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Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w/b Monday 28th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Be secretive if you want to get ahead; by lurking in the background you'll get on much faster. Essentially this will be a busy day when there is a lot going on and you will be on the go all the time. Even so there are some people who could hamper progress by being too inquisitive or interfering. If someone like this is allowed to take charge you will feel you could have accomplished more without their meddling. Stick to your own devices.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) There will be benefits through going along with the group and supporting joint endeavours. This would be far better than going out on a limb and telling the world how to do things and just what your views are. To speak too soon could result in some embarrassment when it could turn out you have been jumping to conclusions. Someone who appears to be attached to an over inflated ego could actually turn out to be extremely knowledgeable, experienced and considerate.
Gemini (May22/June21) You've always had a flair and ability to sound knowledgeable even if you don't know what you are talking about! Someone who has always looked up to you is starting to pick up on this. Once they do they could go to the other extreme and won't necessarily expect you to have strong views or sound knowledge on very much. With this in mind, today you should go out of your way to show that in some areas you actually are extremely proficient.
Cancer (June22/July23) Uncertainty or feelings of insecurity are an indication of a deeper lying issue that needs to be addressed. Blocking this out is a form of denial and is currently doing you no good. Something is bothering you and you are trying not to admit it, even to yourself. Your life would be far better if you faced this problem head on and worked to overcome it. Look to a loved one to cheer you up because your own stars seem to be on a one day strike!
Leo (July24/Aug23) Some people might think a rough budget is adequate but you know otherwise. Getting half way through an enterprise to find you've run out of money is not what any of you need. What you need to know and find out is that the funding put aside for this project will be enough. You aren't willing to take a gamble on estimated figures even if others are happy with the way things are going.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Some items on today's agenda you feel slightly apprehensive about won't be as bad as you imagine. If you are entering new areas of experience you are bound to feel nervous and this feeling will be strongest as the day begins. Later, you might notice all signs of nerves have disappeared. Heed any advice offered by a close friend or relative as this could turn out to be the key to your own success in certain situations.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) The health and safety implications of an outdoors event that's being planned could mean the whole thing isn't worthwhile. Either big changes will need to be made that put a damper on the whole occasion or big expenses will be incurred in order to abide by official rules. Neither option appeals and for this reason it might be agreed by all that plans are called off, or they are postponed until you find a safer venue.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Take time, today, to be alone, put your feet up and chill out and enjoy the wonders of this world. You need to relax more and you know it. You can't separate yourself from life experience but these days what you are experiencing is causing you a lot of stress. If you aren't able to spend much time alone at least choose to mix with people whose company is undemanding. Pass up on invitations that will mean meeting up with someone who can be a pest at the best of times.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Working within the limits set by a perfectionist will be more challenging than expected. You knew when you took this task on, how hard it was going to be but perhaps not this difficult! Someone's high standards are nigh on impossible to reach but not completely unachievable. An extra benefit coming from your determination to succeed will be you finding something out about yourself you never realised. Also, you'll learn persistence pays!
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A disappointment isn't the tragedy someone is making it out to be. Once you evaluate the situation it will quickly become apparent some difficulties have been exaggerated. Your sense of intuition is high and it will be perfectly safe to act on a hunch. New routines will add spice to your everyday life and present you with new challenges which stir you into action. People around you will be quick on the uptake if you make suggestions in a confident and assertive manner.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Where large amounts of money are concerned you need to be cautious and careful. A sensible approach to financial and legal matters will be for the good. For some reason, communications seem to be working at half throttle. Think about what you want to say before you say it as to get things going your way will all depend on getting the right reaction from others. If you feel drained by the end of the day, an early night and a really good night's sleep is the answer.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A team effort is starting to flounder and the 'Yes We Can' euphoria is long gone. Snags and difficulties have not only spoiled the progress of an operation but people who were enthusiastic in the past are starting to lose interest. Key supporters whose help you used to and still do, rely on are now drifting away. Call an extraordinary meeting to decide on the future of this enterprise. You can't make this decision alone.