Friday, June 17, 2011

Horoscopes / Teen Deviyan: Tarot prediction by Monisha for 17 June 2011

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Horoscopes / Teen Deviyaan: Numerology prediction by Shelly for 17 June 2011

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Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Friday 17th June 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Showcase your talents to get the respect and recognition you deserve. Spread the word around that you're looking for new opportunities and let others know what you're capable of. Get seen in all the right places and don't say goodbye to anyone before handing over your business card. Let others know you are the person they are looking for while your communicational skills are strong. If you're given targets to meet, work out exactly how you will manage to reach them.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Financial cuts and new systems designed to make life easier are actually causing you a lot of stress. You're faced with some daunting business and financial challenges ahead. You could do with simplifying your personal finances. Weigh expenses against your income. Break annual expenditures down into monthly figures to make them easier to work with. Decide on exactly how much you have for entertainment and luxuries. If you must make cuts, you can do so and still find ways of having a good time.
Gemini (May22/June21) You're very introspective now, hardly noticing what's going on around you. Romance and the workaday world should be kept in separate compartments. A senior colleague expects your mind to be on the job and not on the social plans you're making with your friends and partner. When offered a penny for your thoughts don't say a word. At least make it seem as if you are concentrating on your work. Avoid making any silly commitments just to get someone off your back.
Cancer (June22/July23) There is a way to fit more into your life and still get time to yourself; to start with you need to be more organised. Wake earlier if you're in the habit of sleeping late in the mornings. Cut down on your socialising, spend less time on the internet and read less junk! If your family is important to you, make this your priority. Make a commitment to yourself that from now on you will waste less time on the things that don't matter so you have more chance to focus on what does!
Leo (July24/Aug23) You'll be doing right by deciding not to share knowledge you have recently gained with a competitor. Instead you might want to keep this information to yourself. At least until you work out how to use it to your advantage! Your recent efforts have been noticed by those who matter. You could be in line for promotion. Don't jeopardise this by saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. Using devious methods to try to damage a rival's reputation will backfire. It is not the time to bring secrets out into the open.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You need to resolve an issue that's causing tension in the family or close relationships will suffer. Blatantly ask personal questions if you need to know the answers to get to the root of the problem. It may be necessary to set new boundaries if youngsters in the family are exhibiting aggressive behaviour or are causing older relatives concern. The sooner you face this unpleasant task, the less chance it has to escalate into a bigger problem.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Building a network of allies is essential for you to feel there is always someone you can turn to. You can't expect any one person to always be there for you 24/7. Having a number of people you can turn to depending on the kind of support you need means you are never without a friend. Nothing should be taken for granted when it comes to friendship. You may have to prove your loyalty by keeping a friend's secret or dropping whatever you are doing to help someone desperately needs you.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Take the time you need to give further consideration to aspects of your life that haven't been going too well. If you are disappointed with a friendship, with your own behaviour or with a set of circumstances that aren't meeting up to your expectations, you need to review the situation. Ignoring disappointments in the hope it will all turn out well in the end isn't the best way to cope. To stop things going from bad to worse you need to take control and make some necessary changes.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If one person at home or at work isn't pulling their weight, ultimate results could be sacrificed. If you want to achieve less than the best, let others get away with shirking their responsibilities. To get the best results you need to know everyone is committed to the same goals. Those who aren't should be asked to leave. If you prefer to work on some tasks in peace, seek a favourite haunt of yours that's quiet and secluded. Actually managing to beat a deadline will give you a strong sense of relief.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You can expect some kind of reward for your current efforts and you feel more in control now. Activity is constant and in itself this will make you feel you are making progress. If others aren't in the mood to do anything serious you will be okay with that. You are happy to get on without their help. Quite apart from the fact you work better when left to your own devices, you will not feel like associating with a crowd. It will be easier to pursue a vigorous schedule by working alone.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Friends, relatives and neighbours are likely to invade your world; don't expect to get a lot of peace. You could find yourself involved in the affairs of an elderly person who has financial or health problems. Although no one will demand it of you, you may want to make a contribution to help them out of their difficulty. This may mean you will have to stretch yourself financially or you may have to pull out of regular social commitments. Despite this, you will resolve to do all you can.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A review of your current domestic situation is in order; in fact it will be given priority over all else. If you think giving in to a housemate or relative might give you an easier time, you should think again. Making a major effort to keep loved ones happy could result in your own work being neglected. This situation needs to be rectified. It may mean another spell at the grindstone in which case others need to respect they can't have you to themselves all the time. You have your own life to live too.