Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Wednesday 4th August 2010

Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Someone is bent on getting their own way and you feel obliged to have to indulge them. As the hours wear on, some kind of upheaval is unavoidable. No longer can you use tactics that have worked in the past, to keep the peace. An emotional tie or work relationship is causing you too much stress. Why should your health suffer for the sake of others if they can't appreciate all you are trying to do for them?
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Getting annoyed and frustrated with a seeming host of minor problems will only make things more difficult for yourself. The only way to shake off restrictions and overcome stumbling blocks is to patiently work on one matter at a time. You've always had a lot of patience but anxiety makes you irritable and less tolerant. If there is anything you aren't happy about, discuss your worries with a senior colleague. The quieter you go about this the more likely it is a compromise will be found.
Gemini (May22/June21) It's always stressful to have to undergo tests, appraisals or examinations. Your mind is working quickly but it doesn't always stay focused on the matter in hand. You're thinking of the future and you're keen to make some changes. The results of today's assessments and reviews could have a big influence on your final decision. By evening you will have a good idea whether it's time to move on, or if you will be stopping where you are for a wee while longer.
Cancer (June22/July23) Developments in your domestic domain come about swiftly and unexpectedly. It might seem as if you have never experienced so many unanticipated problems and demands. People head to your door like bees to honey; they know you're the one who can make a difference in a community exercise that has gone wrong or a neighbourhood dispute. Expect to have to cancel or postpone travel plans in order to give others what they want.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You need all your wits about you to sort out difficulties quickly and effectively. Tackle problems as they arise and your way ahead will be made much easier. Ignore them in the hope they will go away and you will cause yourself further distress in the future. If you aren't sure how to go about mending a contentious situation, look back on similar experiences in the past. This will help you fit the pieces of a current puzzle together.
Virgo (24/Sept23) You could spend more than you need to on items you don't really need if you're too much in a rush. Squeezing a shopping trip into an already hectic schedule is not a good idea. Get someone else in the family to pick up necessary items and leave anything else for another day. A date arranged for this evening will not be very romantic and all because one of you mentions a topic that triggers an angry response.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) If affairs of the heart are at the centre of your interest it's probably because you're worried about a recent incident. A close friendship might become frayed as an argument or misunderstanding gets blown out of all proportion. To some extent you're having to adjust to new developments in a relationship that isn't particularly to your liking. Uncertainty about the future of this union will continue a wee while longer.

Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) In a health or medical matter there is a clear danger of contamination if people don't follow rules. It may be time to re-evaluate measures that have been put into place to protect the public. Someone is determined to show you how to do a job you happen to be extremely good at. By the end of the day others will respect your skills and experience and they will be turning to you for advice on the best way to move forward.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Communication from overseas will give you food for thought. An offer or invitation needs consideration. You might decide not to say anything to anyone or make any drastic steps until you think over what all this implies. A part of you is impatient to get going on something new but a little voice inside is holding you back. You're just not ready yet to come face to face with your future.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Emotions are explosive when debates relate to a matter that touches everyone in different ways. Communications are frustration when some people are governed by their emotions while others are striving to be logical and rational about it. Keep control of your temper as losing it will only make it more likely you lose the argument too. You need to say what you're thinking rather than bottle up emotions but if you come over too forceful you may end up rubbing others the wrong way.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If you're struggling with something you never expected to be easy you can't say you're surprised! When the going gets too difficult, take a break, take a breath and return to it when you aren't feeling so annoyed with yourself. Try some simple exercises and forget about being productive for a wee while. There is time enough to get results and you may yet outsmart your competitors.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) At last you've got all the information you need to fit together the pieces of a jigsaw that has lately been on your mind. You are prepared now to be competitive if that's what it takes to achieve your next aim. You are determined to make your mark and get the better of a rival who is constantly pulling you down. Since you have the drive and energy to go far, you will be enjoying a certain challenge to the full.

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