Monday, June 14, 2010

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 14 June 2010

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your zest for life informs everything you do. Take this opportunity to sneak away from your labours and enjoy some private time. Working on an invention or playing around with a software program will be a wonderful outlet for your imagination. Your distinctive personality will attract lots of romantic attention. You're especially drawn to a suitor who has a marvellous head of hair. The two of you make a good looking couple and turn heads wherever you go.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) A grant or government programme will help you buy a home or buy some beautiful furniture. Don't hesitate to treat yourself to luxuries. You're long overdue for a treat. News of a pregnancy is reason to rejoice. Throw a big party for your nearest and dearest. You won't have to spend a lot of money; just provide a warm, festive space for the gathering. Your guests can bring their favourite dishes and a bunch of children can make the decorations.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) You're a wonderful conversationalist who can talk about anything with anyone. Attending an impromptu party will be very stimulating. Someone who has a technically oriented job will be happy to discuss their work with you. You're always eager to learn new things. In exchange, you can discuss your own line of expertise. Don't be surprised if you develop a romantic interest in your new friend. The two of you feel an electric connection to one another. It's as if you were fated to meet.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) More money for luxuries becomes available, but you're hesitant to spend it. That's perfectly reasonable, given the current economy but it's important to give yourself an occasional treat, or you'll start to feel resentful and neglected. You work hard for your money. Using it to make your life easy and pleasant will take the sting out of those long days at the office. Be willing to propose an unorthodox idea to your boss. Right now, it pays to think outside of the box.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) An unexpected romantic encounter makes you feel like you're walking on air. It's great to know you can still make your partner weak in the knees. Single? You could meet someone special at a sporting event or competition. Keep your eyes open for an impulsive character who isn't afraid to speak their mind. An energetic youngster needs a physical outlet. Team sports will be a productive way for your young friend to burn off energy without getting into trouble.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep22) Keep a creative project secret for the time being. Being able to retreat to a private world helps you cope with stress. People may wonder what you do in your spare time. Let them speculate. It can be fun to be the subject of gossip. You're a lot more complicated than you appear. An unexpected legacy or inheritance gives you money for a new car, computer, or appliance. Choose a model that is well made and will serve you for years to come.


Libra (Sep23/Oct22) Your romantic partner or best friend has a lovely surprise. Be ready to accompany them on a glamorous trip. Of course, you'll need some beautiful clothes for this journey. Treat yourself to a shopping spree. People may accuse you of being wasteful, but they are just jealous of your good fortune. This is also a good time to sign a contract. This alliance will give you more time to spend with friends and family. You're tired of having to do all the work yourself.


Scorpio (Oct23/Nov22) Be ready to accept an unconventional work assignment. Just because these duties don't fit in your normal job description doesn't mean you should turn it away. By rolling up your sleeves and tackling the task at hand, you'll gain valuable experience. You'll also win the approval of your superiors. Don't be surprised if you're given a raise or promotion as thanks for your contributions. If you're looking for a position, apply to industries related to technology, air travel, or medical research.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec22) A youngster's spontaneous behaviour is an inspiration to you. You're tired of always doing what you're told and upholding social obligations. Breaking from the crowd will feel marvellously liberating. If you've been harbouring a crush on somebody, ask for a date. The object of your affection is very receptive to your particular brand of charm. A legal decision will go your way. Instead of shoving this victory in your opponent's face, celebrate it and move on. Nobody likes a sore winner.


Capricorn (Dec23/Jan20) An unconventional home life helps you form friendships with people you wouldn't otherwise meet. If you're thinking of moving, explore up and coming neighbourhoods. The more diverse the area, the better. Make an effort to meet your neighbours. Bringing over a cake is a great way to break the ice. Modern society encourages people to keep to themselves. By pushing past such barriers, you'll lead a rich, enjoyable life among friends.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A loving partner wants to put you at ease. Although you're not comfortable with physical displays of affection, try to accept these loving gestures or your partner will feel rejected. Take this opportunity to put your love into words. A card, poem, or love letter will strengthen your bonds of affection. If you're single, you could meet someone special on a message board or Internet dating site. Create a thought provoking profile to grab attention.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An unusual job could fall into your lap. Perhaps one of your colleagues will leave their post unexpectedly. This poses the perfect opportunity for you to move in and take over. You might be a little worried that you won't be able to handle your new responsibilities. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. In time, you'll develop your own style and may even surpass your predecessor. A big raise is in the cards for you. Everything is coming up roses!

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