Thursday, September 29, 2011

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Friday 30th September 2011

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Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're so busy focusing on the negatives you're left with no time to dwell in the numerous positives in your life! Just because you're feeling pushed and pulled in a number of directions doesn't mean there should be no time for yourself. Two different sets of people are fighting for your attention and it's hard to decide who to spend more time with. Give your love and affection to those who deserve it. An important turning point in all your relationships is reached as you decide on who should be given your priority.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) An emotional scene leaves you with a lot to think about; you feel inspired to take charge of your life and relationships. A situation is more relevant to you than others because you interpret signs and messages as being meaningful to you. It won't be easy explaining yourself to someone who is never going to understand you well. You have tucked your real feelings quietly away on a shelf at the back of your mind for too long now.


Gemini (May22/June21) An old friend or relative is hard work because they're sulking and they won't say why! It's getting too complicated trying to include loved ones and new acquaintances into all your plans and why should you feel this is necessary? What one person enjoys another will find boring and you're in the best position to decide who will get most benefit out of each opportunity. It's easy to let anxieties get on top of you today when no matter how hard you try someone is going to complain!


Cancer (June22/July23) Reasons why you love someone do not depend on any logical answers; don't let anyone tell you differently. A new friend seems to think your partner or another who is equally as important to you, has too strong an emotional dependence on you. This has never bothered you before and it doesn't matter to you that you're doing all the giving in this relationship. There have been plenty of times when the boot was on the other foot. A new acquaintance is hardly in a position to make judgements on what is after all, none of their business!


Leo (July24/Aug23) A change of scene will inspire and invigorate you. Whether you're off on a long journey or it is a short trip you're planning, just getting away from it all will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Someone you see regularly has been holding you back and you don't intend to let them get away with it any longer. Once you've had the chance to think it over and thanks to a supreme effort on your part, a nagging problem will soon be resolved.


Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Start putting together a long term financial plan if you want to get out of debt. Check your finances, make a list of your monthly outgoings then set a sensible budget. You also need to acknowledge some of your money problems weren't of your own making. Be firm with a spendthrift member of your family and don't hand out any more loans when you know you won't get the money back. Some people need to be reminded that money doesn't grow on trees!


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You might want to extend an olive branch rather than being in a state of perpetual anxiety due to a difference of opinions. Constant worry about crossing paths with someone you've fallen out with keeps you from making the most of occasions you would normally enjoy. If the person you've upset will not forgive you, at least you have tried to make amends. Their antipathy should not stop you from enjoying friendships with other people who aren't so stubborn or moody.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Dare you reveal your true feelings when this opens you up to attack from others? Keep a grip of your emotions as there are distracting influences around you. A persuasive person is trying to get more out of you than you are willing to give. Persuasion is ten per cent being right and ninety per cent being charming! Be sure therefore that you only fall for their charming thrust if you really believe in what they say. A loved one's confession is nothing to worry about.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're taking your responsibilities to others very seriously and you want to help people achieve their potential. Even if this means working at a slower pace to give those who don't think or act as quickly as you a chance to keep up. You've got the magic touch when it comes to impressing people. A mixture of flexibility and common sense puts you on top of a difficult situation. With your help, others will be able to achieve all they set out to do.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) There's a need to cut back on family and social engagements to meet your professional goals. Someone in authority is watching you and this is starting to make you feel tense and nervous. There is a danger, because of the pressure you're under, that you will lose sight of the wider perspective. Don't shut out your partner and other loved ones. They can give you the understanding and encouragement lacking within your professional relationships.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) The more pressure others put on you, the more stirred up you will get especially if their arguments have religious or moral overtones. Getting away from it all seems like the only way you can make sensible plans for the future. A message relating to travel will boost your morale. You aren't sure what to envisage for yourself in the long term but looking at your life from a distant perspective will help you see the wider picture.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) New aims will require focus and hard work. Exciting challenges are cropping up but you aren't sure you are ready or able to meet them. If you allow doubt to get the better of you and continue to trail after others, you will never feel any personal satisfaction. Not everyone will encourage you to go after what you want because it doesn't suit them to lose such a willing helper. You aren't switching loyalties by taking up new commitments.


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