Thursday, September 29, 2011

Peñon de Solis, the important Roman city of Ulisis 29312 Villanueva del Rosario

Villanueva del Rosario offers views of olive groves, homes and farms dotted by numerous dirt roads. One of these roads is rising at Llano del Hondonero, which has been improved and can easily be done by car. The village retains all the charm of the old layout and architecture. White houses one or two stories, which rise on either side of narrow streets and small squares. The strategic location of Villanueva del Rosario, in an area of passage between the inland areas of Andalucia and the coast and the abundance of water and mounds that make the defense have favored the presence of man in these lands since ancient . Proof of this are the numerous archaeological sites dating from prehistoric times, found along the foothills of the mountains of Camarolos and Jobo.

Despite the lack of documentation of other times, it is believed that there were Roman settlements, Arabs and Visigoths on the banks of its rivers. It is said that here was situated, namely in the area known as the "Peñon de Solis", the important Roman city of Ulisis. Across the municipality, are continuously remains of causeways and roads of Roman coins, glass, bangles, mosaic and remains of buildings that speak of the archaeological richness of the area


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