have been filling your head with lots of noise. By sneaking off to some secluded spot, you’ll reconnect with your spirit. If you get an inspired idea, be sure to jot it down and develop it. Writing, painting, or playing music will give you lots of pleasure. It will also help you release tension that’s been building up for weeks.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have friends in high places; don’t hesitate to call on them for help. If you need somebody to write you a letter of recommendation, just ask. Although you’ve always prided yourself on getting ahead by virtue of your accomplishments, personal contacts are needed now. Fortunately, your boundless energy and enthusiasm attract lots of accomplished friends and supporters and when you’re part of this team of go-getters you’re en-route for success.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Finding a practical use for your knowledge is easier than you think. All you have to do is put an ad in the paper, offering your services. People will be eager to study with someone who has your credentials. An authority figure who admires your talent will offer you a high powered job. Although you don’t relish the idea of bossing other people around, you have to admit the perks are impressive. It’s about time you were rewarded for all of your hard work?
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Friends are pushing you to realise a cherished dream. At times, their encouragement will seem annoying, but it’s well meant. Over the years, you’ve developed a great deal of expertise. If you don’t put it to use, you’ll feel like you’ve never fulfilled your potential. Take this opportunity to venture out of your comfort zone and put a creative spin on a traditional form. Your work will create lots of controversy, which is just the way you like it.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A loved one will reveal a deep, dark secret, shedding light on your relationship. It will be much easier for you to resolve problems now you have insight into your friend’s psyche. It’s possible an inferiority complex has caused a push-pull dynamic that makes you feel more like competitors than allies. Instead of upping the ante, offer support for your loved one’s efforts. You’ll be surprised at how much closer you become.
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