Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 13 July 2010


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Creating a pleasant routine will cause others to look on you with renewed respect. Don't make the mistake of putting all of your effort into your career. By developing some hobbies, you'll become a well rounded, fascinating person that everyone wants to know. Your boss will take note of this change and may offer you more creative jobs. You're especially good at finding small ways to make clients feel comfortable and valued. This makes all the difference in a tough economy.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Making your home a beautiful showplace is something of an obsession for you. You long to be surrounded by a variety of rich textures, vibrant colours, and inviting fragrances. Don't bother hiring an interior decorator; trust your instincts instead. Once people see the results of your work, they will ask you to help with their own decorating efforts. If you play your cards right, this could become a profitable sideline for you. Stranger things have happened!


Gemini (May22/Jun21) Surrender to your sentimental side. Usually, you're planning for the future. Today you're looking back at the past with a feeling of tenderness. Putting together a photo album, music compilation, or scrapbook for a friend's birthday is strongly advised. If you feel stressed, treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment. Too often, you ignore your body's needs, preferring to overcome aches and pains through sheer willpower. Stop trying to be tough and cut yourself a little slack.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Getting out of a rut should be your first order of business. Lately, you've been thinking about taking a writing class. Sign up now, while you're in a daring kind of mood. Your teacher will have a profound effect on the way you see the world. It's even possible the two of you will fall in love. Even if you don't, you may decide to form a professional partnership. Your leadership ability will get your instructor the acclaim they deserve.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Normally, you're quite self centred; today you're intent on waiting hand and foot on your amour. Attending to their every need brings you closer together. It will also emit some sexual sparks in the bedroom. Draw on your acting talent to fulfil a fantasy for your partner. If you're single, you could meet someone special at work. You're especially drawn to somebody who has a dry wit and an air of authority.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Someone has turned their full powers of seduction on you. It's hard to resist such temptation. Giving into your sensual side will be liberating. Too often, you listen to your head over your heart. Now you have a chance to embark on romance, you can afford to throw caution to the wind. If you're already in a relationship, this would be a great time to buy a house or start a family. Broach the subject over a candlelit dinner.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're very sensitive to your surroundings, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it will help you make several improvements to your household. There's no reason to follow your parents' example if it doesn't work for your lifestyle. Rearrange the rooms, reassign the chores, and get rid of the clutter. Money from a refund or inheritance allows you to buy some luxurious furnishings. Go ahead and indulge your love of the finer things in life.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're unique and a little provocative; no wonder why you cause a commotion wherever you go! Friends are inspired by your anything goes attitude, and may ask you to take charge of a group project. Take this on with the understanding you have ultimate veto power. Making decisions by committee has never been your style. Good news regarding a business deal makes you more relaxed about your financial future. At long last, you can turn down some odious jobs you were forced to take in the past.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your easygoing manner attracts lots of clients from outside your employer's normal customer base. Somehow, you manage to make everyone feel welcome. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise or promotion. Even your boss can't deny you've been an integral part of the business's success. If you work for yourself, find a way to expand your clientele with new services, products, and locations. Now is the time to think big; worriers will be left by the wayside.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your powers of salesmanship are at an all time high. Use them to convince someone to try a new service, invest in a business, or grant you a loan. If you need a scholarship, this is a great time to apply. Your persuasive essay will set you apart from all the other applicants. These days, it's refreshing to meet someone who refuses to fall prey to cynicism. An employer who is impressed by your positive attitude may reward you with a raise, promotion, or both.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Normally, you're pretty removed when it comes to romance. Today you can't get a certain someone out of your mind. Something about their voice, eyes, and smile makes you want to spend your whole life together. Go ahead and take the plunge. The two of you will make a very happy couple. If you've already made a commitment, head off to a romantic hideaway with your amour. Be sure to hire a babysitter to stay with the children; this should be an adults only holiday.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Your love life sizzles with excitement, so if you're looking for love, you could find it with a friend you've known for years. Although things have always been platonic between you in the past, you're starting to sense some chemistry between you. If you're already in a relationship take this chance to make a cherished wish come true for your amour. Your kindness and generosity will reap big rewards in the bedroom. Prepare for an evening of indoor fireworks!

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