Sunday, January 6, 2008

Did you know? Numerology

Identity: These are words whose numeric value is an exact match. For example, the numeric value of "Adolf Hitler" is 110, which is the same numeric value as "Osama bin Laden" (as bad luck would have it, Adolf and Osama share the same Tarot card and birth path as well). Identities are common in some fundamental way, although the commonality may be very obscure. You might think of words as the siblings of their identities. Another interesting example of identity is "Death" and "Change", both words with a numeric value of 38.

I came across this information when I typed in my Christian name and birth date on the numerology page at

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Welcome 2008 - Is this the way to start the New Year?

Record high prices for crude. Did you miss the move to $100?
Watch this new video on trading crude it will enlighten you

to the possibilities that this market offers.

Record High prices for Gold. Did you miss the move to new
all time highs?

Watch my new 90 second video on trading gold. See how it is
possible to dominate this precious metal.

Soaring commodity prices. We say that's inflationary, the
government say's that inflation is under control. What does
your pocketbook say?

Take 90 seconds and watch my new video on how you can
protect yourself against inflationary commodity pressures in '08.

The dollar index hit a record lows in '07. Ron Paul (R) from
Texas, tells us that the government is robbing us blind by
devaluing the dollar. I will let you decide that one.

Watch my 90 second video on the dollar index right here. See
how you can protect your dollar purchasing power in '08.

Dollar Index:

In 2007 some stocks soared, while others tanked. Find out
how you can put these moves in your pocket and walk away a
winner in the stock market.


Here's how we see it. 2008 is going to be an unbelievably
good year for some investors and a disaster for others.
Nobody goes into a new year thinking that they are going to
lose money, but the hard truth is that's exactly what is
going to happen to investors who fail to learn the
irrefutable truth of the market place.

My five new videos show you how you can protect and grow
your nest egg no matter what happens to the economy.

Terror threat cancels Dakar Rally

Was this the right decision?

Is it not a Victory for Al Qaeda?

PARIS–The Dakar Rally, the epic motorcycle, car and truck race across the Sahara Desert, was cancelled yesterday by organizers citing "direct" threats of terrorism from Al Qaeda-linked militants.

The race was deemed too inviting a target for the terror group's new north African affiliate. The roughly 550 competitors were to have left today on the 16-day, 9,300-kilometre trek through remote and hostile dunes and scrub from Europe to Senegal in West Africa.

The men that participate in this sport are used to risks and I am sure that they would not fear Al Qaeda.

What does Osama bin Laden want?

Curtis Bowman: What Does Osama bin Laden Want?

The vexing question emerged again last week with the release of an audiotape on which the Qaeda leader seems to be speaking. ... - 42k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

I invite him to tell the world on this blog. Does he share my wish for world peace?

Friday, January 4, 2008

Cyber Dating - 2 letters from Donetsk

Yesterday I received 2 e-mails, one that I was waiting for in anticipation from Lee and the other that I was expectingfrom Ele. Before the New Year Ele had told me that she would not be able to write as the internet cafe would not be open until the 3rd as they celebrate the New Year in the Ukraine and that it is traditional to give a Christmas Tree. I had told Ele about Lee and that I was quite prepared to be a friend if she wanted. I don´t know if she fully understood what I had written in English, but I got the impression that she is still looking for something more. As Ele´s profile had been removed from along with some other lovely ladies from Donetsk, and in view of "the Makana Story" I did a search on Google and also using this
search engine
and there was nothing bad thank goodness

Lee and I are corresponding through and agency that offers a translation service. She would like to have given me her full name, but that this was against the agency rules. I can understand the agency protecting their clients, especially in view of "the human traffickers".

Lee´s letters are touching the heart and I just feel that she if a very genuine person. Ele´s words are not doing the same for me. I am amazed that one can get close to person just through correspondence.

Yes my tarot cards this morning are right. "You're somewhat lacking in self-confidence in your emotional relationships today, john. You'd like to go forward, but you don't have the courage to make the first move.". I want to make that move - It could be a fairy tale ending. There is only one woman for me and I don´t want to play the field.

I am glad that I did not reply to the other 10 ladies from ualadys that had wrote to me after seeing my profile. It was what Lee wrote in her first letter to me that rang true rather than her looks.

I am getting the impression that these lovely ladies from Russian and the Ukraine are looking for marraige, to and security rather than a way of getting entry into the USA or Europe. Yes for love, Not for Interest