Monday, July 5, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 5 July 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You'll have to revise big plans for the future. Don't worry; everything will fall into place once all the excitement dies down. Meanwhile, don't get depressed if you're forced to put certain goals on the backburner. Right now, your first priority should be your own health. Any job, relationship or arrangement that wears on your nerves needs to go by the wayside. Resist the urge to change your look in some radical way.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A government agency, hospital or university will go back on its word. Although this causes tremendous upheaval, it's really a blessing in disguise. Reconcile yourself to the fact that you need to make other plans. It's possible you will have to share home or office space with disruptive person. At first, your companion will drive you to distraction. Eventually you'll come to enjoy their company. Stranger things have happened.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A team effort is falling apart at the seams. It's impossible for such radically different personalities to get along. Instead of trying to hold everybody together, let people follow their own destinies. Improvements to your computer network may force you to work without the benefit of modern conveniences. Instead of cursing your luck, abandon yourself to more sedentary activities like reading, writing, and nature walks. You can still enjoy life without electronics!
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A sudden upset will occur on the job front. At first, your future will feel like it is in free fall. That may not be such a bad thing. Take this opportunity to explore industries that usually wouldn't appeal to you. You may be surprised to discover you have a knack for a technologically oriented field. It's just a matter of updating your skills. If your boss suddenly leaves, this may be your chance to take their spot.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're about to learn some shocking information about someone you love and trust. This news will radically alter your perception of your friend. That may not be such a bad thing. It's not very healthy to put anyone on a pedestal; it sets everyone up for disappointment. By taking a more balanced view of your friends and enemies, you'll avoid such shocks in the future. Nobody's perfect, as much as we'd like it to think we are.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) An unexpected expense puts a serious dent in your budget. If there's anything you hate, its feeling obligated. Maybe this is a message that you're less self sufficient than you realise. By learning to ask for help, you will develop important relationship skills. There's no harm in accepting generosity from others, especially when they're so eager to give it. Don't worry you'll soon have an opportunity to return the favour. In the meantime, learn to receive kindness with good grace.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A close relationship will show signs of strain. You may not realise it, but your best friend, lover or business partner needs more freedom. Don't be afraid to release your hold. Your friendship will remain intact. In the meantime, it's probably a good thing to become more independent. You have to admit, you have a tendency to relinquish certain responsibilities to others when it suits your purpose. This can make you soft and vulnerable.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A health problem could flare up again, causing you great frustration. Recognise the signals your body is sending and get medical attention. The sooner you deal with it the better. You'll probably have to scale back your schedule, but it's better than putting added strain on your body. Stop telling yourself you need to work overtime or cut back on sleep. Nothing is more important than your own wellbeing. If this makes your boss unhappy, that's too bad.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) An old lover from days gone by will make their way back into your life. Although it's flattering to be wanted, you shouldn't let that mar your judgement. There's a reason this relationship didn't work the first time around. Your ex may talk a good game, but he or she really hasn't changed since you last met. Keep your eyes open for someone who really appreciates you. It will make all the difference to your self esteem.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) After looking back at a childhood memory, you may see a family matter in a totally new light. Someone who once seemed like a villain will actually appear quite sympathetic. It just goes to show how experience alters one's perceptions. Changing your living situation may be necessary to accommodate a troubled relative. It's the least you can do to help. Don't worry; things will soon go back to normal. In the meantime, stay positive.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It looks like you'll have to cancel travel plans, so try not to dwell too much on your disappointment. It's better to wait to have the problem corrected than become victim to a faulty engine. If you happen to send an email or text in error, issue an immediate apology. Better yet, wait before sending any sensitive information, as wires have a way of getting crossed right now. Ignore an irritable neighbour who likes to complain about everything.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A source of income will dry up quite unexpectedly. Fortunately, you're very resourceful when it comes to situations like this. Finding a full time position may not be possible. Looking after someone's children or pets would be a good way to earn more cash. You'll enjoy the freedom of having more fluid hours. Besides, you're rather burned out from your previous job. Give yourself time to recover rest and reflect.

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